Olympics 2008

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ClosingCeremonieswill start in less thana 1/2 hour. :D

It will be much different than the Opening Games. Will David Beckham take part in the closing as London 2012 accept the Olympic flag from China? :cool:

Karen Cockburn, a Toronto native will carry Canada's flag. She won silver in the trampoline. :Canada small:
Yeah I watching them right now. So far so good.


I was too exhausted to watch the closing last night. I hope to catch them on a replay or something.

We had a couple of local people there this year. My niece leaves next weekend for the Paralympics. I sure wish they'd air those like they do the regular ones here!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I was too exhausted to watch the closing last night. I hope to catch them on a replay or something.!

I taped the Opening andClosing ceremonies, but was too busy towatch them. Now that the Olympics are over and everybody starts to get the post Olympics blues, I'll have time to see it. :D

With the time difference, it was hard to view live events. CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) showed the races live, but it was like3 in the morning for us. CBC then rebroadcast the Olympics during prime time (evening hours), but we already knew who won. :blueribbon:
NBC the American station always showed the races 1 hour after we saw them on CBC. But it was nice to get a different view point of the games. :USAflagwaving:

The anchor person on CBC (Ron Maclean) was missing after the first week of the Olympics. His mother passed away, and he went home for the funeral. :pink iris:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
My niece leaves next weekend for the Paralympics. I sure wish they'd air those like they do the regular ones here!
There was a new event in Beijing, Marathon swimming for men and women, over the distance of 10 kilometres.A lady with one leg swam that event. :)
Stan that is SO cool. They are so amazing when you think about what they have to overcome to do what they do. That's why it makes me so angry they don't televise anything here. I love watching the regular games..... watching the paralympics would be even more interesting IMO.

I wish I had taped the ceremonies. We've just been super busy.
Oh god... cringe cringe cringe.... that 8 minute 'handover' was pure embarrassment!

What were we thinking? Buses, lollipop ladies, dancing chavs, Leona Lewis pops up out of a hedgerow? It was like a massacre!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Ipinksalamander wrote:
Oh god... cringe cringe cringe.... that 8 minute 'handover' was pure embarrassment!

What were we thinking? Buses, lollipop ladies, dancing chavs, Leona Lewis pops up out of a hedgerow? It was like a massacre!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
I agree! Of all the cultural things they could have had, they came up with a double decker bus and a football!!!! China had all of their culture, wonderful dance performances, and we looked like we didn't have anything but stereotypes. I really, REALLY hope they come up with something better in 4 years!

Bo, what event is your niece doing? I agree that more coverage should be given to the paralympics. I was in awe of Tanni Grey Thompson winning her Golds in 2004.

Stan, I saw that lady swim. She was amazing, and looked so happy at the end ( I would look happy too, if I'd managed to swim 10km :p)

I have to say I really enjoyed these Olympics. I haven't watched as much and enjoyed them so much since Barcelona. The finals on the men's platform diving were heart stopping. China has certainly set the standard for many years to come. There seemed to be far less controversy and far more courtesy then there has been in a long time.

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