Active Member
Now that I got the hutch ready for a couple of bunnies......need to know a few things.
HAY FOR BEDDING....This is standard hay you can get at a farm that costs $2-4 per bale correct?
What brand rabbit food is the popular choice?
Litter box litter....what is the safest to use?
flooring....Right now the hutch area is 3/4" exterior grade plywood.Can a rubber mat or plastic sheet be installed to help prevent urinefrom absorbing into the wood?
Is there any solution to dealing with freezing water in the deep of thewinter? We don't mind running out there during the day to change water,but just wondering if anyone has tried other options.
HAY FOR BEDDING....This is standard hay you can get at a farm that costs $2-4 per bale correct?
What brand rabbit food is the popular choice?
Litter box litter....what is the safest to use?
flooring....Right now the hutch area is 3/4" exterior grade plywood.Can a rubber mat or plastic sheet be installed to help prevent urinefrom absorbing into the wood?
Is there any solution to dealing with freezing water in the deep of thewinter? We don't mind running out there during the day to change water,but just wondering if anyone has tried other options.