Well-Known Member
Ok...here is where Kate agrees to foster Miss Bea...
Tiny heard Abby before Katedid and he started hopping down the hall to the bedroom before thedoorbell rang. Abby stood there with the cat carrier and prayed she wasdoing the right thing. Kate almost tripped on Tiny and Abby heard hershout, Tiny, one of these days youre going to break my neck, andthen a loud bang. It took Kate a couple more minutes to makeit to the door and her clothes were messed up, as if she had fallen.
Come in Abby. Im sorry ittook me so long to get here. Tiny decided to trip me on my way here.
Oh no. Are you ok?
Im fine. He damaged my pride but not much else.
As Abby and Kate entered theliving room, Tiny heard Abbys voice and came galloping down the hallat full speed. He rushed past Kate and threw himself at Abby, sniffingat her pockets for treats. Kate snapped, You traitor as Abby laughedat his antics. Shed braced herself for his leap and caught him in herarms. He fought being held but she cooed at him until he settled down.Then she placed him on the ground and said, Hello Tiny. He thumped ather and walked to the end of the couch. Then he sat down and stared ather. Apparently he couldnt understand why she didnt have any treatsfor him. He thumped again.
As if in reply, the catcarrier thumped back at him. He thumped once more. The carrier thumpedagain. Great. It looked like there were going to be thump wars going onif Abby didnt open up the carrier and introduce Miss Bea.
Abby said, Shall I introduce you to Miss Bea and tell you her story?
Kate replied, Why dont wesit on the couch and you tell me her story first. Then maybe Ill meether. However, would you like something to drink or eat?
After getting drinks, bothwomen sat down on the couch and Abby started with Miss Beas story.
Well, Miss Bea has been aclassroom rabbit this last year. Her owner was a kindergarten teacherwho is moving away in a few weeks. Miss Bea has visited some familiesover weekends and school vacations but she never bonded with anybody.The teacher wants the shelter to take her but we are out of cages. Oneof the parents offered to take her and let her loose out in the woods,but there is no way she could survive like that. She is a domesticrabbit and wouldnt know how to protect herself. She would be dead veryshortly.
Oh how sad. Poor bunny.
I cant even place her inanother home right now because she hasnt been socialized really. Infact, in some ways it seems as if shes been traumatized by the wholesituation. Shes somewhat aggressive and needs to be tamed and trainedto be around humans. I would adopt her and work with her but mylandlord has said I cant have any more animals. If you are willing totake her and take care of her, I will come over every few days and workon socializing her.
Well. Im not sure how Tiny will take it.
Upon hearing his name, Tinywalked over to the cat carrier and started sniffing at it. Then hestarted chinning it. As he walked by the door, a loud thump almostshook the whole carrier. Tiny thumped back, angry at being surprised.The cage thumped again.
Abby decided to break it up.She reached down and opened up the carrier. She put her hand in andbrought out a rabbit that was hissing and spitting mad. Kates eyesopened wide as she watched Abby contain the teeth and claws that weregoing around in circles in her lap. Abby whispered, Shhh Miss Bea, itwill be ok. Calm down.
Kate had been afraid of Tinybecause of his size, but she immediately backed away from Miss Beabecause of her attitude. This wasnt a rabbit. This was a mountain lionor a bearcat or some other angry creature. Shed never seen Tiny hissand growl like this rabbit did.
After a couple of minutes,Miss Bea calmed down in Abbys lap. Abby quietly called Kate closer tolook at her. Kate sat a bit closer and the movement sent Miss Bea intoaction again, her claws going in all directions. Abby continued to calmboth Kate and Miss Bea until both sat close together.
To keep from scaring Miss Bea,Abby continued in a whisper. Miss Bea is a harlequin patternedlionhead. This is a new breed. If you look closely, you can see she hasa mane around her head like a lion has. She also has a beautifulpattern of alternating colors, almost like a calico cat.
Tiny hopped closer to thecouch and tenatively put his front paws up by Abby. He shocked bothwomen and Miss Bea and she jumped out of Abbys arms and onto the backof the couch. From there she thumped twice.
Abby sighed. This wasnt goingas well as she hoped. She could see the look of doubt on Kates face.It was clear that Kate was pondering the decision but that she wantedto refuse to take Miss Bea. Abby didnt like to pressurepeople to take pets. She found that when folks were pressured, theynever really bonded with the pets they took. But at this point in timeshe was desperate. Her choices were to give Miss Bea back to theschoolteacher who would either have her put to sleep at a vet or letloose in the wild. She was out of options. Miss Bea wasnt even a yearold yet and she had the potential to be such a good rabbit.
