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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. is where Kate agrees to foster Miss Bea...

Tiny heard Abby before Katedid and he started hopping down the hall to the bedroom before thedoorbell rang. Abby stood there with the cat carrier and prayed she wasdoing the right thing. Kate almost tripped on Tiny and Abby heard hershout, “Tiny, one of these days you’re going to break my neck,” andthen a loud bang. It took Kate a couple more minutes to makeit to the door and her clothes were messed up, as if she had fallen.
“Come in Abby. I’m sorry ittook me so long to get here. Tiny decided to trip me on my way here.”
“Oh no. Are you ok?”
“I’m fine. He damaged my pride but not much else.”
As Abby and Kate entered theliving room, Tiny heard Abby’s voice and came galloping down the hallat full speed. He rushed past Kate and threw himself at Abby, sniffingat her pockets for treats. Kate snapped, “You traitor” as Abby laughedat his antics. She’d braced herself for his leap and caught him in herarms. He fought being held but she cooed at him until he settled down.Then she placed him on the ground and said, “Hello Tiny.” He thumped ather and walked to the end of the couch. Then he sat down and stared ather. Apparently he couldn’t understand why she didn’t have any treatsfor him. He thumped again.
As if in reply, the catcarrier thumped back at him. He thumped once more. The carrier thumpedagain. Great. It looked like there were going to be thump wars going onif Abby didn’t open up the carrier and introduce Miss Bea.
Abby said, “Shall I introduce you to Miss Bea and tell you her story?”
Kate replied, “Why don’t wesit on the couch and you tell me her story first. Then maybe I’ll meether. However, would you like something to drink or eat?”
After getting drinks, bothwomen sat down on the couch and Abby started with Miss Bea’s story.
“Well, Miss Bea has been aclassroom rabbit this last year. Her owner was a kindergarten teacherwho is moving away in a few weeks. Miss Bea has visited some familiesover weekends and school vacations but she never bonded with anybody.The teacher wants the shelter to take her but we are out of cages. Oneof the parents offered to take her and let her loose out in the woods,but there is no way she could survive like that. She is a domesticrabbit and wouldn’t know how to protect herself. She would be dead veryshortly.”
“Oh how sad. Poor bunny.”
“I can’t even place her inanother home right now because she hasn’t been socialized really. Infact, in some ways it seems as if she’s been traumatized by the wholesituation. She’s somewhat aggressive and needs to be tamed and trainedto be around humans. I would adopt her and work with her but mylandlord has said I can’t have any more animals. If you are willing totake her and take care of her, I will come over every few days and workon socializing her.”
“Well. I’m not sure how Tiny will take it.”
Upon hearing his name, Tinywalked over to the cat carrier and started sniffing at it. Then hestarted chinning it. As he walked by the door, a loud thump almostshook the whole carrier. Tiny thumped back, angry at being surprised.The cage thumped again.
Abby decided to break it up.She reached down and opened up the carrier. She put her hand in andbrought out a rabbit that was hissing and spitting mad. Kate’s eyesopened wide as she watched Abby contain the teeth and claws that weregoing around in circles in her lap. Abby whispered, “Shhh Miss Bea, itwill be ok. Calm down.”
Kate had been afraid of Tinybecause of his size, but she immediately backed away from Miss Beabecause of her attitude. This wasn’t a rabbit. This was a mountain lionor a bearcat or some other angry creature. She’d never seen Tiny hissand growl like this rabbit did.
After a couple of minutes,Miss Bea calmed down in Abby’s lap. Abby quietly called Kate closer tolook at her. Kate sat a bit closer and the movement sent Miss Bea intoaction again, her claws going in all directions. Abby continued to calmboth Kate and Miss Bea until both sat close together.
To keep from scaring Miss Bea,Abby continued in a whisper. “Miss Bea is a harlequin patternedlionhead. This is a new breed. If you look closely, you can see she hasa mane around her head like a lion has. She also has a beautifulpattern of alternating colors, almost like a calico cat.”
Tiny hopped closer to thecouch and tenatively put his front paws up by Abby. He shocked bothwomen and Miss Bea and she jumped out of Abby’s arms and onto the backof the couch. From there she thumped twice.
