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Oh I like the bungalow - with my luck - Nyx would get inside and get stuck though...
Well it is that time again...JOY!

I got every thing out, all ready to go and he starts eating his hay...so I think, I will wait till he stops...but he comes down to his pellets and starts eating those...and so I think...I will wait till he is done with those...but he goes and flops ever so cutely on the floor in the corner and I did not have the heart to grab him for the subQ....
I do not want him thinking any time we are around, or he comes down to eat his pellets or hay, hangs out on the floor that something bad will happen...
Angelina is laying on the floor in his pen and he is sitting on her back sniffing her out..and looking up at me :)

I have noticed he is rather clumsy on the whole...he will miss when he jumps, pretty much almost fall over when he cleans his ears..and some other stuff...I keep thinking it is cause he is a baby..but I do not recall Simon having such problems when he was a baby with us...

And he jumped in the pan to eat more hay!!

I am so freakin torn about how and when to handle this...

I want to encourage and not scare him to never come off his top shelf again...

Until I pulled out the needles and fluid...he had been just chillin on his shelf....
TinysMom wrote:
Oh I like the bungalow - with my luck - Nyx would get inside and get stuck though...


Well on the positive side...she could always chew her way out...lmao...

I don't want to get anything more for him until we know the cocci is done and gone...couldn't do it right now anyway...but still..

and growing at over a pound a month wow! One day he really will be a big baby...I keep telling him that now and I am like, well you are a baby lol...
As to the headaches..

I used to get bad ones all the time...I get yelled at by my doc for how much tylenol I consume...but I started Seroquel and the headaches stopped...now I am off it again..and probably for good...which I think it is good, but I forgot how many headache I got before...
Dougal is definitely a morning boy...which goes against my very nature lol...

You can hear him running up and down...eating, jumping, munching hay...but when you turn to look he goes and lays down...like he is hiding lol.

I woke up to find his water dish bone dry and his food bowl the same. The water dish holdsa half cup of water! I am not doing SubQ this morning. I am also not Feeding the CC except to get the meds down.

I refilled the water and the food and added some oats which he was most happy to have.

Last night went ok with the fluids. I only had to stick him once and he only tried to escape twice...which he was not able to.I tried to give a bit of oats from my hand as a peace offering...well he ate them, but he bites to pick up...Simon used to lick anything in your hand...

I very much think we are on the mend! Everything is going to be great!

I made of some CC and squirted the right amount of the bio-sponge in it, added a little more CC and then the Bene Bac...why not get it all is one shot right? So that is two grams of meds, with the CC, made of a full 10cc of it all...He also had his pain meds too..but I am wondering if we really need to continue them..Later on he will get his Albon...Which is at about 4pm I think we will do...You are not supposed to give the Bio-Sponge with anything...

I am beginning to think the organic meadow hay is his favorite. He munches that one the most out of them all.

I brought the water dish and most of the hay down off the shelf now...seeing as he feels better I see no reason why he can not come down to eat and drink. I only left it up there because he was sick and I wanted him to have easy access to encourage.. His litter pans...I use my hands and grab out the wet litter, all the poops and old hay...I sanitize my hands and then put new litter and hay in the pans...He seems to have really picked up peeing in the pans! He did pee on my bed again today though...it was not a lot so I am thinking it is a marking thing...My bed is right next to his cage....

I have decided to rearrange it some and make it more fitting for him...that step is too short a space for him...need to make things easier to come and go from without hurting himself...

His poops are back still...some are pretty darn dark...would even go as far as to say black...but he is pooping! No where near as much squashy poo today as well...however his rear still stinks something awful...

I will watch and wait...see how he eats and drinks by 8pm....and if he is ok...I will not feed or SubQ him...should he eat nothing and drink nothing I will go ahead with both...but I do not think that will happen.

Thank you God! That make this coming week SO much easier to deal with!!

I have to figure out my insurance stuff sigh....

I really do not understand half of what I read...

I have the medicare where you piggy back onto another insurance...I was happy with Humana, but they are dropping so much coverage and upping the co pays, upping the monthly fee....OOOOOOOOOKKAAYY! Have to try to figure out...what I am doing and I only have one month to do it...They really should give you two months..I do not see how that extra 30 days should make a big difference except in the peoples lives who have to figure out what they are doing... Lord I hate insurance companies...

(munch munch munch) I love hearing that noise :)

Even just watching buns is a fun thing for me...

I am so happy that he is doing better. Is he snuggling with you at all or licking you at all?

If not...don't worry - I'm sure he'll come around again...one of these years...
TinysMom wrote:
I am so happy that he is doing better. Is he snuggling with you at all or licking you at all?

If not...don't worry - I'm sure he'll come around again...one of these years...
Not really...I think he see's my bed as a bad place to be now. He will jump up for a second or so but if I go to pet...he runs for it lol...
I think with stopping the CC and SubQ..things will improve...

Not that he cares for the rest of the meds...but it is no where near as bad../struggle...

