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Hello sthvtsh and Takodo! Welcome to the site!'ve had quite an adventure with bunnies already! I'mso happy you found this site, so you could see that bunnies can be soloving and helps quite a bit if you get themneutered/spayed! :)

See ya around the forums! :)

Hi everyone! My fiance and I rescuedour first (and only) bunny Dougal from an Air Force family off ofcraigslist. It has taken him a while to get used to us, buthe's a sweetie. Anyway, he's a Netherland Dwarf who has fullhouse privileges. Here's Dougal hiding in his daddy'smotorcycle helmet.
(Sorry for the massive pic, but the html resize doesn't want to work for me! :/)


:wave:Hello and welcome!

Hehe Dougal looks so cute hiding in the helmet :)

I'm looking forward to hearing more about him

Again welcome!!

welcome to the forum:):wave:you will find lots of good information and people here!:welcome1:hello:group:
Thanks Cheryl and ani-lover! We're allstill getting used to each other. Dougal came from a familywith many pets and four children under the age of five. He'sgetting used to being held and is finally less skittish. I'mhoping he'll come to trust us more as he gets to know usbetter! :)
Hi, Rachelo (and your fiance) and Dougal!! Welcome to the forum!!

Dougal's such a cutie-pie!! I just love his little face, hiding in there!

See ya around the forums! :)

Hi all, I just joined today. We have 2 rabbitsliving with us. Our first is Hazel Cottontail. She is a "wild" BrushRabbit (the Western version of the Cottontail) that was rescued as ababy with a broken leg. Now she's nearly 4, and the biggest Lover Bunever :). She loves to cuddle and snuggle with us, but only if we comedown to her. She also loves being petted, and licking and grooming usback.
The second is my daughter's bun, an English Spot named "White ChocolateTruffles". We adopted her last year from the local shelter, where shewas "on death row". Her given name there was Truffles, butsince she's mainly white with brown/black spots, now she's "WhiteChocolate Truffles". Or "White Chocolate Trouble" when she's bit meagain:D. She came into the shelter at a young age, with bitewounds and likely mistreated, and a very bad attitude, growling andbiting at people. So we had to be very patient and understanding withher. Now, she is very bonded to her "mommy", a real "mommy'sbun":). My daughter can pick her up and hold her, she'll siton her lap for hours, happily licking her fingers, and never bites her.
Well, she is getting better with us too, i can hold her for short timesas well, and she doesn't chase us out of "her" area (my daughter'sbedroom) anymore :D. She does growl and occasionaly bite still, but notnearly as much anymore.
I will try to put up some pictures of both of them.

Aww...welcome to the forum Hazel-mom, White Truffle, and Miss Hazel! What cutie-pies your bunnies are!

I can't wait to see more pictures of your girls! :)

Hi, my name is Kiraleigh and I just adopted ayear old black dutch dwarf rabbit. His name is Halfpint. I joinedbecause I wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing to help himsettle in as he is very shy. Any information that will help me to helphim settle in more would be much appreciated.
Hi, Kiraleigh and Halfpint!! Welcome to the forum!

If you haven't already, you might try posting a topic, asking yourquestion about how to help your sweet Halfpint (love the name!) settlein, so you can get more responses. :)

As for my own answer: I've always just sat on the floor andsang or read to my buns when they weren't comfortable coming out, orwhen they first came home and were shy. Another good thing isto lay on the floor so you're completely at their level. Theyreally love being able to get so close to their human(s). :)

Anyway, welcome to the site! You couldn't have found a betterplace to learn about bunnies, or a better group of people to help youout when you have any questions! :)


hey yall my name's kimberly and one of myrabbits just had babies. :shock:we had no idea she waspregnant. we have 5 rabbits. we have a huge pin outside for them andput plastic all around it with a dog igloo and tons of hay in it. inoticed the mama was always in the dog house and was cut up due to herhair being ripped off.... i found her this afternoon dead in the housewith three babies next to her still alive. 6 of the babies were brandnew and died and im so heart broken. i brought all of the rabbitsinside an they're in the bathroom nice n warm. two of the babies have anice coat and their eyes opened but the 3rd is a brand new baby. didshe have two litters?? i have the tinygirl orboyunder my shirt in my hand so she's warm but with plenty ofair. im afraid the other rabbits might hurt her. i need yallshelp!!:(i dont know a thing about bunnies and i need all thehelp i can get. i dont want to loose anymore babies!
Aw, Kimberly, so sorry about your bunny and her babies. :bigtears:

Can you please post this in the Rabbitry forum as well? (Justcut n' paste it there). Somebody will be better able to helpyou there.

Here's the link:

And yes, she did have two litters, they can get pregnant again the daythey give birth, it sounds like that's what happened. You'regoing to have to work hard to save the new little survivor. :(

sas :(

well where did all the first batch go??! i praythat they're okay. did they escape out of the pin?? we have chickenwire on the floor of it and sides. they have a nice little condo. howmany do they have per litter i wonder??? :(:(:(ill neverforgive myself that those babies and mama died... why'dthemama die??? :?and do they rip their own hairout??
[size="-1"]Oh,'re going through somuch! Let's go through this one step at a time...I recommendyou post your questions in the Rabbitry section, as Pippmentioned. There are tons of breeders that visit that sectionof the site that would be able to help you. They've had tonsof litters, and are very knowledgeable. You'll find that notnearly as many people stop by this particular thread, so your babiesmight not get the help they need.

So, repost your questions in the Rabbitry section, ok?

Also, welcome to the site, Hun!! Looks like you're getting acrash course in bunny litters! You'll get the help you needquite quickly in the Rabbitry section. :)
KimboUNCW1 wrote:
well where did all thefirst batch go??! i pray that they're okay. did they escape out of thepin?? we have chicken wire on the floor of it and sides. they have anice little condo. how many do they have per litter i wonder???:(:(:(ill never forgive myself that those babies and mamadied... why'd themama die??? :?and do they riptheir own hair out??
thanks!! i posyed it there and the infirmaryone. i hope yall don't mind three posts of the same thing. this baby isso precious i will do anything to save her/him. i fed the 3 with alittle some cream type liquid w/ an eye dropper. just a little tho b/ci dont wanna over feed or suffocate/drown them w. it.

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