Night of the Lepus

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:faint: And you'regoing to watch it with us???


Yes, we set our clocks back this weekend too.


Tonight's the Night!!!!!


Indeed! The night we all watch the movie at the same time. :jumpforjoy:

Cali is acting bizarre today. She's freakin me out. I have no controlover her at this moment. Tucker, of course you know I never have anycontrol over, is flinging things in his cage left and right, andFauna's being a little doll. Ernestine's hearing seems to be sharperthan usual.

It's all just a little bit unnerving. Something's in the air. I can feel it.


Snuggy has been thumping all morning and giving Kevin the evil eye. I don't know what the deal is.

I'm not letting her watch the movie!


There's an eerie feeling here. It's very quiet, The Missus and I just felt a slight tremor of the earth around us.

This could be The Big One.

Taking Cover.
Over and Out.

-Carolyn and The Missus
During the viewing of the Movie, Buddy,Stormy and Koda were watching too. Now they are digging and scratchingto get out. Uh uh No Way. I'm scared.

I wish I was watching it with all of you guys.we are going to get The night of Lupus and Monty Python the Holy Crail.MeatHead is in the worst mood ever.
Buck Jones wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
Aww Raspberry Swirl,

It's not really scary, it's more comical than anything else.Believe me, you Won't have to hide under the covers. I'll even make acopy for you myself if that's what it takes.

Yes, it is! It is really SCARY! Yup. Yup. It really is!.It'll scare the pants right off you and your buns will neverbe the same if you permit them to be exposed to it.(puns/buns intended) That's why we only watch itonce each year on Mischief Night, the night before Halloween.We all watch it at the same time(9:00 P.M. EST), across thenation, so we can support one another with phone calls if need be andkeep all the bunnies under control.

You have no idea how truculent they become when they see their fiercecousins on the TV screen. Right away, they develop somegrandiose ideas and dreams, and if you're not careful,... you're deadmeat!

Dressing up like movie characters helps to confuse the buns, so theydon't get organized and begin to, "feel their oats," so to speak.You will not know how to dress, however, if this is yourfirst screening.

First time, don't worry about costuming, but I recommend watching veryclosely,and perhaps taking notes on how to deal with lots and lots ofvery bad bunnies. As this is the second, of what is an annualNight of the Lepus event, you will have time to prepare for nextyear...if your bunnies permit!

:shock:....anybody else sleep with the lights on??

..."things" kept going THUMP in the night.:scared:

....and I wore bunnie ears when I feed the crew this morning......they looked just a liiiiittle too hungry :?.
When I eventually got to bed at 4 am, I kept dreaming of bunnies with blood dripping from their teeth:scared:.

Got to say though, that the humans deserved it, after treating therabbits like that. :X. Perry and Pernod are beingreally bad today, like they are daring me to stop them ;).

BTW Carolyn, I swear that was Cali leading them. And I'm sure I saw m.e.'s Rex in there too!!!


Well needless to say I am exhausted. Boythat movie got this bunch riled up real good. They were slinging alltheir toys and bowls from one end of the cage to the other, rattlingcage doors, thumping and digging until almost four this morning.

Koda kept watching the movie and staring at Jeremy. He finallyspoke and said, "Mom make her quit looking at me she's freaking meout." He slept with a nightlight on.:shock:

LuvaBun wrote:
Got to say though, that the humans deserved it, after treating the rabbits like that. :X.
BTW Carolyn, I swear that was Cali leading them. And I'm sure I saw m.e.'s Rex in there too!!!


I said to The Missus when they were leading the rabbit towardselectricution, that there were undoubtedly people on the forum thatwere routing for the rabbits and feeling sorry for them. Shesaid, "But they eat people!" I said to her, "That doesn'tmatter to the rabbit people I know. They'll still feel sorryfor them."

Too Funny about Cali leading the way. No Doubt, she wastaking bites out of anything and everything she could sink those teethinto. Even Helen said that some of those rabbits could'vebeen Cali or her family members.

Has everyone checked in that were hit? Are we sure we didn't lose any members to The Lepus??

Sooooo....that'swhy Charlie Brown got so many rocks...... drop them down holes to see if there are giant bunnies down there, right?!?


p.s. .....anybody notice Tootsie running with the herd??

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