Kate looked at Miss Bea again.She looked back at Tiny. Was it fair to Tiny for her to take Miss Bea?Of course, it wasnt like Miss Bea would be a forever bunny. She wouldjust be here for a few days. All that Kate would have to do is feed herand give her water.
Still yet, she was afraid ofthis rabbit. Miss Bea made Tiny look tame. Tenatively, she reached herhand out towards Miss Bea. She was ready to pull it back if Miss Beatried to bite her. However, the rabbit sat on Abbys lap and juststared at her, almost as if she wanted to trust Kate but wasnt sure ifshe could. Kate continued to stretch her hand out to the rabbit. MissBea lightly flinched as Kate touched her, but then Kate started rubbingthe base of her ears and Miss Bea laid her head back and startedgrinding her teeth together in tooth purrs. It almost appeared asthough she was smiling and her whole body relaxed. Kate continued torub her ears and talk to her softly and the rabbits breathing slowedas she continued to grind her teeth contentedly.
Tiny watched from the floorand then stood on his back legs and put his front legs on Kates lap.She called Tiny up on the couch and he jumped up on her lap. Miss Beastiffened her back and Abby started to rub her ears while Kate pettedTiny. This was the true test for Kate how the two rabbits would respondto each other.
To her amazement, Tiny sniffedat Miss Bea and then started nudging her with his nose. She looked athim and tried to hop away, but Abby held onto her. Tiny sniffed heragain and then he started to groom her head. Kate could even feel therabbits quivering as Tiny came closer to groom her more.
Kate stared at the two rabbitsand marveled at Tinys actions. She still wasnt sure that taking therabbit would be the best thing for Tiny, but she knew it was the bestthing for Miss Bea.
Ok. Ill take care of her.But you need to socialize her so she can get a home of her own. Tinymight allow her to stay here now but I really dont want two rabbits.
It was almost as if Miss Beaunderstood Kates words for she turned and started grooming Tiny inreturn. Tiny continued to groom her and allow her to groom him foranother moment and then jumped down on the floor and started exploringher carrier.
Abby handed the lionhead toKate while she went out to the car for the cage shed purchased. Katewas thrilled when Miss Bea settled down in her lap and allowed her tostroke her back along with rubbing her ears. Perhaps caring for MissBea would not be so bad after all.
Abby returned withthe cage shed purchased and a grocery bag of carrots and treats forTiny and Miss Bea. Together, the women placed Miss Bea in her new homeand took it to Kates bedroom so the two rabbits could sleepside by side.
Abby asked Kate towatch her as she fed Miss Bea. When she opened the cage door, therabbit lunged at her hand with claws outstretched. Abby put her hand onMiss Beas head and pushed her downward, into a submissive pose. Duringthe whole time she did this, she whispered to Miss Bea, Its ok baby.Youre a good girl. You just need to learn to trust people.Miss Bea continued to struggle against Abby and every time she tried toclaw her or bite her, Abby held her down and whispered, Good girl,Miss Bea. Good girl.
Eventually the rabbit settledinto a back corner of her cage and let Abby put food in her bowl. Abbyexplained to Kate that Miss Bea needed to learn to trust people and notattack them. When Kate asked why Tiny didnt do that, Abby explainedthat Tiny was already socialized and that he was a neutered male, so hewas less likely to feel territorial. She explained that female rabbitssee their cages as their territory and they need to defend their homes.Abby explained it so well that Kate felt bad for Miss Bea because sheknew the rabbit didnt yet trust her enough to understand theintrusions into her cage.
After setting up Miss Beascage, the two women walked back out the living room. Abby laughed atthe sight of Tiny, his head stuck in the grocery bag as he grabbedanother carrot. It looked like hed had at least two other carrotsbased upon the shards of carrot that surrounded him. He had also pulledout the box of raisins and the package of yogurt treats but was unableto open them on his own. Kate shook her head and said, What am I goingto do with him? I love him so much but sometimes it is almost likehaving a toddler around the house. Abby said, At least youre notalone any more right?
The women settled on the couchwhile Abby said, Now for my second question. It has to do with theshelter.
(Abby has actually come by to also ask Kate to help out at the shelteron Saturdays just for a couple of weeks.....not knowing that Craig isgoing to ask Stan...and that is how the two start being friends....).
