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Yesterday was a "shoot me" day. Ok .. so it was a "photo shoot me" day...but by the end of the day, I was ready to shoot me!

Why is it rabbits will sit in their cage in a posed position - but putthem on a table to take their photos...and they won't cooperate at all.

Still yet - here are some of the photos I took:

sable point doe I was trying to decide on whether or not to keep

Himi (pointed white) lionhead that is already presold for LionheadNationals - she is definitely a teddy style (very very fluffy)

Chinchilla buck - I believe you saw him here when he was young too....he's so cute..

Broken Chinchilla buck - most of my broken bucks are "teddy" style andhe looks like that in the picture - but I actually think he's going toshed out and be nice. I am thinking seriously of keeping him sincepeople love brokens and I'd like to work with chinchilla a bit...

This is a broken black doe who has MAJOR attittude. She was tenativelysold but then the person decided to get a broken tort buck from meinstead. So now I'm trying to decide...keep her? Sell her?

She is a teddy but I do NOT think she will shed out..


This is Romance's latest litter. She is actuallygoing to have a break for a couple of months or longer before she isbred again - but at the advice of a reputable breeder, I bred her whenher last litter was like 6 or 8 weeks old so I could have more of herbabies (and the sire's babies) for Lionhead Nationals. At the time, wethought that the sire was unable to get a doe pregnant so I was shockedwhen she actually had her litter.

Frosted Pearl doe - probably the "worst" of the litter as far as show-quality goes..

REW buck - the pick of the litter as far as show quality goes...really nice rabbit - may keep him

Another look at him

Sable point doe - very nice - 2nd pick of the litter

Golden Fawn doe - not as nice as the first two picks but for a doe she isn't all that bad either....
He is so much fun too - of the pics I sharedthere - he is my favorite - not so much for looks but for personality.His broken black sister is bossy and has a very strong personality -whereby he is more..."playful" maybe? He will sort of play peek-a-bookwith me through the cage bars and when I go to feed him he brings hisfood bowl closer to the door.

I will have to share more of his photos as he really is nice.I think when he sheds out and has a clean saddle he will be awesome.

Part of the reason I can't decide on keeping him finding a namefor him. He deserves something Rhett Butleror Clark Gable or something....recognizable? He's definitely not aJimmy Stewart or John Wayne though..more...elegant?


Butterfinger wrote:
:D I love your pictureof the broken chinchilla buck. It's like he's posing forVogue. "What, me? Gorgeous? ... Tell me more,dahling."
TinysMom wrote:
He is so much fun too - of the pics I shared there - he ismy favorite - not so much for looks but for personality. His brokenblack sister is bossy and has a very strong personality - whereby he ismore..."playful" maybe? He will sort of play peek-a-book with methrough the cage bars and when I go to feed him he brings his food bowlcloser to the door.

I will have to share more of his photos as he really is nice.I think when he sheds out and has a clean saddle he will be awesome.

Part of the reason I can't decide on keeping him finding a namefor him. He deserves something Rhett Butleror Clark Gable or something....recognizable? He's definitely not aJimmy Stewart or John Wayne though..more...elegant?


Butterfinger wrote:
:D I love your pictureof the broken chinchilla buck. It's like he's posing forVogue. "What, me? Gorgeous? ... Tell me more,dahling."
Aww, he sounds so cute! Butter just hopsaround his cage like a crazy thing until I put food in his'slike he forgets that food-bowl = eating, heheh.
Well,I know -I-, for one, want to see more pictures of thelittle guy. Maybe even pictures of him shedding out, when hedoes. (Maybe it's just me, but shedding bunnies look reallycute ;))
Hmm, an elegant name? The most elegant namefor amale I've ever heard is one from a book I read, I forget the title, butthe name was 'Selendrile'. The name's stuck in my head eversince. 'Pierre' is also pretty elegant, and I've alwaysthought 'Merlin' was, too. There's an elegant onein the book we're reading for school "Les Miserables", but I think it'sa little too long.... 'Fauchelevant'.
Jimmy Stewart and John Wayne sound really familliar, though I can'tremember if they're singers or actors.... If you want a theme likethat, though, the little buck kinda reminds me of David Bowie in TheLabyrinth....Less evil, though.
Hope that helps :D (And I hope you keep him! Ifnot, I might have to come over there and bunny-nap him fromyou~ )
Some of y'all may remember Billy Sunny.....

