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:welcome1Spirit looks alot like one of my foster bunnys Mr. Peebody!:inlove:

Very prety!

Shye, Nuggles, Nibbles

All foster buns!
Welcome Teri and Spirit!:welcome1 I hope you enjoy posting on here. Spirit is a gorgeous rabbit, and I love her name!:bunnyheart

Michaela and the girls:brownbunny:brownbunny:brownbunny
Thank you all very much :)

tenacrewoods- I wish she was a mini rabbitlol. She weighs 4.3kg! Maybe more by nowlol.

Once again, thank you everyone :)


Hi I am new to this forum. I have a grey bunnyand she is about 10 months old. I got her from a pet store so I don'teven know what kind of rabbit she is or when she was born. Her name isTinkle Bunny, because when I got her she used to pee on me (thishappened about 4 times) I wanted to give her a really cool name butTinkle Bunny just fit her. I am 25 years old and she is my firstrabbit. I think I am hooked though. I realky enjoy getting to know herand see her little personality come out. Who knew that watching earscould tell you so much. :)



I am the new mom of a recently abandoned black loving rabbit. My 11yr.old son and I found her in a cage behind an empty strip mall in threeinches of water. Who ever left this wonderful creature put bread in thecage and a water bottle attachedbut nothingmore.Shelifted into my arms with calm. I have never held a rabbit but she madeit very easy and seemed to enjoy my stroking of her cheek. How someonecould leave her I don't understand. We are the owners of exotic rats,birds, cats and a dog, but never a rabbit..... Where to start... thatswhy I looked up your forum. We have only had her 36 hours and don'tknow if we are the right home for her but we would love to try! Wereally enjoy holding and spending time with her, but not sure if we aredoing the right things for her. I guess we need HELP!

Thank You,

Hey, my name is Jenna and my bunnyisAbby. I don't know the sex yet, but i had to give her aname and for the last 2 months of her life she has been living as agirl..hahaha! I havealots of animals and Abby is my firstbunny she is very sweet.



Newmom: Welcome to you and yournew bunny!:party::welcome1:bunnieskiss

If you need info, youve come to the right place. Feel free to browsethrough all the threads, and be sure to check out the resource centerfor lots of info on diet, behavior, cages, health etc.

You are wonderful for saving this bunny's life. What a saint you are :kiss:

I think you'll find that while bunnies are a lot of work (they tend torun the house once you give them a chance) they are so much fun andjust bursting with personality. Have you thought of a namefor the little one yet? You may want to take him/her to the vet just tobe sure the sex and that its healthy and everything. Lots of placeswill give you a discount if its a rescue.

I hope we can be of help to you and your new bunny! Welcome!

Jen: Welcome to you and Abby (or possibly Abe?);)How old is she? We have some pics in the resource centerthat may help you identify the sex if shes old enough. Feel free to askloads of questions. We love pictures if you have any!

Again, welcome to youboth!!:wave::groupparty::hello

Hi guys i'm new only signed on yesterday. I have7 bunnies Grumpy hopefully an expectant mother who is a black and whitefrench lop, ginger a ginger and white lop, damien a black lop, two oneeared (!!!!) netherlands that were being given away brandy a whitebeige and brown one, and thumper brown and white and they are allgirls, and bubba a grey and white dwarf lop and digger a motled blackgrey and white lop who again was being given away and they are bothboys! so thats us! sorry i don't know all the proper names for all thecolours and patterns but i'm sure i will learn eventually!
:wave2:welcome1cant wait to see some pictures of all those bunnys!!!


all my foster bunnys
Hi,I am new to this forum. Iam a high school teacher and recently purchased a bunny to become aclassroom pet. I am new to bunny ownership but love animals so amwilling to learn all I can. I have "LC" (stands for learningcenter which is my class) in a nice sized cage (48 X 26) in myclassroom but I also take her home on weekends and she spends time inmy spare room sleeping on my day bed and she has a smaller cage therethat she uses to potty and eat in. She has been an awesome bunnyso far. She is a bit shy at school still, but is doing betterevery day. I think it is just a new environment for her to getused to. I do not let the students pick her up or harrassher. I am very careful about that.My one question isabout female bunnies. Generally she is a sweet bunny that isstill shy around us. Last night I went in to say good night toher and she was acting very funny. She had done some sheddingmore than usual and she was picking it up with her mouth and didn'tseem to want me around her. She even made growly noices and Ithought she was going to bite me. Is this normal behavior for afemale? She has not been in school this week becaused we have hadproblems with the heat and it has been very warm in my classroom and Idid not want her to be too warm so she has spent the week at myhouse. This morning I checked on her again and she seemed back tonormal. Any thoughts on this? Thanks,Sheryl and LC who is alittle black and white bunny. My picture is too big to attach soI will try to attach one another time at my home.
Hi, newmom!! Welcome to the forum!!

First and foremost, I have to tell you that I think it's wonderfulthat you decided to take this little cutie into your life andhome. Unfortunately, there are all too few people in thisworld that would attempt it, but we're happy to say that this forum isFULL of the ones that do! Just about everyone on here hasrescued a bun at one time or another, and really thinks you're a truegem for having done so, as well!! There should be more peoplelike you on this planet!! :D So, many many kudos toyou!!

