Peg's Place - 2009

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NorthernAutumn wrote:
I vote for top of the line smoke detectors, and a sprinkler system.
Yeah - I need to start pricing those too and I know Pam Nock recommended a special type of fan to put in the top that is used for poultry (due to all their feathers and stuff).

I am really really excited about finally have the guts to start planning for this and putting some money aside every payday. I am pretty sure Art's inheritance from his mom's estate won't come in until at least next spring - I'd like to have this up before then... the name of Athena ... is driving me up the wall today.

I've been using Art's computer- so she's been jumping up into my chair - then onto my desk - or onto the telephone table on the other side of the chair...and knocking things onto the floor- and did I mention that somebunny (not sure it was her) chewed on my headset cord that was hanging down below the top of the desk a bit?

I set down with her and petted her for a bit (AFTER Robin moved my chair) and I got lots of kisses - and then nips when I stopped.

I'm glad to see she's coming out of her shell...but she almost is making Nyx look like an angel...

Ya think Nyx put her up to it?
I hope to upload more pics later today - I even got some of Queen Athena in MY chair....
TinysMom wrote: the name of Athena ... is driving me up the wall today.

I've been using Art's computer- so she's been jumping up into my chair - then onto my desk - or onto the telephone table on the other side of the chair...and knocking things onto the floor- and did I mention that somebunny (not sure it was her) chewed on my headset cord that was hanging down below the top of the desk a bit?

I set down with her and petted her for a bit (AFTER Robin moved my chair) and I got lots of kisses - and then nips when I stopped.

I'm glad to see she's coming out of her shell...but she almost is making Nyx look like an angel...

Ya think Nyx put her up to it?
Not my girl!;)
I figured out why Nyx is the way she isn't Dave & Karen....its because she knows Autumn halped name her and she wants to be just like her "Auntie Autumn" when she grows up...

Wabbitdad12 wrote:
She certainly didn't get it from me, I am so sweet people gain weight just looking at me.:biggrin2:

Man...and here I thought it was the pizza that made me weigh more the day after we saw you guys...

You could've warned us!
I'm so excited- I got the pedigrees for my babies...woo hoo!

First off - my girls are older than my boys...

Sophia is the oldest - she was born March 6th.

Athena was born March 23rd.

Mercury was born April 15th.

Hermes was born April 20th.

Also - Hermes does not carry black directly in his lineage like I thought - but he does carry steel. Maybe Mr. Langley was telling him I could breed him to black or something...I was so excited and confused that day.

Anyway - just had to share those dates!
Yes - there is a good chance I will have both steel flemish and light gray flemish...and also white flemish.
TinysMom wrote:
Yes - there is a good chance I will have both steel flemish and light gray flemish...and also white flemish.

I decided that I want light grey.....see my post on the main part of the forum!
Here I thought you were gonna make a joke about how you want to "steel" one of my flemmies...
I thought I'd share a bit about my "dream" barn that I'm working on designing. I'm so excited about it- and I'm hoping to start setting aside money towards it starting next month.

First of all - if we can get permission from the city to have a building this size on our lot - I want a 12' X 32' garage style building. You can see them here - I want one styled like the 12' X 20' barn style you can see (click on it for a bigger look).

I chose the garage style for the ramp and also because it seems to be built heavier to hold more stuff...

I want the "front" area - where the garage door is and where the side door is - to be partitioned off from the main area - it will have a couch and a play area and a grooming area, etc.

I want to put these doors or something like them up to partition the front area off from the back area.

The "rest" of the barn will have the animals - I'm not sure how many feet I'm looking at - I'm guessing 12' X 20' or so. This is where the hard part comes in...

Do I want cages along one wall and play areas along the other wall? Do I want cage areas near the front (or back) and then the play areas in the other space?

What else do I want - should I get a 4' loft? What about getting a back door too for more access in case of an emergency?

I think I want to add extra windows (I hate dark rooms) - so maybe I'll have 2 windows on each side - and maybe one window in the back....

I love the woodbenches they can install (24" wide) - I'm thinking about having those installed along one side of the "public" area to use for grooming, etc.



The worst part is going to be getting water to it - I think we're going to need to talk about that.

Oh - and also - my flemmie mamas when they have babies - will need more space and should I save the back area for them?