Abby sighed. This wasn’t goingas well as she hoped. She could see the look of doubt on Kate’s face.It was clear that Kate was pondering the decision but that she wantedto refuse to take Miss Bea. Abby didn’t like to pressurepeople to take pets. She found that when folks were pressured, theynever really bonded with the pets they took. But at this point in timeshe was desperate. Her choices were to give Miss Bea back to theschoolteacher who would either have her put to sleep at a vet or letloose in the wild. She was out of options. Miss Bea wasn’t even a yearold yet and she had the potential to be such a good rabbit.
Kate looked at Miss Bea again.She looked back at Tiny. Was it fair to Tiny for her to take Miss Bea?Of course, it wasn’t like Miss Bea would be a forever bunny. She wouldjust be here for a few days. All that Kate would have to do is feed herand give her water.
Still yet, she was afraid ofthis rabbit. Miss Bea made Tiny look tame. Tenatively, she reached herhand out towards Miss Bea. She was ready to pull it back if Miss Beatried to bite her. However, the rabbit sat on Abby’s lap and juststared at her, almost as if she wanted to trust Kate but wasn’t sure ifshe could. Kate continued to stretch her hand out to the rabbit. MissBea lightly flinched as Kate touched her, but then Kate started rubbingthe base of her ears and Miss Bea laid her head back and startedgrinding her teeth together in tooth purrs. It almost appeared asthough she was smiling and her whole body relaxed. Kate continued torub her ears and talk to her softly and the rabbit’s breathing slowedas she continued to grind her teeth contentedly.
Tiny watched from the floorand then stood on his back legs and put his front legs on Kate’s lap.She called Tiny up on the couch and he jumped up on her lap. Miss Beastiffened her back and Abby started to rub her ears while Kate pettedTiny. This was the true test for Kate…how the two rabbits would respondto each other.
To her amazement, Tiny sniffedat Miss Bea and then started nudging her with his nose. She looked athim and tried to hop away, but Abby held onto her. Tiny sniffed heragain and then he started to groom her head. Kate could even feel therabbit’s quivering as Tiny came closer to groom her more.
Kate stared at the two rabbitsand marveled at Tiny’s actions. She still wasn’t sure that taking therabbit would be the best thing for Tiny, but she knew it was the bestthing for Miss Bea.
“Ok. I’ll take care of her.But you need to socialize her so she can get a home of her own. Tinymight allow her to stay here now but I really don’t want two rabbits.”
It was almost as if Miss Beaunderstood Kate’s words for she turned and started grooming Tiny inreturn. Tiny continued to groom her and allow her to groom him foranother moment and then jumped down on the floor and started exploringher carrier.
Abby handed the lionhead toKate while she went out to the car for the cage she’d purchased. Katewas thrilled when Miss Bea settled down in her lap and allowed her tostroke her back along with rubbing her ears. Perhaps caring for MissBea would not be so bad after all.
Abby returned withthe cage she’d purchased and a grocery bag of carrots and treats forTiny and Miss Bea. Together, the women placed Miss Bea in her new homeand took it to Kate’s bedroom so the two rabbits could sleepside by side.
Abby asked Kate towatch her as she fed Miss Bea. When she opened the cage door, therabbit lunged at her hand with claws outstretched. Abby put her hand onMiss Bea’s head and pushed her downward, into a submissive pose. Duringthe whole time she did this, she whispered to Miss Bea, “Its ok baby.You’re a good girl. You just need to learn to trust people.”Miss Bea continued to struggle against Abby and every time she tried toclaw her or bite her, Abby held her down and whispered, “Good girl,Miss Bea. Good girl.”
Eventually the rabbit settledinto a back corner of her cage and let Abby put food in her bowl. Abbyexplained to Kate that Miss Bea needed to learn to trust people and notattack them. When Kate asked why Tiny didn’t do that, Abby explainedthat Tiny was already socialized and that he was a neutered male, so hewas less likely to feel territorial. She explained that female rabbitssee their cages as their territory and they need to defend their homes.Abby explained it so well that Kate felt bad for Miss Bea because sheknew the rabbit didn’t yet trust her enough to understand theintrusions into her cage.
After setting up Miss Bea’scage, the two women walked back out the living room. Abby laughed atthe sight of Tiny, his head stuck in the grocery bag as he grabbedanother carrot. It looked like he’d had at least two other carrotsbased upon the shards of carrot that surrounded him. He had also pulledout the box of raisins and the package of yogurt treats but was unableto open them on his own. Kate shook her head and said, “What am I goingto do with him? I love him so much but sometimes it is almost likehaving a toddler around the house.” Abby said, “At least you’re notalone any more…right?”
The women settled on the couchwhile Abby said, “Now for my second question. It has to do with theshelter.”