I also want to send love and hugs to your new baby...sounds like he/shecertainly needed a new home and a loving family to take herin. I find myself appalled that they would leave her outsidewhen winter's just starting up. Poor baby...I'm so glad youcame along to give her a home. What a lucky girl (or boy)!!!

You certainly found the right place to get data on bunnies!!There's so much data on this site, it seems just about impossiblesometimes to be able to read it all. Heck, I've been on thesite almost a year, and haven't even gotten through HALF ofit! :D This is the best site I've found forresearching and learning about rabbits...I'm so glad you foundus!! :D

We'd love to see some pictures of your new bunny friend...but at thesame time I know it's taking all your energy to make sure he/she'sdoing okay.

My suggestion, in having rescued a bun in quite a similiar situation,is to first off give her water and unlimited Timothy hay. Thehay will help her work through whatever they might have been feedingher before (which, let's face it, having dumped her off somewhere inthe beginning of winter, it couldn't have been anything muchgood). Then in a few days, I would start her on some pelletfood, but only if she's got nice, solid (not mushy) poop.

Also, I recommend taking her in to see a vet (or at least a VERYwell-knowledged shelter) as soon as possible. (I recommendthe vet, personally, but when I found my Flower, it was a Sunday, andno one was open, so I had to take her to a VERY knowledgableshelter.) As far as the vet, you can let them know that she'san unexpected addition to the household, and see if they will let yoube billed for the visit and pay a little at a time.

What condition is your new bun friend in? I know it'sprobably hard to tell due to the black fur, but does her fur lookurine-soaked (yellow-tinged)? Does she look malnourished atall? Just how does she look overall?

Anyway, you can PM me the answers to all that, but I definitely recommend a vet visit as soon as you can.

Again, many hugs and much love to you (and yours) for having donethat. That's wonderful! :D I'm sure,given that you're clearly an animal lover and have quite a few animalfriends already, this little bun will fit right in!

If you need ANYTHING please feel absolutely free to either PM me, orpost a topic asking what you need help about. We are all herefor you and your new friend!! :)

Love and hugs,


P.S. Here are the two threads I posted regarding my bringinghome Flower. I think they'll help you a bit in knowing whatto do initially. :)

Hope those help! :)
Hi, Starina!! Welcome to the site!

I love the name Tinkle Bunny...hey you could say it's a version of Tinkerbell! ;)

Very cute!

Look forward to seein you around the site! Also look forward to seeing pictures of your Tinkle girl! :)

Wow!! So many new members!!

grumpybabies...welcome to the site!

We look forward to reading more about and seeing pictures of your bunnies! :)

Hi, Sheryl and LC!! Welcome to the forum!!

I think it's wonderful that you gave LC a loving home, and at the sametime provide such a wonderful education about her to yourstudents! I'm all for teaching kids how to respect animals,while at the same time, they're learning about the different thingsanimals need in caring for them! Wonderful!

I also love that you're not one of those teachers that leaves her thereover the weekend...those poor classroom pets that get left are solonely! Your LC sounds like such a happy girl, too!

About her fur-pulling, I'm not sure, though it sounds to me a bit likeshe could have gone through a phantom pregnancy (nothing to worryabout). Is she spayed?

Anyway, welcome to the forum...look forward to chatting with you andhearing all the fun stories from the classroom that I'm sure youhave! :D

Love and hugs,

I´m new:d I have a mini lop named Lola.She is 7 months old and I live in Estonia.
:welcome1cant wait to see pics of all new members bunnys!:welcome1:bunny2

Shye, Nuggles, Nibbles

and all my foster buns:bunnybutt:
Hello, my name is Michele. =)

I'm fifteen years old, and live in florida. My hobbies wouldbe.. watching movies, drawing, and photography. Photography is mychosen career, aswell. =) Will take portraits of people. I'm also amajor fan of fashion, anime, and dancing. I currently work as a BusGirl, Hostess, and Waitress-in-training at a chinese resturant calledMak's Chinese. and last to say but not least, my boyfriend's name isJustin. He and I have been close for years now. ^^

Story: When I was around 6 or 7, I had a black bunny named Midnight,and a White and Black bunny named Freckles(same breed as Ife). Neitherwere friendly, though. Both full grown, and I doubt they liked having alittle girl pick them up and play with them all the time. Anyways, Ifirst had Midnight. She was a mean little rabbit. I can't reallyrmember, but from what I recall she looked like a dwarf. She was abiter, and god did that hurt. Then one day, my dad brought my freckles.We had a huge pin outside for them, share with large Parrots. I didn'tunderstand why at the time, but as soon as Freckles was put in thecage, he attempted to mate with Midnight. And they eventually dug along whole and eloped. =(

Because I that, and my mother contantly saying 'Rabbits don'tlike you, they like food' I never had thought of rabbits as friendlycompanions. After Ife, and this forum, though, I realize they are. =)I'm glad I found this place!

My current bunnie's name is Takodo, she is a dwarf. Hue isgray, with white markings. She is very shy as of now, I've only had herfor about two days, and she is still young. Before her I had Ife, whitewith black spots. Forgot what that is called. But I gave her away toRob's friend to get Takodo. I'm sure she is happy there though. =)Thouh I miss her.

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