Carolyn wrote:
Aww Raspberry Swirl,
It's not really scary, it's more comical than anything else.Believe me, you Won't have to hide under the covers. I'll even make acopy for you myself if that's what it takes.
Yes, it is!? It is really
SCARY!? Yup.? Yup.? It really is!.?It'll scare the pants right off you and your buns will never be thesame if you permit them to?be exposed to?it.? (puns/bunsintended)?That's why we only watch it once each year on Mischief Night,the night before Halloween.? We all watch it at the same time(9:00 P.M.EST), across the nation, so we can support one another with phone callsif need be and keep all the bunnies under control.
You have no idea how truculent they become when they see their fiercecousins on the TV screen.? Right away, they?develop ?some grandioseideas and dreams, and if you're not careful,... you're dead meat!
Dressing up like movie characters helps to confuse the buns, so theydon't get organized and begin to, "feel their oats," so to speak.? Youwill not know how to dress, however, if this is your first screening.?
First time, don't worry about costuming, but I recommend watching veryclosely,and perhaps taking notes on how to deal with lots and lots ofvery bad bunnies.? As this is the second, of what is an annual
Night?of the Lepus?event, you will have time to? prepare fornext year...if your bunnies permit!