New Pictures Of What

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
Pasadena, California, USA
What is such a joy... He is so personable and loving!! He's such an amazing boy... Elops are now my #2 favorite, right after Flemish. He's just so amazing.

Rolling on the couch!


Must get clean!


"I did not poops on your couch, I swears!"






"What are we doing?"






"Mmm, tasty!"


Sleepin' with mama on the couch. So sweet!


lol @ Patti i was thinking the same thing about his ears!!!

Very cute
what a cutie!!!!
SunnyCait wrote:
What is such a joy... He is so personable and loving!! He's such an amazing boy... Elops are now my #2 favorite, right after Flemish. He's just so amazing.

"I did not poops on your couch, I swears!"



Ok - time to fess up - all of you e-lop owners are ganging up on me to convince me to get an e-lop right? Between posting pics in my blog and constantly showing pics on this forum....

Ok...I get it. I GIVE!

I will have an e-lop've convinced me with all the stories.

So go ahead - keep on posting adorable pictures that make me want an e-lop. Keep up with the stories.

Just know that you can't change my mind - I'm already convinced that someday I'll have one of my own too!!!

By the way - to get back to YOUR bunny...

He is adorable and he looks like such fun. I am guessing he's very very spoiled also - you can tell by the happy look on his face.

I'm so happy you have him!
Adorable factor 100%....Those pictures are so great and show off how handsome he is!!
I love the ears!!
Those pictures really are great and how you set them up and showed them on here...I like the little story!
He's an ABSOLUTE joy. I can't say anything bad about him... His one bad trait (biting clothes) he now doesn't do. He knows the word NO very well.

Also... I have to add... He is actually a she, haha. Waiting until What gets bigger and we can get a spay done. Then she'll be intro'd to the boys. :) They'll be a happy group.

And yes, he is VERY spoiled... VERY. He is out with us practically all the time when we are home. The boys are now limited to upstairs so that he can have the downstairs haha. They're a wee bit jealous. :p
So in e-lops the girls can be affectionate too (like in flemmies?). I thought that Dave & Karen's Daisy was probably the exception to the rule...
Fantastic pictures, and amusing captions as always!

So the gender fairy strikes again, she really has it in for you doesn't she haha