Night of the Lepus

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:shock: Seriously :shock:

Tucker and Fauna are growing. I just noticed it today.

I measured them yesterday knowing that the week before The Night of theLepus, they always grow a little, but they grew a 1/2 inch more todaythan they did last year at this time.

This isn't cool.

This could mean something.

Carolyn, I'd double and triple check those cage latches if I were you :shock:
Isn't tonight the night of the viewing? :shock:

I've got to run and go get some snacks before we get started.Have already had my sister help me hook up the trusty oldVCR!
Oh, dear ... oh, DEAR ... :(.I've been TOTALLY loopy the last few weeks. My sense of timeand orientation is TOTALLY off!

The viewing's not tonight! I've got it all wrong, day, date,everything but the time. I just tied my sister up for 45minutes to get the VCR set up ... and I don't even have itright.
m.e. wrote:
Carolyn, I'd double and triple check those cage latches if I were you :shock:


Thanks, m.e.

Definitely do that Caro... Gir learned how tofiddle with the latch on the cage last night... so now we triplelock! I think I better keep him in the other room nextSaturday... since he is one for learning new tricks to harass him mumand dad!
Sebastian islooking at me with those sweet brown eyes I'm quite assured that hewon't be harrassing me during the viewing like your evil bunnies willyou!

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Sebastian is looking at me withthose sweet brown eyes I'm quite assured that he won't be harrassing meduring the viewing like your evil bunnies will you!


Suuuuuure...that's what he wants you to think.
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Sebastian is looking at me withthose sweet brown eyes I'm quite assured that he won't be harrassing meduring the viewing like your evil bunnies willyou!?? ?


Think Again, Pal.

m.e. is Right.

Haha, you're all hysterical! That picture of the guy saddling the rabbit is funny...and kind of disturbing...;)
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
You guys are creeping me out!I'm one of those girls who is soooooo afraid of scary movies! IF Iwatch one, it's with a group, I hide behind a pillow and under acrocheted blanket so I can peek through the holes! I'm always incontrol of the remote control so I can stop the movie when it becomestoo intense! I don't think I'll be watching any freaky, horror bunnymovies.
You took the word right out of my mouth!!!!!!

Gettin' closer 'til the night of thescreening. Both Missy and Calbert are poised with front feeton the third level of horizontal rungs on their converted dogcrate...just starin' at mehere onthe'puter. They didn't even budge when I dropped a treat inbehind them.

Ought oh! I don't like the looks of this!

Pauly has been withdrawing lately. He spends alot of time in his new playpen, building something out of a magazine,wooden blocks, and a chube. I believe it might be a crude catapult.This morning Mella was drawing up some sort of plans. I'll tell you, Idon't like this one bit.


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