This was him in December:

and here he is today.....

Whatta mean look like a lion?

See my ears...I'm a LOP....sheesh!

Doesn't my mama know a LOP when she sees one?

So what if I have a few extra hairs?

Ok everyone...repeat after me.... "Billy Sunny is a LOP....Billy Sunnyis a LOP. ... Whatta mean Billy Sunny is a LIONlop.....???"

Yes...he badly needs to be groomed...
Oh man he's cute! It seems likethere's a lot of lionlops in the UK, any idea if someone is trying tomake an actual breed out of them? Is anyone doing thathere? They're so darn cute!
Some folks are doing them as a pet line - butI highly doubt they'll make it through ARBA considering how hard of atime lionheads are having. I suppose miracles can happen.

He has a black sister that I am hoping to find a good home for (hint,hint Haley :D:D...if you come to Nationals...I could bringher:D:D!). If I don't find a good home for her - I will breedher and use her for the line - but I'm not overly fond of black as itis hard to find people (in my area) who like the black rabbits.

His sister is a cutie too....not quite as cute - not as long....but oh so sweet...


naturestee wrote:
Oh man he'scute! It seems like there's a lot of lionlops in the UK, anyidea if someone is trying to make an actual breed out ofthem? Is anyone doing that here? They're so darncute!
Yeah - and his ears are 4.5" inches long. (Alionhead shouldn't have ears longer than something like 3.5" or 3" orsomething....I forget right off...).

He is cute.....and just dying to breed with a doe I have...I need to take her photo soon...

I have pictures of two does to share.

The first doe I'm showing is my little girl who is so loving (she'ssingle mane) and who tries to help me out in the rabbitry whenever Ihave babies make it out of the nestbox..

The second set of pictures are of his "partner". I'm not sureyet when I'm going to breed her - to be honest - she is SUPPOSED to bepure lionhead but she cropped up in a litter almost a year ago....

I love the little black lionhead! I can't wait to get mine! Ugh...10 more days!

I love Harlequin lionheads. Texas isn't too far from Arizona:run:.

The fiance would never buy me a coffee again if I ran all the way to texas or the air port, haha!:caffeine

- Amy:brownbunny

Oh my....Billy Sunny is sohandsome!!!!! Any chance he's going to be in Columbus withyou? I would love to give him a huge cuddle.(wonders how good security is at the Columbus airport...could he besnuck abourd?)
Nope. He's not going anywhere near any shows lest something happen to him....

I am thinking about breeding him back to his chocolate mama since he carries chocolate...

Can you imagine him in CHOCOLATE??


slavetoabunny wrote:
Oh my....Billy Sunnyis so handsome!!!!! Any chance he's going to be in Columbuswith you? I would love to give him a huge cuddle.(wonders how good security is at the Columbus airport...could he besnuck abourd?)
TinysMom wrote:

Broken Chinchilla buck - most of my broken bucks are "teddy" style andhe looks like that in the picture - but I actually think he's going toshed out and be nice. I am thinking seriously of keeping him sincepeople love brokens and I'd like to work with chinchilla a bit...

This is a broken black doe who has MAJOR attittude. She was tenativelysold but then the person decided to get a broken tort buck from meinstead. So now I'm trying to decide...keep her? Sell her?
Eek! Cuteness overload. Look how fluffy they are! He looks like a "Fabio" or "Fred Astaire", someone fancy :)

And keep her! ;)Shes so pretty!
AAAAAHHHH!!!! I'm goin' crazyyyy!!! They're all so dang cute!!!

*Rosie runs in, gathers up the babies, and TAKES OFF!!!!*

"C'mon, babies!!!! Follow me!!!"

Well - she sold today. I like her - but she'sjust a bit too....bossy for me. I like my girls to be a bit moreaffectionate and less tempermental.

She is going to another breeder in Texas along with a black otter buck that carries chocolate.

I can see it now...broken black otter babies carrying chocolate...woo hoo!

She will be delivered to her new breeder at the Seguin, TX show on 3/17.


Haley wrote:

This is a broken black doe who has MAJOR attittude. She was tenativelysold but then the person decided to get a broken tort buck from meinstead. So now I'm trying to decide...keep her? Sell her?
Eek! Cuteness overload. Look how fluffy they are! He looks like a "Fabio" or "Fred Astaire", someone fancy :)

And keep her! ;)Shes so pretty!

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