Peg's Place - 2009

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Here are some pics since Nyx came home...



[/align]When I mentioned to Dave that I was bringing bottled water with me (for her at the hotel) - he said she preferred Avian. Well...we bought a special "Italian bottled water" thing for her...(it tastes Nasty too)....but she's getting nothing but the second best for her water - "Sam's Choice" (from Walmart). All of the flemmies are on bottled water since our water is hard.


[/align]There's her cell phone - a 'Princess' cell phone by Disney. She got it taken away after we heard calling to put a contract out on Lord Thumper. I hope he appreciates our efforts to protect his life!

[/align]Mitzi is trying to figure out what is so special about Nyx...



Nyx is hilarious - she spent about 5 hours today having playtime and running all around and exploring. Now whenever we open her door - she thinks its her cue to come running out again - so we have to be quick!

Now for a somewhat long blog entry - sorry - no pics - but sharing about the bunnies and our life.

First of all - Nyx. I must admit I was a bit worried about getting another black flemish giant again...even if I was getting a female. Sometimes I find myself calling "Zeus" telling Art, "I need to pick up carrots for Tiny..".

However - whenever I look at Nyx - I don't see Tiny....I see Nyx. I don't even think of Tiny. She is also so unlike my other flemish girls that...well...she's just Nyx.

She is almost like having Miss Bea - in a black flemish giant body. She's most definitely a DIVA bunny and has thoughts of her own. She is about 2 months younger than the other girls (even if she is close to their size) and it shows in her actions.

You would think that coming in and being the youngest girl that she would merge well with the girls at playtime - right? (I was prepared to separate them).

Nope - she definitely has the strongest personality of the three of them (I think it was because she was brought up inside a home by a loving family (Dave & Karen) and she is just very sure of herself). She is willing to explore and climb and go places the other rabbits would never have thought of going.

I almost think of her as a lop or lionhead or Nethie - trapped in a giant rabbit's growing body. I have a feeling when she's fully grown - I'll have an idea of what Miss Bea would've been like had she been 18 or 20 pounds. (Heaven help us all).

Yet the others all still have their own unique personalities and it is such fun to watch them and interact with them. Let me share.

Sophia is my Baby...and she is definitely becoming a heart bunny. Whenever I walk by her cage - she usually expects me to open the door and pet her. She loves to be petted...a lot. She will sometimes come out to my desk (beside the rabbitry) at playtime and nudge me on the leg - hoping for a treat or at least a pet.

Athena is far more shy. She prefers to be in the back of her cage - and yet when she knows its almost playtime - she'll sit towards the front now and wait for her door to open. Its obvious she loves to come out and stretch her legs and run around. I need to take more time with her - to pet her and socialize her - but its hard a bit cause my natural instincts go towards petting Sophia. Still yet - starting next week - my goal is going to make time daily to sit on the floor with her and love on her.

Mercury is a HOOT. I couldn't find him the other day during his playtime - turned out he'd jumped back UP into his cage on his own. He loves to run and play and binky and he is just so spirited. He also likes pets when I walk by - not all the time - but almost as much as Sophia. It is so funny to watch him hop along on the floor (tile) with his feet flying out behind him as he tries to adjust to the floor again during his playtimes. Tonight he heard us feeding in the rabbitry during his playtime - so he came running into the rabbitry and tried to attack the bucket. If he hears me say "suppertime" - he'll come running too. He hates to be picked up and put in his cage at the end of playtime - but he doesn't fight anymore.

Hermes is in some ways like Athena. He loves to play and binky and run and stuff like that - like a little kid. But he's pretty shy and a bit of a scaredy bun. If he and Mercury are out and in the same room - he'll take off running if Mercury comes near him. At times - Mercury has been caged for chasing Hermes and he's learned the word "no" and knows that if I tell him no and he chases - he will lose the rest of his playtime. So they are doing good - although I frequently try to keep them in different ways till Hermes finds his way out of a room.

Sometimes Sophia reminds me of a friend....Mercury and Hermes are like little kids you like to watch play and Athena is the shy girl in the corner - wanting to be noticed...but not knowing what to do. I need to build up her self-confidence.

In addition - I have to talk about Zeus. He was always special - but now that he is feeling more secure in our love - he' much different. Its like someone put batteries in him and he's wound up and can enjoy life now. He gets into mischief a lot - and doesn't hesitate to come try and fight me to get my papers or book from me if I'm reading or writing on the bed. He'll grab my glasses and drop them over the side of the bed - and when I take a nap - he'll lay stretched out right beside me - with his back legs and feet extended out beside him. He comes up to Art and begs and nudges him for pets and is no longer jealous of Art.

When I think of how he must have felt all these months - wondering when he was going to be returned to the shelter - I feel so bad for him.

He told the animal communicator that he's proud of me trying to learn animal communication to work with him and that he hears me even if I'm not getting his responses. He's also afraid of her leaving him and she told him that she has grown to love him too and he doesn't have to worry about that.

What amazes me is that everytime Arlene and I chat - I know she's real because she'll tell me something that she had no way of knowing. For instance - she said to me, "Are you changing your job to work more out of the home? Zeus is worried he's not going to see you as much and I think you need to talk to him about this."

Duh. Art & I had talked the night before about it - never realized that Zeus might understand some of it - but one of the things I'd said to Art was, "I want to still have enough time for Zeus.."

She also told me that Aggie likes to stand up and put her front paws on my shoulder and beg me to just love her - and she told me how she sits in her cage and watches me sometimes and wants me to come and just pet her. She said Aggie is an outcast among the other bunnies (very true) and that she's shy and like a little kid. Also true.

