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Hello everyone. I don't have a bunnyyet. I'm trying to learn as much as possible before I getone. My boyfriend asked me what I wanted for Christmas and Isaid a bunny. He doesn't think they can behousetrained and I told him different. I was even talking inmy sleep the other night about bunnies, so I think that madehim realize how much I want one. We will be out of state onChristmas, so it would actually be after we get back that I'dget one because I found out that your bunny can't travel in the planecabin with you like a small dog, cat, or bird. Which isn'tfair. I also have an older, very well behaved dogthat gets along with other animals. I don't really care whatkind of rabbit I get or what color, as long as it is wellbehaved. I would love to adopt one that is "needy" butrealize that I should probably get a healthy one first since it will bemy first and easier to take care of till I figure out all the bunnystuff I need to know. I saw some on a website that had beenattacked or had ear infections that I felt so sorry for.Maybe later if the first one goes well and I get another one.I've been learning alot by reading your threads. Thanks
Hi Risingstar! Have you checked You'll probably be able to find a healthy,adoptable bunny in your area that needs rescuing from a shelter!
Hello, Risingstar! Welcome to the forum!

I've actually found it easier to have a rescue bunny first, becausethey are typically really lovey-dovey and very thankful to have aloving home. I would recommend telling the shelter that thiswould be your first bun, as they know the buns' personalities andshould be able to give you one that's very well-mannered, and doesn'thave any health problems. There are lots of buns there thatare healthy (that someone just couldn't afford to take care of and gaveto the shelter, etc.), and the bonus there is that the bun will alreadybe spayed/neutered, so you don't have to worry about thatcost! :D

If I'd known the above when I decided to bring a bun home, I would have gone with a shelter in a heartbeat!!

Just keep researching, learn as much as you can, and when you bringhome your bun, you'll know lots of what to do. Also, don'tever hesitate to ask questions on this site...we're VERY happy to help,no matter how many questions you might have! :)

Be sure to read all the topics in the Rabbit 101 section, and you'll see what you can do with your bun! :)

Anyway, welcome! We're happy to have you as a member!! :D


hey hey,

we are new rabbit owners, he is a 4 month old lop-ear rabbit, he is a toffee colour, and he is huge!!!!!

but we have one question, why does he have a ring on his leg, what isit for. I have heard its for a special reson, but what?????


kat and ski x
:)Hi group, just found this forum. We are looking forward to reading allthe interestingmessages.:bunnydance:
Hello tykocki!!

Welcome to the forum!!

I'm not sure what the ring on his leg is for, but you might try askingin the Infirmary, as there are a lot of members in there that knowabout health issues and such. :)

Can't wait to see pictures of your cute bun! :D

Hi! Welcome to the site!

As I'm sure you've noticed, this is a terrific sight for gaininginformation about bunnies, and making wonderful friends!Enjoy!!

I look forward to hearing all about your bun(s) and what they're like,and fair warning: everyone on this site LOVES pictures!!They'll be asking you for them soon!

See ya around!

Hi Tykocki! Welcome to the forum!

Are you in the UK? Many breeders put rings on their rabbit'slegs for id purposes. They're required at UK and possiblyother European rabbit shows. In the US we tattoo the earsinstead.
I'm going to take the unusual step of welcoming a member before they post!

Just want to say hi to Blackberry andfamily,"rabbitt in paradise." I see theysigned up here today. :) (I sent them an invite).;)Blackberry's family lives in Hawaii, andpostsat many other places Ioccasionallyfrequent. A much loved bunny bunch!

Blackberry also has some of the coolest rabbit craftsaround, but I'll post that elsewhere.

For now, just wanted to say :helloand:welcome1!

(And hi to all the many new members I've missed!)

sas :)and the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Hello everyone,

My name's Diana and I just joined. I have a new eightmonth old Holland Lop named Ookpik. She is my first bunny,and while I did a lot of reading before hand, I still have a lot tolearn! I also have two dogs, two cats, a hamster and threegoldfish. Looking forward to getting to know all of you.

:wave:Hello Diana and welcome to you and Ookpik

I'm guessing that is her in your avatar.......she is very pretty and i really love her colouring.

I'm sure you will learn so much from this forum ;)

I'm also looking forward to hearing more about your special little girl :)

Again..a big welcome ! :D


I've been hanging out for a while and asking lots of questions so I figured I better post an introduction.

We are a family of 5 who is adopting a pair of rabbits from our localrescue organization. Our middle kiddo introduced us to theidea of rabbits because he loves anything bunny related (we are even inthe process of creating a bunny themed bedroom for him!) Westarted reading bunny story books and as interest kept growing we movedon to bunny care books. The more reading we did in books andon the internet, the more convinced we were that our family couldprovide a great home for a house bunny or two.

Our next contact was our local rescue organization who has beenincredible. They, unfortuntely, are so overwhelmedwithabandoned bunnies that they can hardly find enoughtemporary homes and volunteers to care for them. Despitethat, they found time to introduce us to their rabbits and find theperfect match for us.

They are a male-female pair who fell in love in the shelter.They are incredibly gentle and yet both have very playful, socialpersonalities. The little girl's favorite pastime is to shrednewspapers. When she met her guy, she taught him too so nowthey sit in their cage and shred newspapers in chorus. Theyhave been in the shelter for almost a year and the shelter staff saythey are rather depressed. Our 2nd visit to see them, thestaff said they seemed to sense that we had decided to adopt thembecause they continued hoping, jumping, and playing for quite some timeafter we left instead of retreating to their normal sleeping/restingplaces in the cage.

They are coming to be home with us the middle of next week.We're busy designing and building a big NIC cage that will sit in ourliving room (the kids love this part because it's like working with bigtinkertoys!) and buying all the supplies. I'm finding thefood part the most confusing because they are on Purina with the rescuebut I keep reading all sorts of warnings about it.

Looking forward to learning and contributing with the forums! Thank you to everyone who has helped guide us this far.

BunyBun :)
Hello! Welcome, Diana and Ookpik!

Wow, what a cool name for your bunny...where did you come up with it? :)

Look forward to seeing you around!

Hi, BunyBun! I think I've said itbefore, but hey, everyone could use a few different welcomes,right? So....

Welcome to the site!

I loved reading how you guys came to the decision to bring home acouple of buns...and how they know you've decided to adoptthem! How adorable! I love the idea of a bondedpair!

I think you guys are wonderful for automatically going to a shelter foryour first buns. Like you mentioned, there are so manybunnies that need new homes...and not nearly enough people going in toadopt. That's great that you guys are, though!

I look forward to hearing all about your new babies when they come homesoon! It's so exciting preparing for a new friend!:) I bet your kids are just about ready to jump out of theirskin in excitement!! :D


:wave:Hello Sandy,and welcome to you and Bare

Ohh we have so many gorgeous pictures of bunnies on this forum..just golook in the bunny blog section,you can look as much as your heartdesires :sunshine:

Well i'm looking forward to hearing more about Bare


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