Tiny heard Abby before Katedid and he started hopping down the hall to the bedroom before thedoorbell rang. Abby stood there with the cat carrier and prayed she wasdoing the right thing. Kate almost tripped on Tiny and Abby heard hershout, Tiny, one of these days youre going to break my neck, andthen a loud bang. It took Kate a couple more minutes to makeit to the door and her clothes were messed up, as if she had fallen.
Come in Abby. Im sorry ittook me so long to get here. Tiny decided to trip me on my way here.
Oh no. Are you ok?
Im fine. He damaged my pride but not much else.
As Abby and Kate entered theliving room, Tiny heard Abbys voice and came galloping down the hallat full speed. He rushed past Kate and threw himself at Abby, sniffingat her pockets for treats. Kate snapped, You traitor as Abby laughedat his antics. Shed braced herself for his leap and caught him in herarms. He fought being held but she cooed at him until he settled down.Then she placed him on the ground and said, Hello Tiny. He thumped ather and walked to the end of the couch. Then he sat down and stared ather. Apparently he couldnt understand why she didnt have any treatsfor him. He thumped again.
As if in reply, the catcarrier thumped back at him. He thumped once more. The carrier thumpedagain. Great. It looked like there were going to be thump wars going onif Abby didnt open up the carrier and introduce Miss Bea.
Abby said, Shall I introduce you to Miss Bea and tell you her story?
Kate replied, Why dont wesit on the couch and you tell me her story first. Then maybe Ill meether. However, would you like something to drink or eat?
After getting drinks, bothwomen sat down on the couch and Abby started with Miss Beas story.
Well, Miss Bea has been aclassroom rabbit this last year. Her owner was a kindergarten teacherwho is moving away in a few weeks. Miss Bea has visited some familiesover weekends and school vacations but she never bonded with anybody.The teacher wants the shelter to take her but we are out of cages. Oneof the parents offered to take her and let her loose out in the woods,but there is no way she could survive like that. She is a domesticrabbit and wouldnt know how to protect herself. She would be dead veryshortly.
Oh how sad. Poor bunny.
I cant even place her inanother home right now because she hasnt been socialized really. Infact, in some ways it seems as if shes been traumatized by the wholesituation. Shes somewhat aggressive and needs to be tamed and trainedto be around humans. I would adopt her and work with her but mylandlord has said I cant have any more animals. If you are willing totake her and take care of her, I will come over every few days and workon socializing her.
Well. Im not sure how Tiny will take it.
Upon hearing his name, Tinywalked over to the cat carrier and started sniffing at it. Then hestarted chinning it. As he walked by the door, a loud thump almostshook the whole carrier. Tiny thumped back, angry at being surprised.The cage thumped again.
Abby decided to break it up.She reached down and opened up the carrier. She put her hand in andbrought out a rabbit that was hissing and spitting mad. Kates eyesopened wide as she watched Abby contain the teeth and claws that weregoing around in circles in her lap. Abby whispered, Shhh Miss Bea, itwill be ok. Calm down.
Kate had been afraid of Tinybecause of his size, but she immediately backed away from Miss Beabecause of her attitude. This wasnt a rabbit. This was a mountain lionor a bearcat or some other angry creature. Shed never seen Tiny hissand growl like this rabbit did.
After a couple of minutes,Miss Bea calmed down in Abbys lap. Abby quietly called Kate closer tolook at her. Kate sat a bit closer and the movement sent Miss Bea intoaction again, her claws going in all directions. Abby continued to calmboth Kate and Miss Bea until both sat close together.
To keep from scaring Miss Bea,Abby continued in a whisper. Miss Bea is a harlequin patternedlionhead. This is a new breed. If you look closely, you can see she hasa mane around her head like a lion has. She also has a beautifulpattern of alternating colors, almost like a calico cat.
Tiny hopped closer to thecouch and tenatively put his front paws up by Abby. He shocked bothwomen and Miss Bea and she jumped out of Abbys arms and onto the backof the couch. From there she thumped twice.
Abby sighed. This wasnt goingas well as she hoped. She could see the look of doubt on Kates face.It was clear that Kate was pondering the decision but that she wantedto refuse to take Miss Bea. Abby didnt like to pressurepeople to take pets. She found that when folks were pressured, theynever really bonded with the pets they took. But at this point in timeshe was desperate. Her choices were to give Miss Bea back to theschoolteacher who would either have her put to sleep at a vet or letloose in the wild. She was out of options. Miss Bea wasnt even a yearold yet and she had the potential to be such a good rabbit.