He has been eating...He also did have like...8cc maybe of the CC earlier becauseI put two meds in it...so I am assuming that tamped down his urge to eat a bit...but he has nibbled a time or two...He has been chewing a fair amount of hay today...

Only found one pile of cecals and they looked much better than what I had been seeing...

(He is eating whats left of the oats...only gave him a bit :)

I put down a kitty pan...the two sided plastic dish...a bit of oat in one side, pellets in the other...His cup however is full...untouched since it was filled at like 9am...

What do you think...if it stays full until like 8pm tonight...(5 hours from now)...should I go ahead and give the SubQ again?

Last night was not as bad as the other times...and I also stopped using the back of the neck like they showed me..and used more in the middle of his back how I learned years ago...he was much calmer...I think it hurt less...and I am sure that skin around his neck has to be sore as heck now..
Woke up to a noisy bunny! He really seems to like mornings lol...He quiets down once we all get up, stand up etc.

Lots o poo in the pen! Nice spot in the litter pan...was happy to see that pile. He ate all of the alfalfa hay I had put out last night, drank a 1/4 cup of water from what I could tell....I had also put another 1/4 cup of pellets in the dish...so that would be like a 1/2 of cup total I suppose he ate yesterday/this morning. I filled both sides of the dish with 1/4 cup of pellets sprinkled with oats before I left and refilled his water.

He was none to pleased with me giving the meds again today...but we got it done. I will give the Albon again this evening and watch to see how he drinks for the rest of the day...I will give him till 8pm tonight again...if nothing has really been drunk I will do SubQ again...

Angelina said he did a binky this morning but I did not see it. I let him out into the living room while I got the CC ready that I put the Bio Sponge into....He only stayed out for a few minutes. I wish I had been able to catch the binky.....

I am at work on lunch right now...I can not really keep a connection unless something changes...I can get on for moments at a time now...

Sorry to those I was talking to last night,...that I poofed...but I lost and could not get the connection back.

On a different note...the people of wake county converged on the DSS building today...leaving me unable to get help keeping my electric bill on...The x hub said he will drop some money in my NY account....I hope he comes through or we will have no lights/electric, heat, hot water for awhile...and that would SUCK.....

I really hate this kind of stress.

I get paid again on the 23rd...but the company would make no arrangement with me...they suck too..

My child support has started coming again...I suppoes the X is not getting unempolyment...SO NOT FAIR...as he is working 3 jobs off the books too...I never see a dime of that...I am so tired of him complaining and bitching...

Wish I could win the lottery....Wish I didnt need his help anymore...Wish I could tell him to stick it where the sun does not shine...

Alas...this is life.

Quite nice here today. Mustbe in the 70s I would think. Rather warm out there..

I will try to get on when I can tonight...but might not be able to...

I hope everyone is enjoying whatever part of day, it is for them...where ever you are......
Oh...and the oats in his face while doing sub Q....did not work... oh well :)
This morning....was a strange one for many reasons...and Dougal had nothing much to do with that.

I noticed last night he had started drinking..and that his water needed a refill this morning as well. He has been eating any where from 1/4-1/2 cup of pellets a day...and some oats.

He managed last night to get up on my bed...leave tons of poop and pee too. I was out in the living room at the time on the phone. I am still trying to figure if he jumped the two high NIC or got around it some how...

Lina is cleaning up the poop and there are tons of little ones all over, and two piles of cecals...none look too squishy. He is still is peeing every where.

I suppose I am not so good at potty training. I would love see Dougal catch on and never poop or pee any where but his pans...I have been considering moving his pen into the living room making it more secure...Then I will not have to worry about him getting under my stuff or on the bed.....or jumping out. I have this feeling I am going to have to close the top up..not leave it open anymore...

Since he is feeling better....he has much more tude...DOES NOT like me, but is licking Angelina, butting her, jumping in her lap, cleaning her hair :)

He runs from me...I would run from me too though if I was him...
Well it must be a good day for I can actually get online.

I tried posting a few days ago but gave up after hours of trying.

Working on looking at local internet peoples to see if I can figure out and afford something...but I hate hate hate TWC...and I owe AT&T like 500.00....so I think it is not looking too great...checking into it regardless...

ATT & TWC seem to have the same services at like the same prices, but ATT was always a BETTER service....never lost signal with ATT....TWC was always a nightmare to deal with

Alas...ATT wants a deposit...NOT...

and TWC wants the cash upfront...looks like no personal internet for me, for the moment...


Dougal had seemed to very much be improving...even his potty habits started getting better when we shrank down to the dog crate and took him out of the palace.

He has been fighting me about taking the Bio-Sponge however...and it has gotten to the point where none of it is getting into him. He simply will no longer swallow it. No matter what I try, what I put it in or not, he will not swallow or eat it. He will eat the Bene and Albon no problem however. Can not say I blame the little guy, the stuff really is like sculpting clay...

His pen was a mess this morning...the smush has returned and he has stopped eating his cecals again as of yesterday...I am concerned about him, his attitude and behaviors...

he is biting at anything he does not like regardless of how you try to correct him...he does not listen. I constantly wonder how he manages to get poop only in the large water dish but not the small white one.

