Ooohh Stan, that pin is really neat - I didn't know you ran marathons - I'm in awe
. And how exciting to drive the Romanian gymnastic team around - can I have your autograph??? 
I was too exhausted to watch the closing last night. I hope to catch them on a replay or something.!
There was a new event in Beijing, Marathon swimming for men and women, over the distance of 10 kilometres.A lady with one leg swam that event.My niece leaves next weekend for the Paralympics. I sure wish they'd air those like they do the regular ones here!
I agree! Of all the cultural things they could have had, they came up with a double decker bus and a football!!!! China had all of their culture, wonderful dance performances, and we looked like we didn't have anything but stereotypes. I really, REALLY hope they come up with something better in 4 years!Oh god... cringe cringe cringe.... that 8 minute 'handover' was pure embarrassment!
What were we thinking? Buses, lollipop ladies, dancing chavs, Leona Lewis pops up out of a hedgerow? It was like a massacre!
Fran:hearts :brownbunny