(Abby has actually come by to also ask Kate to help out at the shelteron Saturdays just for a couple of weeks.....not knowing that Craig isgoing to ask Stan...and that is how the two start being friends....).
This is where Kate relays the story of her first night with Miss Bea to Abby...

(Kate has actually "met" Stan when she did a mystery shop and wound upshopping him on his first day at his new job. To say it did not go wellis a major understatement. Her nickname for him (she also ran into himother places) is "Mr. Congeniality".)

Kate parked her VW on the back side of the shelter. She figured itwould be best if she left the front spaces for people who came forpets. She remembered how heavy Tiny’s carrier had been the day shecarried him out and she was close to the front door. She didn’t want tomake others walk that far.
She was about ten minutesearly, thanks to Tiny and Miss Bea. She could hardly wait to see Abbyand tell her about the latest developments with the rabbits. She knewthat Abby would laugh about the relationship the unlikely pair haddeveloped. She knew she had never expected to see Miss Bea snoozingbeside Tiny and was shocked by how well they got along together.
Kate still wasn’t sure howAbby talked her into doing this. Volunteering at the shelter for thenext three Saturdays? She really wasn’t used to animals that much andwhile she was growing to love Tiny a lot, she didn’t see herself as an“animal person”. Still yet, she and Abby were starting tobecome good friends and they talked together on the phone at least acouple of times per week. She thought she’d enjoy working with Abby.Abby needed her and Kate was a sucker when it came to being needed. Itwas a trait she’d picked up from her grandmother.
Abby pulled in the parking lotjust then, followed by two other cars. All three cars parked in backand Kate watched as Mr. Congeniality got out of one of them. Was thisAbby’s boss she’d mentioned? Kate wanted to sink down into her seat ordrive out of the lot. This couldn’t be happening to her. This man whodisdained everything she worked for couldn’t be Abby’s boss.
Oh well, it was only for threeSaturdays and only four hours each time. She could survive 12 hours. Sowhat if he seemed arrogant and didn’t know how to deal with people. Shecould do this. She was here for the animals and she was here for Kate.
Abby ran to her car and gaveKate a big hug as Kate stepped out of her car. She motioned to the menand yelled, “Craig, come here. I want you to meet our new volunteer.”
The shorter man with glasseswalked over to the two women. Kate felt her body relax as heapproached. Perhaps Mr. Congeniality had simply come to adopt a pet? Hewas an hour early, but that was ok. At least she wouldn’t have to spendthree Saturdays in his company.
Kate shook Craig’s hand as heintroduced himself to her. He gave Abby a brief hug and said, “This isgreat. We both were able to recruit a sucker…uh, I mean volunteer.Welcome Kate!” He motioned to the other man, “Stan, come here and meetour other new volunteer. Her name is Kate.”
Stan walked over to the groupand smiled shyly. For some reason, Kate looked familiar to him. He knewthat things like this happened in small towns. Everybody knew eachother and everyone looked familiar. However, he didn’t expect it tohappen to him so soon.
He held out his hand and shookAbby’s hand first. She shook his hand and then grabbed him and gave hima hug. “Sorry buddy. Around here we hug volunteers. We’re grateful tohave the help. Right Craig?” She looked at Craig and smiled.Then he turned to Kate and shook her hand. She seemed hesitant atfirst, perhaps she was shy? He couldn’t help but remark, “I’m sorry forstaring. But you look so familiar to me for some reason.”
He decided that she had to beshy. A blush crept into her cheeks and she stammered for a moment andthen said, “I think that happens a lot in small towns like this. You’veprobably seen me in a store somewhere.”
He smiled and said, “That mustbe it. Well, I’m glad I’m not the only new volunteer today.”
Craig lightly punched him onthe arm and said, “So how’s Belle? Did you leave her with her own setof paints?” At the look of confusion on the faces of Kate and Abby,Craig explained, “I was visiting Stan the other night to ask him tovolunteer and Belle decided to help him paint the den.” Both womenlaughed and Stan smiled.
“You wouldn’t believe how longit took her to be willing to walk by the room without whimpering. Ithink she still remembers her bath and scolding.”
All four continued talking asthey headed for the front entrance. As they walked in Craig said,“Abby, why don’t you have Kate work with you on the cats and smallanimals and Stan can work with me today with the dogs. Is that ok witheveryone?”
Kate smiled and said, “Oh yes, please. I’m afraid of dogs.”
Abby replied, “You know I prefer the cats over dogs any day.”
Stan said, “Will I be working with large dogs or puppies like Belle?”
Craig said, “Don’t worry aboutit. You won’t have to work with anyone you’re scared of.”
The foursome broke apart aseach pair went their separate way. Kate sighed with relief that shewould be working with Abby. She wasn’t sure if it was because shewouldn’t be working with the dogs or if she would not have to work withStan. She had to admit that he did have a nice smile and when he wasn’tworking in the bookstore, he did seem to be personable. Perhaps thenickname of Mr. Congeniality wasn’t fair and she had judged him tooharshly.
Abby interrupted her thoughts,“So how is my big boy doing? Is he getting used to the idea of sharingyou with another rabbit?”
Kate laughed. “You mean am I getting used to sharing him with another rabbit?”
Abby’s eyes opened wide. “Youmean the two have bonded already? Do tell. What has been happening?”
The two women cleaned cagesand fed the animals while Kate replayed the events of the last few days.