Kate looked at Miss Bea again.She looked back at Tiny. Was it fair to Tiny for her to take Miss Bea?Of course, it wasnt like Miss Bea would be a forever bunny. She wouldjust be here for a few days. All that Kate would have to do is feed herand give her water.
Still yet, she was afraid ofthis rabbit. Miss Bea made Tiny look tame. Tenatively, she reached herhand out towards Miss Bea. She was ready to pull it back if Miss Beatried to bite her. However, the rabbit sat on Abbys lap and juststared at her, almost as if she wanted to trust Kate but wasnt sure ifshe could. Kate continued to stretch her hand out to the rabbit. MissBea lightly flinched as Kate touched her, but then Kate started rubbingthe base of her ears and Miss Bea laid her head back and startedgrinding her teeth together in tooth purrs. It almost appeared asthough she was smiling and her whole body relaxed. Kate continued torub her ears and talk to her softly and the rabbits breathing slowedas she continued to grind her teeth contentedly.
Tiny watched from the floorand then stood on his back legs and put his front legs on Kates lap.She called Tiny up on the couch and he jumped up on her lap. Miss Beastiffened her back and Abby started to rub her ears while Kate pettedTiny. This was the true test for Kate how the two rabbits would respondto each other.
To her amazement, Tiny sniffedat Miss Bea and then started nudging her with his nose. She looked athim and tried to hop away, but Abby held onto her. Tiny sniffed heragain and then he started to groom her head. Kate could even feel therabbits quivering as Tiny came closer to groom her more.
Kate stared at the two rabbitsand marveled at Tinys actions. She still wasnt sure that taking therabbit would be the best thing for Tiny, but she knew it was the bestthing for Miss Bea.
Ok. Ill take care of her.But you need to socialize her so she can get a home of her own. Tinymight allow her to stay here now but I really dont want two rabbits.
It was almost as if Miss Beaunderstood Kates words for she turned and started grooming Tiny inreturn. Tiny continued to groom her and allow her to groom him foranother moment and then jumped down on the floor and started exploringher carrier.
Abby handed the lionhead toKate while she went out to the car for the cage shed purchased. Katewas thrilled when Miss Bea settled down in her lap and allowed her tostroke her back along with rubbing her ears. Perhaps caring for MissBea would not be so bad after all.
Abby returned withthe cage shed purchased and a grocery bag of carrots and treats forTiny and Miss Bea. Together, the women placed Miss Bea in her new homeand took it to Kates bedroom so the two rabbits could sleepside by side.
Abby asked Kate towatch her as she fed Miss Bea. When she opened the cage door, therabbit lunged at her hand with claws outstretched. Abby put her hand onMiss Beas head and pushed her downward, into a submissive pose. Duringthe whole time she did this, she whispered to Miss Bea, Its ok baby.Youre a good girl. You just need to learn to trust people.Miss Bea continued to struggle against Abby and every time she tried toclaw her or bite her, Abby held her down and whispered, Good girl,Miss Bea. Good girl.
Eventually the rabbit settledinto a back corner of her cage and let Abby put food in her bowl. Abbyexplained to Kate that Miss Bea needed to learn to trust people and notattack them. When Kate asked why Tiny didnt do that, Abby explainedthat Tiny was already socialized and that he was a neutered male, so hewas less likely to feel territorial. She explained that female rabbitssee their cages as their territory and they need to defend their homes.Abby explained it so well that Kate felt bad for Miss Bea because sheknew the rabbit didnt yet trust her enough to understand theintrusions into her cage.
After setting up Miss Beascage, the two women walked back out the living room. Abby laughed atthe sight of Tiny, his head stuck in the grocery bag as he grabbedanother carrot. It looked like hed had at least two other carrotsbased upon the shards of carrot that surrounded him. He had also pulledout the box of raisins and the package of yogurt treats but was unableto open them on his own. Kate shook her head and said, What am I goingto do with him? I love him so much but sometimes it is almost likehaving a toddler around the house. Abby said, At least youre notalone any more right?
The women settled on the couchwhile Abby said, Now for my second question. It has to do with theshelter.
(Abby has actually come by to also ask Kate to help out at the shelteron Saturdays just for a couple of weeks.....not knowing that Craig isgoing to ask Stan...and that is how the two start being friends....).