Carolyn wrote:
Dear Mr. Buck Jones,
You said in this thread: "Everyone should know how lethal rabbits can be if they've seen Monty Python's Holy Grail."
I have not seen this movie.
I do not know anything about it.
I'm sure we can all rent that one at the video store. Perhaps when thisviewing is over and you feel we're 'back to normal', then you can postwhen that movie will run?
Oops, missed this post.
Holy Grail, while exceedinglyfunny, and considered Monty Python's best movie, a veritable classic,it is not quite as rabbit oriented as is
Lepus. Allrabbit owners should view it in order to be prepared for theeventuality of a vicious rabbit attack, but I don't know if the messagewarrants a whole evening devoted to it, as does
Having said that, we could view it over Halloween weekend, if wesurvive
Night of the Lepus. It'll take a while for usto substantiate the number of casualties incurred during the viewingaround the nation from rabbits running amok, but your idea ofteleconferencing might make that formidable task a biteasier. Maybe there will be time to see another movie onSunday.
Do you think we will have to put regional EMT's on alert this year,like we did last year? I think it reduced the number offatalities, if not the number of people who were attacked by their ownbunnies. At least they were tended to fairly quickly and mostwere able to survive. If you think so, please distribute anAPB to all the designated regional EMT offices.
I fear that as the number of rabbit owners watching the flic increases,the number of casualties will increase commensurately. Ah,"c'est la vie, eh?"
I've also received notice of an unusual amount of lagomorph activityleading to, and centered upon, Tucker Town. I think the massmigration is already beginning. It's earlier thisyear. I think we're in for a "doozy!"