It all started the same nightKate got Miss Bea. After Abby left, Kate got the rabbits fed andsettled for the night. As usual, she left Tiny’s kennel door open butkept him locked in her room. She figured that since Miss Bea was shutin her cage, the two would get along just fine and there would be nofights over territory.
A couple of hours after shewent to bed, Kate heard thumping. Tiny started jumping on the bed andrunning around the room. She woke up enough to tell him to settle downor she’d put him in his kennel and lock his door. Then she felt himjump on her…only it wasn’t Tiny…it couldn’t be Tiny. It wasn’t heavyenough. She felt the weight on her again – sitting on her chest. Sheopened one eye and saw two beady eyes staring at her face. She closedher eye and then opened both eyes. The eyes came closer to her face andshe wanted to scream. Then, the eyes backed away as Miss Bea sat on herhaunches and started cleaning her face, staring at Kate the whole time.
Miss Bea was out of her cage.Miss Bea was sitting on her chest. Tiny was thumping and having a fit.What was happening? Was this all a bad dream? She wasn’t sure if shewanted to wake up or not.
As suddenly as she was onKate’s chest, Miss Bea hopped back off and got on the floor. Thethumping got louder and even Kate could tell that Tiny was angry. Shetried to hush Tiny while she stared at Miss Bea. What was this devilrabbit doing out of her cage? Why was Tiny thumping?
Then she saw him. Tiny was inMiss Bea’s cage. He was locked in Miss Bea’s cage while the littledevil ran around the room and then entered his cage and chinned hisfood bowl, water bottle and litter box. As Tiny watched her, he rattledthe cage door with his teeth and continued thumping.
Miss Bea was claiming HISturf? Kate didn’t think so. She got up out of bed and went tocatch Miss Bea. The chase was on.
Miss Bea ran under the bed.After several attempts to get her out, Kate went to her kitchen and gota broom to shoo her out. Miss Bea ran out from under the bed and outthe bedroom door that Kate had accidentally left open. Score one forthe rabbit. Kate ran after her. Tiny continued thumping.
Miss Bea ran to the kitchen,then the dining room. Kate chased her under the desk where the rabbitpromptly nipped her. Another point for the rabbit. As Kate yelled atthe rabbit, she took off for the bathroom. As Kate ran into thebathroom, she tripped over the rabbit dashing out the door. The rabbitscored again..
Kate was determined to catchher now. She ran into the bedroom. No Miss Bea. She went back down thehall, and with a honeyed voice called, “Miss Bea, oh come here littledarling.” Her mind added the words, “So I can strangle you.”
Kate trapped Miss Bea underthe couch but she didn’t have her broom with her. She went and fetchedthe broom, only to find the rabbit had disappeared again. Score anotherone for the rabbit. Miss Bea 4, Kate O.
Kate searched the house forthe rabbit. Her racing heartbeat matched Tiny’s continual thumping. Shefinally found Miss Bea trying to hide behind the refrigerator. “I’vegot you now” she exclaimed as she grabbed for Miss Bea’s rump. Miss Beatwisted out of her hand and took off, thumping at her. She was leftwith a few strands of fur in her hand. Great…now she had two rabbitsthumping. Score another point for the rabbit? Would the rabbit give upat 5 points? 7 points?
Kate was not giving up. Norabbit could outsmart her. Ok…maybe this rabbit could. But not forlong. Kate had a college degree for crying out loud. Certainly shecould catch a rabbit.
