Well-Known Member
Thanks. Yep, the front half of the top flips open and I hold it shut with a binder clip.
I'm on it :biggrin2:I was planning on doing that but the store was out of them so I just did that until the new shipment comes in. *sigh* since it's alaska shipping usually takes an extra week or so though:grumpy:May I suggest trying to find some L-brackets to support your shelves? I use them and love them so much. They support the shelf from underneath and you don't have to run extra panels underneath and take up bunny play area. And the shelves will be rock solid!
Peg board works well for this. If you buy it at Home Depot they will even cut it to size for you. They also carry those cheap stick on tiles (like .99 each) that work great for cleanup. You can put them on the grid directly or stick them on the pegboard.Also if I were you I'd try to make sure the grids are covered so when the bunnies jump their little legs don't get caught in the holes.
Had to redo my girls's cage until Pixie is spayed since they werent getting along to well. Im glad it still looks ok though.
Going to Target tomorrow to buy my NIC cage supplies. I was wondering though, how many grids do you think I'd need to build a 4x5.5 feet with 3 separate areas? Would that be enough for 3 bunnies? I'd like to keep them separated yet together while they all heal from their neutering/spaying experiences. It'll be my first one so I'm sticking to one story only. And also, how many cable ties do you think I'll need if I was to go overboard with them? I don't want to end up buying too little but wouldn't mind buying too much.
there is no a way to build 5.5 feet because each grid is 12inches= 1 foot so it would have to be 4x6 feet. so 4 grids going depth and 6 grids going width. or vice versa. if you want to separate three buns you should really make it bigger, because it seems that the buns wont have enough space. also with the cable ties you would need a lot just buy a whole container of assorted sizes for like $5, because trust me you are going to need alot!
the ones I have are 14.5 inches, it should say on the box.Both of you gave me different sized grids so I guess I'll get about 40-50 grids just to be on the safe side.
Ha this is what Belles cage looks like, i have the guinea pigs on top of her cage too, lol i thought i was the only crazy one that did that. Where did you get the piggies cubes at, i would have really like to use them instead of the ones i have, i have coroplast going up the side and they cant see out.Trios cage. Looks small but Dallas and Connor are 3lbs and Teresa is 2lbs. Tiny buns. Its funny. Dallas is round and looks bigger but Connor is more firm, longer and lean.