In the spirit and good will towards each otherand a tradition that Buck really wanted to go forward, I'm asking thosethat had recieved a copy of Night of the Lepus from Buck or myself lastyear or the year before to please make a copy for at least one otherthat don't have it, but would like to see it.
I have PMed some people, even our "infrequent visitors", to pleaseparticipate and share what was given to them and pass it on. Some havebeen asked to make a copy for a specific person.
Buck and I had discussed asking folks to do this. Our numbers aregrowing with participation, and this movie is hard to get and tooexpensive to pay full price for. Knowing how happy you were to get acopy, I assure you, it will make you feel good to pass that feeling on.
In honor of Buck, it will be most appreciated.
Thank you.