She decided to try enticingMiss Bea to come to her for a treat. She went to the frig and got twocarrots. One was for Miss Bea and one would be for Tiny. She knew Tinymight calm down once he had something to eat.
Tiny. He’d stopped thumping.Was he all right? Had the devil bunny hurt him? She raced down thehallway to the bedroom, hoping to find Tiny ok. She stopped in thedoorway and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Tiny was back in his cage.Miss Bea was back in her cage…and her door was shut. When Kate walkednear her cage, Miss Bea thumped. Tiny replied with a thump of his own.Kate debated between strangling the rabbit and giving her the carrotshe carried. She decided giving Miss Bea the carrot was the bestchoice. She dropped a carrot in Tiny’s cage and one in Miss Bea’s cageand then went to the bed to sit down. Tiny grabbed his carrot and ateit immediately. Miss Bea sniffed at the carrot and turned her back toKate and started grooming herself. Score another point forthe devil herself.
By the time Kate was donetelling the tale, Abby was hunched over holding her sides and cryingbecause she was laughing so hard. She had stopped cleaning cages at“score one for the rabbit” and couldn’t continue until Kate was done.“Oh hon. You should be a comedian. It sounds like the devil rabbit cangive you plenty of material. So tell me, how are Tiny and Miss Beagetting along now? And did you figure out how Miss Bea got out of thecage?”
Both women tried to start back to work as Kate continued with the story.
“Oh yes, I figured out how thebrat gets out of the cage. She opens the door and lets herself out.What is even worse is that Tiny seems fascinated by her cage and assoon he goes in to check out her food, she shuts the door on him and heis trapped.”
“No. She does? But you saidyou had to share him with her. I was worried they would fight if theywere both out together.”
“Oh, I was worried too. Butno, that isn’t what has happened at all. I think I’d be happier if theyfought a bit. Instead, Tiny has decided to become her protector. Theynow sleep together in his cage and if I go to catch her, she runsbehind him and he won’t let me catch her. In fact, if I try to grabher, he nudges my hand and he almost nipped me once. You’d think he washer…” Kate struggled for an adequate word. She remembered the classicmovie with Marlon Brando. “You’d think he was her GodFather. He wasmaking me a deal I couldn’t refuse. Leave the gal alone or he’ll nipme.”
Abby broke out into peals oflaughter again. “The Godfather? Forget that…he’s THE BUNFATHER!”
The two women were stilllaughing when Stan walked in the room. He looked at them and said,“What is a bunfather?” They burst into laughter again and Abby laughedso hard that tears flowed down her cheeks.
Kate had to reply because Abbycouldn’t speak. “Nothing. A private joke really. What can I do foryou?” Kate’s smile even showed in her eyes.
“Craig sent me over to tellyou folks that we open in five minutes. Can one of you man the desk ordo you need to finish up here?”
Abby composed herself enoughto answer, “Tell Craig we still have a few more cages to do and thenwe’ll be out.”
Stan left the room mutteringto himself, “Bunfather. Whatever. No wonder guys never understandwomen.” The two women broke into laughter again. Stan had to admit tohimself that Kate had a nice laugh. He wished he could make her laughlike that. It had been a long time since he’d heard a woman laugh.

