about 2 hs ago my husbandcame home from work ,he works on a farm , he handed me a boxand said dont open it till itell you this . ok so me beingme didnt look , he proceeds to tellme he had been watchinga coyote and it seemeto be after something, his first thought wasthe cats andhens around the placeso he went and gotthe shot gun , as he issupposed to do , thecoyote lunged at something hedidnt see what so hefired the gun killingthe coyote , he wentto see what it wasthe coyote had holdof, when hesaw what it was heran with it in his handskicking and scratching biting etcto get a box. Now hesaid go ahead open t he box , i was alittle leery of it at firstcause i was moving , i openedit and inside is this poorskinny tore up wildrabbit ( hare ) i think as itis all white with under hairsof blackish brown okstory done now comesthe hard part i have to tryand fix the wounds that dernanimal inflicted on the HareBUT ! 1 i cant get near it now that itsin a cage 2 poor thing ishalf out of its mindwith fear and pain , its in alarge cage with a boxto hide in with lotsof hay,3 what do i feed iti have offered itwhat i feed my lactaingdoes which istheKay Tee , it has nibbled atit so far but i am worriedit isnt the right stuff ,tomorrow ( monday ) i am takingit to the vets so ican get the woundsfixed most of the wounds aresuperficial but one is kindagross looking and ideas?? i know if i let itgo before it is 100% healthyit will just beanother preditors dinner