Anyway...that's about the bunnies - now about our lives.

I'm learning (again) that sometimes bad things happen to us - to show us good things or open us up to receive good things.

First of all - when we were turned into Animal Control - my heart was broken and I was ready to just go out and shoot myself. I couldn't begin to think of rehoming all of my animals in 7 or 10 days. Then we worked with them - they approved of our new setup....and we have a routine down for cleaning cages, etc.

The girls aren't happy about being caged (I hope to start giving them playtimes twice a week) - but they are adjusting well. I've made it so we have boy/girl/boy/girl cages and they often spend their times flirting through the bars and the boys are so happy to have girls beside them.

In addition - I found out Tuesday that my favorite job is ending September 30th as Proctor and Gamble is outsourcing their military reps to another company (Acosta). Suspecting that was going to happen - I came across a job description of doing almost the same thing - but in more stores - and I applied.

I was offered the job today - and they removed the stores I didn't want to handle due to distance.

Plus - Acosta hasn't contacted me yet because they were trying to staff the larger military stores first. I found out that they're starting pay is probably going to be $10 / hour in this area (I was making $11 plus mileage).

So it looks like I might be able to do both jobs - depending upon how many hours Acosta wants - I had been doing 6 hours but they're asking for more hours from what I've heard. I already have 16 hours with this other company.

My new company job will bring in about $1000 per month between the car allowance and the hourly wage (I was making $350 per month for only 6 hours per week).

So yes - it will mean more work - especially if I take both jobs. I'll be working probably 25 hours per week and making around $1600 or so...but that is money we can really use right now (thinking of bunny barn and bills and stuff). I'm hoping to make things so I'll have one day off per week during the week.

My point?

Sometimes bad things happen to us - but they're there to open our eyes to changes we need to make or can make - that will in the long run - make our lives better.

Just my .02 ~ feel free to keep the change.
Holy long post! Good to hear updates on everybunny, though! :)

Poor Nyx getting her cell taken away! Poor girl was just trying to order so hay... She swears! ;) (On a side note, I'd love to see a bunny using a cell phone - lol) Great pictures!

Don't leave us, Peg (even for a little while)! How can you be glum with a hoard of bunnies to tend to? If I had that many bunnies, I'd clear a space in the rabbitry and lay down on the ground in there. Maybe try crowd surfing with bunnies? Who knows! The possibilities are endless with bunnies in bulk! (Oh, shoot. Just go hug a Flemmie already! :p)

[align=center]I MISS MY BUNNIES!

[align=left]We're visiting Eric - came up yesterday afternoon - Art & Eric are both asleep and all I want to do is cuddle with a bunny now that I'm awake...and I have no bunny to cuddle with.


Or Nyx! She's a seasoned traveler now, you know! ;)

Thanks for including updates about our's fun to hear how she's adjusting. She looks very happy!

I am enjoying the rabbits so much now....the flemish giants are really a blast. I got some pictures today of Sophia and Nyx - I hope they turn out well - I still need to upload them and crop them a bit.

Nyx is becoming more friendly - and more confident of herself. First of all - she'll come up and nudge me on the leg for pets...and that makes me very happy. HOWEVER, whenever I go to put her in her cage - she will try to nip me to keep from going back in. She doesn't seem to understand that just because she can be out for 5-8 hours at a time - she still needs to be caged so others can have play time. In her mind - she's the important one (and she is important).

More to come later - and pictures sometime soon I hope...
I'm SOOO excited - my "Red Cross Soothing Baby Scale" came today - I got it off Ebay for about 1/2 price (or less??). It even plays music when you weigh the "baby" (aka "bunny").

Now to get it set up and get some weights....
We just weighed some of the flemmies.

Full grown - Zeus is 8 pounds 13 ounces

At 13 weeks - Nyx is 8 pounds 8 ounces

At around 5 months (I think - waiting on pedigrees but Mr Langely has been out of town for a month...)...

Mercury - 9 pounds 0 ounces
Athena - 10 pounds 10 ounces
Sophia - 11 pounds 0 ounces

I need to do Hermes later tonight - the girls are getting playtime right now...

Sophia & Nyx...

Who couldn't love a face like that?


This is "all you can eat" hay....right? Why do you keep it where we have to hunt for it?



[align=center]Let's be friends...



[align=center]What mischief should we get into now?

[/align][align=center]Hey....we conquered the dog pillow....what's next?[/align][align=center]

Finally - Sophia discovered the hay on her own....[/align][align=center]

TinysMom wrote:
Testing for size what I want to use for my new signature


I just love this one! The gray flemmie (Sophia, I think?) peeking over the leopard spotted blanket - priceless! You just gotta love those long, gorgeous ears, and her expression that says, "Hey! What's going on here?!"

Then there's the dead bunny flop...

And Nyx...

And Zeus...

And the 3-bunny noses touching picture...

And the side-by-side bunnies....


Well, I just love the WHOLE thing!

Actually - none of them are of Zeus - both the white ones are Hermes....and the girl peeking over the pillow is Athena (but you were close - it was a girl).

Sophia has a bigger nose/face....

Nyx is about to drive me up the wall this morning - she wants her playtime but the boys are getting playtime - so she's been standing on her hind legs trying to figure out how to get out of a cage that has a top...and dancing along the side as she moves around to find an opening. Then she looks at me and stomps.

She's certainly a character - a much loved character!