And this is Kate's story she shares with Abby on the second weekend she works at the shelter..

Kate was getting ready toleave for the day when Abby asked her how things were going with therabbits. Kate started to laugh and said, “Just fine if you’re willingto help with my grocery bill.” At Abby’s startled look, Kate started toexplain.
“It was Monday night and I wastired as I got home from work. All I wanted to do was rest and finishup a bit of paperwork. But when I walked in the back door, I realizedthat Miss Bea and Tiny had gotten loose somehow during the day and goneexploring in the kitchen. They got into my lower cupboards where I keepmy cereal and pulled out every package I had. Tiny was so busy tryingto get all of the raisins out of the raisin bran that he didn’t eventry to take off and hide. Miss Bea was dancing back and forth betweenthe fruit loops and cheerios and I think she was already on a sugarhigh.”
Abby groaned. “Oh no.”
“Oh yes…and it gets evenbetter. Now whenever I go out in the morning and start pouring myselfsome cereal, the two rascals come running. If I don’t give them some,Tiny starts pulling at my clothes and Miss Bea starts trying to nip myfeet. So I not only have to pour myself a bowl of cereal, but I have topour three bowls of cereal.”
“Three? Can’t they share one bowl?”
“I guess not. Tiny wants tohog the whole bowl and Miss Bea sits in the bowl until Tiny leaves. SoTiny gets a bowl of raisin bran with some corn puffs and part of abanana and Miss Bea gets cheerios with a couple of fruit loops and someraisin bran. She eats the bran flakes and Tiny finishes up her raisinsfor her.”
When Abby started laughingagain, Kate said, “You think that’s funny? You try going through thecheckout line with four boxes of cereal and having the cashier start tolecture you about the dangers to your kids’ health at eating fruitloops. At least it wasn’t cocoa puffs. I told Tiny and Miss Bea thatthey couldn’t have my Cocoa Puffs.” With that, Kate started laughingtoo.

I just took some more photos - I'm really kinda proud of these guys although they aren't all showable.

Buck #1

Is this a good head shot?

Of course I can pose...

Buck #2

My skirt needs working on? MOM..I'm a BUCK!

Wow- I wonder if I can see a doe from here?

No - I won't let you get a clear shot of my face....

Buck #3

Fine - you can see my side but not my face..

Ok...if you insist. Am I cute yet?
Thought I'd update everyone after the show yesterday.

