Peg's Place - 2009

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Oh wow - some of the girls and Tio are out getting playtime in the rabbitry. They are having such fun....its fun to watch them run and binky - and yes- even chase each other a bit.

When we cleaned cages recently outside- Art brought them inside in a different order and I kept getting the thought that Meathead was upset not being on the floor level. She's now sitting in a floor level cage (Rachel's) and chinning it all over and letting me knokw that is what she wants by the way she will look at me - then chin the cage - then look at me again.

Isenstar also picked out a bottom cage she likes - then Tio decided to explore it (he's neutered). Issy kept looking at me and rolling her eyes - then came running out to explore - leaving the cage to Tio who is now playing I think.

Peaches 'N Cream is normally very shy and quiet - she even binkied a bit ago.

Oh- and Julia Roberts is trying to dominate everyone - then she came here to the living room to try and dominate the dogs.

Such fun....
About an hour or so ago I was sitting at my desk and heard some sort of thrashing around in the rabbitry. I looked in to see Mischief throwing himself back and forth in his the time I got in there (mere seconds) - he was on his side - he breathed once when I petted him and then he was gone.

I'm in total shock and just can't believe it...he was over 3 but still yet....he had been fine!

Here are some pictures of my dear sweet Mischief - he once won BOB at a show and then in the next show his twin brother took BOV and BOS.








RIP my handsome buck - you always made me smile cause you were such a mischief...
Oh Peg, I'm so sorry! :hug: I'm sorry you had to witness that, but it's good that he had his mama with him right at the end, so he could cross the Bridge without being scared. He was a gorgeous buck!
I suspect we're going to lose Roary too before I leave. Poor guy - he's had a really rough life in some ways - a good life in other ways.

He turned out to have maloclussion really bad and we've had to trim his teeth very often.

He's very cool tonight (was wrapped in a towel) and isn't interested in his food or water very much. I suspect he'll be gone when I wake up in the morning or by tomorrow afternoon.

He's not in any pain...just ... well...when I look into his eyes - I see he's ready to go so I'm only seeking to help make him comfortable.

I got him at the same time I got Miss Bea....and in fact, I bred him to her once and got UB (Ugly Bunny) out of it. That was before we knew he had maloclussion of course...
:bunnyhug: peg i am so sorry. what a beautiful little fluffbun - it's a small consolation but you were with him at the end.

binky free little mischief:rainbow:
I got up to find a note on my desk from Robin - Roary died - 3:39 am. I'm assuming she was with him since she knew the exact time.

They say that death comes in threes - we had an old doe pass away last week - lets hope this is the end of the cycle.
I went to pick up Mercury today for his playtime and went "oof" cause he was so I weighed him.

The little (big?) stinker is now 10 pounds 15 1/2 ounces.

I can't believe how my babies are growing!
TinysMom wrote:
I got up to find a note on my desk from Robin - Roary died - 3:39 am. I'm assuming she was with him since she knew the exact time.

They say that death comes in threes - we had an old doe pass away last week - lets hope this is the end of the cycle.
I'm so happy....I know my trip is going to be horrid and my mom is going to drive me up the wall - so Art & I splurged on me a few minutes ago - we bought me an 8" digital photo frame that will not only show photos and slideshows but plays videos and is also a clock with an alarm.

So I can take VIDEOS of my babies with me - along with photos...

Maybe I will survive this trip...if I can figure out how to use this thing.
TinysMom wrote:
I'm so happy....I know my trip is going to be horrid and my mom is going to drive me up the wall - so Art & I splurged on me a few minutes ago - we bought me an 8" digital photo frame that will not only show photos and slideshows but plays videos and is also a clock with an alarm.

So I can take VIDEOS of my babies with me - along with photos...

Maybe I will survive this trip...if I can figure out how to use this thing.
Awesome, what a man! I'm glad it helps you feel a little more positive about the trip.
Waaah....I don't wanna go to mom's....I'm procrastinating on everything here....and I leave in less then 12 hours.

I wanna snuggle Zeus, Nyx, and all the flemmies in my suitcase - but I don't think they'd allow it - and I wouldn't have any clothes to wear.
Well = this will probably be my last post until I try and check in from Maine. I am *almost* ready to go - we'll probably leave in about 45-50 minutes.

I almost broke down crying when I held Zeus earlier. I'm gonna miss him so much.

The good thing is - I have a digital photo frame loaded with over 100 pictures plus some of my type of music for me to sleep by.

Oh well - off to finish packing.