Ohai! I'm alive! I passed all my papers! Life's still an uphill battle, but I'm slowly getting better at figuring out how to stop the downward slide. Did a big clean out and rearrangement of my room last night, and shuffled cages around. Turbo and Dragon are now in the old boys cage, because it was bigger, and the old boys just have a little one they can climb into to eat, poop, wee, and drink.
They've been free-ranging 24/7 for a few weeks now, and it's going pretty well. They mostly sleep in my bed, and climb up on my bookshelf(sigh) to muck about, etc. I have a sort of loft bed, so the rabbits don't need to worry about them, they're too old to climb down. The rabbits are also pretty good at keeping cats out, although Pearly's started coming in. She doesn't realize the rats free-range, but I still have to keep my door shut, which the rabbits aren't happy about.
Ira had an abscess come up right by his penis. He had to have surgery to remove it, but it's come back. Also his aunt Harper has an open abscess thing right by her vulva, and Ira's sister Leila has a suspicious bulge/lump in about the same place. Harper's sister(the sibling's mum) died of weird internal bleeding in the perineal area, which we weren't able to solve before she died. It seems to be genetic in this horribly inbreed family. *sigh*
Anyway. Reuben had his nails clipped this morning, and my sister took pictures of his marshmallowness. What would I do without this guy? <3 He deserves better than me.