NZminilops and her wascilly wabbits

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2006
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Auckland, , New Zealand
Ok, I admit it, I'm a terrible blogger :p. I have been realy slack these last few weeks...ok...months...and I have heaps of good pics to share with you guys :).

First things first; me! I'm Michelle, I'm 24 and live in (rainy) New Zealand. I like walks on the beach and moonlit dinners...well not really. I'm more your PlayStation 3 adict and prefer to keep indoors where it's warm and cosy. It's winter right now and wont quit raining :(. I live with my partner Mat, we have our ups and downs but generally have a fun and happy life.

I have a part time job that's so part time it's almost non existant, and I'm looking for more work. So right now I get to spend heaps of time with my rabbits which is great. Mat works really hard to take care of us :D, and we work hard back messing up the house for him ;).

Now onto the bunnies. We'll start off with the oldest and work our way down.

First up is BunBun. I got BunBun from Misty Creek rabbitry about a year ago. He's a sable minilop. He's totally cuddly and gorgeous to hold. He loves banana's, apples, pellets, grass, hay...well anything really! He'll eat anything that isn't meat, so you've got to watch him around the dinner plate.





Next up is his wife, Lucky! These pics are of them together as BunBun was getting annoyed at me taking him away from his Luckster for so long :D.





Then we have Black Jack, known as Jack :p. He's getting neutered tomorrow, and I'll be attempting to bond him with with BunBun and Lucky. Lucky (spayed) already likes him a lot, BunBun is getting used to him. No aggression through the wire, just sniffing.
Jack came to me from his previous owners with a spinal injury, I suspect from not being picked up and handled right. It doesn't bother him but his back end is pretty floppy and he falls over sometimes and drags his legs around :(.






Then we have the baby of the bunch :D, little Sakura. She's 13 weeks old and spoilt rotten! She's such a sweet baby though, she comes when her name is called. She lives inside in an NIC condo in the dining room.





All these pictures were taken on the 27th July so very fresh.

That's it from me for now, will update later. Thanks for looking!
Glad to see some new pics! Your babies are all so adorable.

And Sakura is just gorgeous. Look at this face. Beautiful!


Love your new blog Chelle! Love the pics of thepair and of course, Kura!

Keep em comin! Too cute. I think I like Lucky and BunBun best, they have the most awesome colour! Jack is so sweet too, poor thing, he's a cutie patootie butt;)! But, I love them all of course:p.

I love this pic of BunBun and Lucky!


ooooOO lovely bunny wabbits NZMinilops!! I might have to get a pic of my little man Bk up when he is better.
Jack is my favourite, he looks like he has a very sweet personality, poor baby, good that his disability does not cause him too much stress.
I am in Auckland too, way out in Beachlands though, far from everything else!!

I also love playstation games, Silent Hill, Resident Evil 4, Final Fantasy to name just a couple. I am an insane Dr Who fan too.
The rain has been kinda relentless lately!

Your Luckster and Bunbun, Kura too are truly beautiful bunnies:)
Thanks everyone! :biggrin2:

That was Jack in my lap, he's a real cuddly boy.

I have lots of news today! Firstly, Jacks neuter on Monday went...well it went ok. He had trouble waking up and they kept him in overnight. Then after I got him home the next day I noticed he was bleeding a lot, but that's stopped now. He was pretty grumpy but he's doing much better today.

Sakura attacked me yesterday :shock:, and today did that wheezy grunt thng girl rabbits do when you invaid their cage space. I think my little girl is growing up :D. I showed her the respect she was demanding by giving her 40 minutes of head patting. Boy did my arm ache after that. She melted into my hand and fell asleep. I know she'll need spaying in the next few months but she's so little, I can't picture it happening somehow. It's like she's forever a baby.

BunBun and Lucky had a good day, it didn't rain so much so they got the entire lawn to themselves for a few hours. They had a blast! It's a reasonable sized lawn and lots of things to play with and hide under.

Now, onto the big news :D.

For a long time now I've been looking around for a dwarf lop (similar to US minilop) and not having any luck. I'd get leads, then nothing would come of it. I thought I found a lovely little girl, it all went so well emailing the breeder, she agreed I could have her then she emailed me and said she'd been sold. I was really heartbroken :(, and disapointed. But, I kept looking. I asked around on a New Zealand message board and a lady called Sarah knew of a breeder called Tamsin down their way who breeds dwarf lops. I contacted Tamsin and to make a long story short, I chose a little dwarf lop boy.

