Hi. My name is Jesse. I have a Netherland Dwarf.His name is Little Guy. He is almost 7 years old. Not too friendly, buta good guy. Always has been well trained since the day he came home.
His brother(not biological) passed away earlier this year from what wewere told was probably Cancer. His name is Puff. He was almost 7 yearsold. I miss him terribly, I have to be honest. He was the nicest andmost friendly bunny I have ever met. And I'm not just saying that ashis daddy. He was the first bunny in our family. After family memberssaw him and how great he was, people in our family had to go out andget themselves bunnies. He was a trendsetter. Little Guy is the lastremaining bunny inthe family, which is sad, but I am thankfulhe is still here with us. It's taken me months to come back to readthis board and to alt.pets.rabbits since Puff passed. It still hurts agreat deal.
Anyway, sorry to introduce myself on suck a sad note. But HELLO.