Peg's Place - 2009

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I'm flying home tomorrow - woo hoo! I can hardly wait - 24 hours from now I'll be on my way home.

I love staying at Ali's....still trying to figure out how to sneak Theresa, Ringo & Dallas into my carry-on and convince the security folks at the airport that I thought they were stuffed bunnies (they'd just eaten??).

Actually - I'd steal ALL of Ali's bunnies...but I have to leave her someone...

Talked to Art today and he said one night this week Zeus was actually AFFECTIONATE with him and snuggled up against him while he was sleeping....

I wanna go home...
TinysMom wrote:
I'm flying home tomorrow - woo hoo! I can hardly wait - 24 hours from now I'll be on my way home.

Talked to Art today and he said one night this week Zeus was actually AFFECTIONATE with him and snuggled up against him while he was sleeping....

I wanna go home...

Have a safe trip!

Zeus probably was missing his mama and had to snuggle Art as a substitute....I wonder if Zeus will give you "the back", or any number of bunnyslave punishments, for being gone so long? Or will hejust be oh-so-glad to see you?
TinysMom wrote:
I am NEVER leaving home again if I can help seems like things always go wrong with food or a virus or something else.

I'll share more later - but for now - RIP Tio & Harriet.
I guess it is time to do the "share more later" - huh?

The day before I posted this about Tio and Kyo - Art called me and was very concerned. It seems like we lost 4 rabbits in one day (by the end of the day - it turned out to be 6 rabbits).

Art & Robin did everything they could do - change food - change hay - check water bottles - etc. etc.

Some of the rabbits were related - but not many. They weren't all in the same area. Rabbits in other areas of the house - not affected at all.

Last Thursday Tio & Harriet died - I thought my heart was going to break.

Friday things looked a bit better - Saturday they turned worse - and on Sunday I learned that Saphira, Issy (Isenstar) and Meathead (along with Recharged) had all passed away.

The strange thing was - the flemmies and Californians were was the lionheads and Tio (Nethie) who were dying.

I spoke to Cathy (Blue Giants) at the rabbit show and the first words out of her mouth were, "You have a virus".

Why didn't I see that? We were looking at food - at water - at hay - at everything else to consider what was wrong. We were even trying to see if freon from the air conditioner was leaking into the rabbitry.

I called Art and told him how to deal with it....(20% Clorox solution for the cages and let it set for at least 20 minutes before rinsing off).

Fortunately - the virus seems to have run its course - no more deaths since Sunday afternoon. (Thanks Dave for listening to me when I called up crying and asking for prayer - I probably wasn't doing too well right then).

We lost several rabbits while I was gone - the number is heartbreaking and when I think of my beautiful bunnies that I loved so makes me cry. In many ways - I'm glad I wasn't here to watch the bunnies I loved so much pass on.

So - in remembrance of my babies - here are the ones you knew...

Before the virus (old age or unknown cause of death):















Issy (Isenstar):











Plus others that you did not know.

RIP my darling babies - I loved you so much and am so sorry I couldn't be here for your passing....

[align=left]A special thanks goes out to Cathy and all the other breeders at the show who helped me with this - from sharing their own experiences and how many they've lost to viruses like this - to just listening to me and letting me cry. It helped me so much to know I'm not alone and that others have had this happen also.

I learned that this can very easily happen during the change in seasons and we are going to put in place some new preventative measures to keep this from happening again.

However - in a space of four days - we lost over 15 rabbits - most of them during two separate days (Thursday and Sat night/Sunday morning).

OMG Peg I dont know what to say I am so sorry for your loss I know words can not begin to describe the pain and suffering u must b in. Again I am sorry
Thanks everyone. I just got a pm from Cathy (BlueGiants) and she stated that it really does sound like a virus considering how it ran through the rabbitry.

Rabbits were showing no signs of illness - no diaherrea - no mucous - nothing.

They'd just lay down - start having breathing problems a bit later - and 6 hours after the start - they were dead.

As she stated - the "upside" of this (in order help me keep my sanity I think) - is that now my herd is "stronger" for those who have built up an immunity from this experience.

It is so hard though to look out into the rabbitry or walk out into the rabbitry and see all that empty space where cages used to be.

I must go on - I keep telling myself this - I must go on.

Oh - and I hope to get pictures soon of my flemmies - they have really developed since I've been gone and they ROCK.

P.S. I forgot to mention that Ali was really really strong for me through this - even when we lost Tio (who she cared about) - she was there for me to cry on. I really appreciate her.
I'm stealing Ali's picture to put it here (if it winds up working).

You have to remember - this picture was taken at the END of the day...we were all tired.

Roger (RAL Rabbitry), Cathy (BlueGiants), Me, Ali (JadeIcing) and Sharon (Starlight Rabbitry)


Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Give Nyx a nose rub for me.

I will- when I can catch her.

One of the first things I did last night was to let the girls out to play.

BIG mistake...big big mistake.

Did I mention they might be big - but they're STILL fast???

I need to share more picturesas she is getting pretty darn big...
I couldn't find my good camera - but Nyx was out playing and I decided to get some updated pics of her today...





NorthernAutumn wrote:
She's getting SO BIG!
Yes...she definitely is getting BIG...and to think she's not fully grown yet...

She is close to the size Tiny was shortly before he died...and she's still so young.

Oh wow - I just found out there are two flemish giant specialty shows in Texas on November 21st.

Starting to save my pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters for the gas....
TinysMom wrote:
I'm stealing Ali's picture to put it here (if it winds up working).

You have to remember - this picture was taken at the END of the day...we were all tired.

Roger (RAL Rabbitry), Cathy (BlueGiants), Me, Ali (JadeIcing) and Sharon (Starlight Rabbitry)


That was very amazing day! So much fun!