Buck #2 in the message a DOE! No wonder she has such a nice skirt.

I have a siamese sable buck that I'll share photos of later - he isnamed Mischief and I might have shared his photos before - he took Bestof Breed at show A yesterday. A little black buck took Best OppositeSex of Breed in show B yesterday.

And the really awesome news...

I did NOT bring ANY new bunnies home.



(It is possible! WOO HOO).

Mischief as a baby:

Mischief now:

Do we gotta work with that clicky thing again?

A smirk? Sure...I can do a smirk..

Mom - I'm getting frustrated...

Aren't you worried this pose makes my butt look fat?

hey - won't I look smaller if you are that far away?

Sure - go ahead and get the other side too..

This is the last one mom...

I will have to take a photo of him with his blue ribbon - it is reallynice. I was really pleased that he took Best of Breed. He is definitelygoing to go to Nationals to compete against the "big boys". He may notdo well as he'll be going up against the top breeders...but that's ok.

I will also have to take photos of the black baby - I think the only ones I have of him are when he ate supper with Tiny once..

I just had to share with you guys a neat websitefor lionheads. Kelly breeds more for color than she does"body type" - and she sells a LOT of pets. She has some of the cutestrabbits I've seen for lionheads - even if I can't breed with most ofthem (still yet, I am getting three - maybe four - from her atNationals).


I just love the brokens and the vienna marked rabbits (they almost look like dutches)......
I just shared Buffalo Creek's information a bitago - I thought I'd go ahead and share with you the babies I'm gettingfrom her. I wound up changing my mind on a chocolate sport I wasgetting..but here are the ones I'm getting so far...

DoubleMane broken blue doe

Double Mane Blue doe

Double Mane Chocolate Buck

Double Mane chocolate tort buck

and from other breeders:

BunJovi - he carries "tort" even though he's black (he carries REW too)

BlueBlood - double mane black buck

Triad - broken tort buck

Plus I'm looking at two other cuties....should I show them off? I guess I will..

These two girls are sisters...and the REW *maybe* be hiding broken behind the REW genes so I would have to test breed her...


P.S. Ooops - I almost forgot Ariel - she was my first purchase!



:not listening




Now....about her kids she'll have some day...

I'm going to need some help naming some of these rabbits. Here is the situation....

BlueBlood is going to be the main herd buck at first for my blue herd.I'm going to have 3 girls here...the little blue one everyone wants tobunnynap, the broken blue one and my blue doe that I've shared picturesof before.

My blue doe will be named either "Blueblood's Lady" or "Blueblood's Treasure" or something like that.

(I can not change Blueblood's name - he has sired rabbits and is on pedigrees).

But the other two does - HELP?

The babies that are showable will be receiving names along the lines ofroyalty, "Lady Blueblood" and "Viscount Blue" and stuff like that.

But these two girls aren't "from" Blueblood so they can't have royalnames....but I want it to go well w/ royal titles as they may havedaughters named after them.....

I thought of something like "Daisy Mae" for the broken blue...where itsa bit of a commoner name...but she'll be "marrying" (breeding) intoroyalty...

Am I making any sense at all?

Peg, my Daisy Mae "Dutchess of Ajax"said their is nothing common about her name. (LOL) She wouldbe honoured if you choose to name one of yours Daisy Mae.

Picture attached so you can see what royalty looks like. LOL

I just wanted to let you know that my MIL wasbeing nosy and asked me what I was doing on the computer. I told her"looking at rabbits." She spotted your lionheads and almost died.:laugh:She started laughing and saying how cute they are! I justthought that you would like to know how much she enjoyed them. She isasking me to find out how much it would be to get one, and if there areany in our area! :bunnydance:Looks like we might have anotherconvert!

I just HAVE to share Cathy's photo. She is themom of the REW and the Broken Siamese Sable doe I just arranged to buy(I shared their photos earlier today).



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