I think I'm about done w/ videos - this next set of photos is of Nyx learning to serve herself...don't know why they're so blurry - I must've really messed up my camera settings and been in a hurry to get the pics..
Oooh - look - I found where they keep the calf manna
[/align][align=center]Its pretty good straight out of the container...
Yep - think I'll get seconds...
See - I didn't make it go down THAT much...
So this is where the hay comes from - and I can bug Aggie too - thats fun!
Wow - when they mix up the food and use the scoop to put it into the bucket - they put the scoop down here...
Hey - there is the bucket!
Wow - there is stuff in there too....
But wait - why mess with the bucket when you can go right to the place where they mix the food?
Now this is FINE dining for me...