Night of the Lepus

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Nope, m.e. I'm out of the loop on this one.

I'll definitely look into it. Thanks for the heads-up. I'll eat before I watch the movie.


Carolyn wrote:
Dear Mr. Buck Jones,

You said in this thread: "Everyone should know how lethal rabbits can be if they've seen Monty Python's Holy Grail."

I have not seen this movie.

I do not know anything about it.

I'm sure we can all rent that one at the video store. Perhaps when thisviewing is over and you feel we're 'back to normal', then you can postwhen that movie will run?

Oops, missed this post. Holy Grail, while exceedinglyfunny, and considered Monty Python's best movie, a veritable classic,it is not quite as rabbit oriented as is Lepus. Allrabbit owners should view it in order to be prepared for theeventuality of a vicious rabbit attack, but I don't know if the messagewarrants a whole evening devoted to it, as does Lepus.

Having said that, we could view it over Halloween weekend, if wesurvive Night of the Lepus. It'll take a while for usto substantiate the number of casualties incurred during the viewingaround the nation from rabbits running amok, but your idea ofteleconferencing might make that formidable task a biteasier. Maybe there will be time to see another movie onSunday.

Do you think we will have to put regional EMT's on alert this year,like we did last year? I think it reduced the number offatalities, if not the number of people who were attacked by their ownbunnies. At least they were tended to fairly quickly and mostwere able to survive. If you think so, please distribute anAPB to all the designated regional EMT offices.

I fear that as the number of rabbit owners watching the flic increases,the number of casualties will increase commensurately. Ah,"c'est la vie, eh?"

I've also received notice of an unusual amount of lagomorph activityleading to, and centered upon, Tucker Town. I think the massmigration is already beginning. It's earlier thisyear. I think we're in for a "doozy!"


Hi Buck,

After last year, the EMTs in Tucker Town marked this date and have beentold that all personnel must report to work that night. To be on thesafe side, the Fire Chief and the Chief of Police, as well as thePresidents of the regional Hospitals are going to be reminding theirpeople of the attack and their need to be working that night.Did you realize that a full moon is going to be out October28th?? The Chief of Police informed me that they're having people workdouble shifts starting the 27th.

I found out about the teleconferencing call. Everyone could call intoan 800 number and as each person comes on the line, we're connected.The charge would continue until the last person hangs up thephone. Because of the price, it won't be a long call as Icount 8 of us, but for those that are interested, I'll host it.

As to the Monty Python's Holy Grail, sounds a plan if the time permits and we survive The Night of The Lepus.

We're just lucky it's One Night. The footage is based on the book, The Year of the Angry Rabbit.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Has anyone noticed how fast their rabbit's teeth are growing lately??

The viewing commences around the country at 9:00P.M. EST, with those in other time zones making the appropriateadjustment. California people get to see it with somedaylight, so they can see the rabbits advancing much better than thoseof us on the east coast.

East coast people are advised to have good perimeter lighting...or suffer the consequences, I'm afraid.

Oh,great!!!! I can still go to church that evening.

Carolyn, I'd be more than happy to contribute my share of theconference call. :) I don't think that you shouldbear the entire expense.
Thanks BunnyMommy,

I'm thinking that the verdict is still out on whether we shouldactually do the conference call rather than just phone eachother.

The reason being, the price is very high at 27 cents per minute perperson, a fee on top of that for the connection, and with 8 peopletrying to chat, it would be hard for anyone to speak and be heard atthat rate. I'm really leaning towards not doing it becausehaving 8 people on the line would be difficult, I wouldthink.

Thank you for your offer though, BunnyMommy.

Good GRAVY!!!!!! ... :shock:...Twenty seven cents a minute!!!!!...

Uhhhhh ... I'm thinking that SCRAPPING the conference call is the wayto go. There's got to be a better and more cost efficient wayto do it than that. People conference all the time.

I'm going to see if I can do a little research too.
I agree, BunnyMommy. I thought 27 cents per minute per person was quite ridiculous as well.

If the conference call can't happen, no big deal. Sharing iton this thread will be just as much fun.I truly don't thinkanything will be lost if we just write about it. We can emaileach other our phone numbers if we wanted to talk to each other aboutit.

Eight people on a conference call could get prettyconfusing. It occurred to me that people would haveto introduce themselves on the line as their screen name. Youcouldn't say Angela, you're BunnyMommy. No one would knowAngela.


WAIT A MINUTE! Now that's anidea! I've done it that way beforewhen I used to participate on asoap operadiscussion board. We called it a "Chatand Watch".

What we can do is that night start a thread especially for us (theviewers) and wecan post comments to the thread during thecourse of the movie. Hopefully everyoneis situatedwith their computers such that they can watch the movie and post totheir computers at the same time. In this way there's noexpense involved, everyone still remains true to their screen identity,and there's no fuss.

What do you all think? :D

In one little moment of weakness, Ibuckled under the peer pressure and said I'd join thecrowd.

Iquickly reversed my decision, but not quick enough!

Carolyn was already out the door andon her way to the postoffice!


I ain'tscared!!!!

Carolyn wrote:
Has anyone noticed how fast their rabbit's teeth are growing lately??

And Buck wrote: I've also received notice of an unusual amount oflagomorph activity leading to, and centered upon, TuckerTown. I think the mass migration is alreadybeginning. It's earlier this year. I think we're infor a "doozy!"


You guys better knock itoff!
PERFECT IDEA, BunnyMommy! Chat andWatch! I'll sign onto the forum just after the movie's overbecause it's all hooked up together and I'd either have to do one otherthe other, but that sounds great!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hey RaspberrySwirl,

I read your mind because that tape was already on its way to you whenyou said you'd watchit.

It was already in the mail.


BunnyMommy wrote:
Oh,great!!!!??? ?I can still go to church that evening.

Raspberry Swirl,

I think you better be the one saying your prayers.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

By the way, everyone should watch out for this rabbit. It's the oneBunnyMommy and I were talking about earlier in the thread. It's hard tosee in this picture, but it's emerging from the sand to go attack!

Blink and you'll miss it, but it's really scary! I'd even go asfar as saying, it's the scariest part of the movie in my opinion. Thenagain, maybe not.



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