Peg's Place - 2009

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Athena is....interesting. She started out very shy - now that she's come out of her shell - she climbs up on my computer chair (if I'm not in it) and she gets up on my desk if she can. She loves to run and play and in some ways I feel like she has the personality of a holland lop or a lionhead. Its hard to explain...but when I come out in the morning she sits right by her cage door waiting for playtime. I am working with her to socialize her some - but she prefers play over pets.

Nyx loves to play - but she's also affectionate at times. She will frequently come to me during playtime and nudge me for a pet or two. She doesn't understand why SHE has to be caged when the dogs run free....and she'll go in her cage pretty good - but boy she wants out when the day starts.

Sophia is my cuddle bun...she likes to play - somewhat - but she really loves to come to me and snuggle with me. She is almost as affectionate as Tiny was after living here over 2 years...and she's only been here a short time.

I'm seriously leaning towards breeding Mercury with both Sophia and Nyx...not 100% sure yet. So there should be some good choices coming out of our herd for pet and show babies (I hope).
Since I'm uploading and cropping over 200 pics - I'm sure I'll be up for a while more...

From last week - I was trying to convince Sophia she didn't need to sleep in her litter worked for a bit before she went back to the litter box.

I suspect she needs a bigger basket.

By the way - I forgot to add - Mercury hit 10 pounds today!


Sophia picked up her little ball last week and put it on top of a pile of poops (in front of me) that she'd made outside of her litter box.

I couldn't resist.

I'm sure you can tell just by my voice - that Sophia is my favorite (although Nyx and Athena are really really special too). After the girls retire from breeding at 2 1/2 or so - they will be neutered and Sophia will definitely live her life out here....but if the other girls find a good home (I will let them meet potential people and then let them decide and show me) - then I will let them go to be pet rabbits.

Hrrrrm....I might want a Sophia/Mercury baby. Of course....whatever happens, happens because I'd want one next fall.


I NEED to head to bed now (work tomorrow..yuck), so I am going to watch the other videos you posted, tomorrow.
I think I'm about done w/ videos - this next set of photos is of Nyx learning to serve herself...don't know why they're so blurry - I must've really messed up my camera settings and been in a hurry to get the pics..

Oooh - look - I found where they keep the calf manna

[/align][align=center]Its pretty good straight out of the container...

Yep - think I'll get seconds...

See - I didn't make it go down THAT much...

So this is where the hay comes from - and I can bug Aggie too - thats fun!

Wow - when they mix up the food and use the scoop to put it into the bucket - they put the scoop down here...


Hey - there is the bucket!

Wow - there is stuff in there too....

But wait - why mess with the bucket when you can go right to the place where they mix the food?

Now this is FINE dining for me...

TinysMom wrote:
Sophia picked up her little ball last week and put it on top of a pile of poops (in front of me) that she'd made outside of her litter box.

I couldn't resist.


the tate modern art museum would love this as an exhibit! far better than the c:censored2:p they usually show;)
I'm about to take Mercury out for his first outside playtime...should be interesting..
I'm so excited....I was just looking at the pedigrees for the flemmies.

To be honest with you - I feel like the top two "show quality" ones are Mercury and Sophia and I planned to breed them together because they are such a perfect match and they are developing VERY nicely.

Now I know why...they both have the same father (if I remember right - he's a multiple winner too). He is Jack Langley's BEST light grey buck...

I can hardly wait to see this line develop.
I've had some questions privately about why I'm writing/sharing pictures of the girls so much and not Mercury and Hermes.

Well - one thing is - those guys are QUICK...its hard to get a picture unless they're asleep...and they're messy in their cages so I don't wanna risk taking a picture of them in their messy cage even though they get cleaned a lot.

But also - Hermes has developed two large bumps - one on his back and one on his leg. We think we've figured out how he got them (let's just say that for a bit there he loved to hassle the he has a healthy respect and stops trying to mount our male cat).

Anyway - we had to shave the fur around the two lumps so we could monitor them and upon aspiration they were found to be of which I was able to drain last night because it was about to break.

So you won't be seeing Hermes (the white one) for a bit cause he's half naked...and not overly thrilled with me.
TinysMom wrote:
I'm so excited....I was just looking at the pedigrees for the flemmies.

To be honest with you - I feel like the top two "show quality" ones are Mercury and Sophia and I planned to breed them together because they are such a perfect match and they are developing VERY nicely.

Now I know why...they both have the same father (if I remember right - he's a multiple winner too). He is Jack Langley's BEST light grey buck...

I can hardly wait to see this line develop.
I want one from Sophia and Mercury! I really want a "real" Flemish. I love the looks of the well bred ones. Plus, Mercury is the cutest dude around and Sophia (as you said) is the sweetest!
If the babies Sophia gives are anything like her - better expect to have a flemish that wants to sit in your lap or something...

If I could get Zeus to accept her - I'd bring her in the bedroom because she loves to cuddle so much. But alas - I don't think he'll go for that- at least not right now...
TinysMom wrote:
If the babies Sophia gives are anything like her - better expect to have a flemish that wants to sit in your lap or something...

Thats what I want!!

We will just have to see when we get all moved to NY, when we can get a Flemish around your breeding schedule. I have 7 weeks of groom school to get out of the way, first, lol. We are hoping Ryan can land a job at the brand new Target Distribution center or something...they are paying $14/hr...which is darn good for Johnstown area. This will be until he goes through the IT courses...then he can hopefully get a really good IT job!

I am already dreaming of buying a house with a perfect grassy backyard with a huuuuuuge rabbit-safe run!