He will eat oats no problem...but he is starting to slack with the pellets again...and his drinking is again a concern to me.

I opened the other Bene Bac today...the other one was done. Not much left of the first CC package I opened for this...but I do have another one of those as well. I am glad I have both and that we still have SubQ left...We just may end up needing it.

I keep thinking I need to go back to work for a Vet...so I can get discounts on these things...The needles and Fluid I could get at least...

He has been poopy, stinky...and sorta lazy today.

Last night he was not all that different but he was running around and doing some binkys. And he only let three poops out onto the carpet. MUCH BETTER!

BUT...I see no real poop today....except for what was in the cage. It took awhile to clean as well because I made my daughter do it. She was up before me and did not bother to even check on him, give him new/fresh/more water...food etc...when this has been a constant conversation...

Even last night we were talking about Simon and how she felt it was her fault he died because she was not pulling her weight...We talked about how it did not matter what she did or did not do...as I was taking care of him...and it did not matter he would have passed on either way....

I am nervous with Dougal on many levels...

This illness we seem unable to shake...

Things with my daughter are all screwy which has had me out of work....

Money is a forever issue....

I am tired of things being the way they are and it is wearing on me....

This biting he does at anything he does not like...what will that turn into when he is older? My god a bite from a 20lb bun is not something I look forward to...


I think I have honestly discovered...as it was with Isobel it is with Dougal...I am allergic to the buns as well as the hay....It must have been the rex fur that I have no issue with. That is what everyone said Simon's coat was...

I hate that getting close to Dougal means sneezing, congestion,...hives...the whole nine...my arms had welts all over them yesterday.

Seems strange to be limited to one type of bunny...

I have thought and continue to think at some point we will bring home a Standard Rex female..well maybe a male lol...I have a thing for the boys :) But that will not be for a few years...till we neuter Dougal....

Can picture life without a bun in it...can not picture ..not being able to snuggle with a bun...Once touched by the love of a rabbit, I can not now just go without...I suppose they have become the healthier sort of drug :)

On a side note...the crap my daughter is pulling today is driving me NUTS! I am this close - to sending her to her bed for the rest of the day without dinner tonight! LORD!

Going to try to get back the signal and post this...we shall see...

I hope every one is doing well enough and enjoying the weekend as best as possible...wow...it has been 2 weeks now? that we have had Dougal??? wow time has seemed to go by quickly...

on the quirky side of things..

Dougal seems unable to sit, but has to FLOP! The boy is a flopping fool...8 out of 10 times...if he goes to lay down, he throws himself down...it is quite entertaining to be honest.

He tried to be spider bunny when we were cleaning the crate....but I was smart enough to have those buggers be 3 high...though I felt bad turning to see him fall back to the ground...I always worry a bun will hurt themselves with that sort of fall. I kept the NIC cubes connected and keep them for a pen when we need it...

Honestly though I am really rather quite concerned...I suppose he reinfected himself with the cocci again...but we have been doing all the meds as we are supposed to...how is it this started all over again?

It is really easy to get cocci back into the system if any is still present in the environment. Plus the normal treatment is two doses of de-wormer, spread about a week apart.
Good Morning....

Well Dougal has decided he likes eating my carpet. Try to stop him butshort of keeping him in the pen all day every day I dont know how to stop him. We try yelling, stomping, water bottle...does not phase him in the least.

Still having smushy poo...but he eat a fair amount over the night and morning....but I am still concerned about his water intake...I have started spiking his water with white grape juice....everything new to him...he does not seem to want or even smell, try etc.

I did not give the Bio-Sponge today...it was such a nightmare yesterday and today would have been the last day anyway,....He just will not swallow it no matter what I do, how I try to trick him

With the smushy poo I wonder should I continue the Bene.....Today was supposed to be the last day for that...

Random...(god bless brown paper bags)....

tonyshuman wrote:
It is really easy to get cocci back into the system if any is still present in the environment. Plus the normal treatment is two doses of de-wormer, spread about a week apart.
Yeah I know...but we have been pretty on top of things except for him eating the cecals....
He started the Albon on Nov 13 and has been, and will get it till Nov 26.

I am hoping things get out of his system by then.
I am considering either trying to force him to drink via syringe...but leaning towards the SubQ...because I know that will actually get into him...but man I know he will struggle and fight me to death about it.

I am concerned about his lack of water intake...
Yet he is eating with no issues again today...
I dont know it if will actually last, but I seem to have found a wall in my living room I can set up the laptop and still have a signal...I will be sitting on a glider stool to be here but hey...a connection is a connection!

Lets see how is goes...

I have yet to close the window...do not know how much that might effect things..
He still has the runs coming...he has not really drank any of the water since he was cleaned up today...WORRIED!

He drank well enough and ate good over the night...

CLeaned up, dumped his litter, refreshed everything...walked away for a minute and boom...skids everywhere on the brown paper bags....

I am worried about this...

Is it possible for a bun to be unable to kick the Cocci even with meds?

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