Their mother died when they were a week old, and they were part hand raised, so are very friendly. I've named my little fella Bailey and he's about 9/10 weeks old now, and is coming up to Auckland on a special pet courier on the 10th of August. It's about a 6 hour drive so I'm pretty anxious.

The plan is for BunBun Lucky and Jack to be bonded in the next few months, and eventually Sakura and Bailey. The three lops already get along very well, Lucky and Jack have already made friends and she'll spend time with him happily. Now that he's neutered I can start trying him with BunBun. They sniff happily through cage bars already so I hope it goes well :D.

Then when the weather warms up a bit outside and the lops all start to lose their winter coats, I'm going to get rid of the dining room table and hunt high and low for NIC grids and have all 5 rabbits inside. Sakura is inside already, I just need my other babies indoors too. Right now, especially with BunBun, it wouldn't be so good to bring them inside. They'd get so hot! Not to mention that I have to ease my partner into this plan of mine, so that by then he thinks it's his idea :D.

I'll have some pictures of Bailey to post soon, they need resizing as they are a bit big for on her. They were taken by my friend Lani who lives in the area, she was also mum to my Jack for a while when I was in need of somewhere for him to stay for a short time.
Jack is so sweet, he'll happily fall asleep in my lap like that. Wish I had been wearing nicer pants, but I was sitting on the lawn so scruffy pants it was! :) Jack is doing much better today, he's not vey good at reaching to clean his back end so I'm doing that for him. He's enjoying living inside that's for sure.

Sakura has decided it's a good idea to jump from the top level out of her NIC cage and onto the dining room table, so I've had to secure the lid down better. She thought she was very clever to jump in the fruit bowl and piddle on the bananas :nonono:. She hates bananas and I guess this was her way of saying so :dunno.

Plans are underway to dismantle the dining room table so I can fit buns in there. It's got a vinyl floor so it's perfect. We have a 'spare' room since our boarder (my brother) moved out, but he's paying us to store all his stuff in there so it's more full than before he left!

BunBun and Lucky are grumpy butts today, I think they are as sick of the wet lawn as I am. When I let them out for a run BunBun kept stopping to clean his feet every few hops.

Here's a sneak preview of Bailey. My friend Lani who lives in the area took the pictures for me, she took tons but as they are her pics I'll have to ask if she minds me using them.


Well that is the sweetest little bun, lovely colouring, he looks suitably manly with his attitude written on his expression. He will look stunning in pics with Sakura.

Can you believe I find myself attached to little Jack just through some pics, hehe, must be the way his sleeping on your lap. I am a sucker for cosy pics like that.


Aw, someone's not happy with bananas ;)

Yeah, Butter doesn't like his lawn to be very wet, either... I usually don't take him out when it's super wet, especially if it's cold, but when there's been a little watering on a hot day, he just has to complain.
And what is it with bunnies and tables?

Keep updating, lazy! :D
~Diana and Butter
NZminilops wrote:
Here's a sneak preview of Bailey.
OHHHHHHHH - He's BEAUTIFUL!!! Bailey is a really cute name, too.

NZminilops wrote:
Plans are underway to dismantle the dining room table so I can fit buns in there.
Yay! That's great! I know you'll be glad to have more of the babies inside with you all the time.
Yay yay yay NEW BUNNY!!:bunnydance: Bailey is just gorgeous Michelle!! :bunnyheart

I lol'd at little Sakura peeing on the bananas! :rofl:She's such a pretty bun, that last picture is great. :biggrin2:

~Michaela, Ebony, Pebble, Madison & Angel Bunny Berri~

Hey everyone! I loved all the comments, thank you so much. I chosed Bailey because he had a great personality, it's a bonus that he's so adorable :D.

No news today, just some pics of him, credit goes to my friend Lani for these.

*edit* click on these to go to the larger pics

He is to the left here:

Isn't that rex adorable?

Bunch of baby bunnies:

Look at his nose!:

With his brothers, Bailey is on the left

Two of his brothers:


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