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Hey! I'm Ross. My girlfriend and I just got our very first rabbit...
He's about 2 and a half years old and was rescued from an abandonedhouse. He's very cuddly and loves to spend hours grooming us, lol.
He's a sweetheart...
His name is Duncan
and here he is!


Hello there guys,

My name is Lisa, and I'm aUSA American who has had theprivilege of being around rabbits most of my 38 years. I'm a staunchsupporter of the American House Rabbit Society - a great organizationthat spearheaded the movement of rabbits from outdoor hutches to safeindoor environments.

I share my home with four good friends (as well as my husband, Mike :);they include two rescued rabbits: Jasper, a seven-year-old Silver Foxgirl; Toby, a young Chinchilla bun of unknown age, most likely undertwo; and two rescued prairie dogs, Ceasar, the boy, and Rainy, thegirl. All have been neutered and spayed - no breeding is mypolicy, given the amount of homeless unwanted guys out there.

I've had a bit of experience with rabbit welfare, and while I can'tclaim to be a veterinary expert, I welcome the questions I can answer,and have means to research those I don't via an excellent exotics vetand a friend who is a rabbit expert.

Welcome Rosco and Jasptobes! :wave2

Lisa, have you checked out our Rabbit Health References and Bunny101? I'd love any additional links or info you couldshare. Especially if you know much about megacolon.There's so little info out there, and I'm trying to learn more becausemy two dwarf hotot girls appear to have that or somethingsimilar. Right now it's being controlled with diet, but moreinfo is always good. All the links I've found so far are inRabbit Health References under the Diarrhea thread. Which Ireally should reorganize soon... anyway:
Hi There. I am so delighted to have found this site!

I'm the proud mum of 3 gorgeous lop-ear dwarf house rabbits. We startedwith just the two (Scotch and Macy - centre and right respectively onmy avatar) whom we bought from a local pet shop almost 2 years ago.Then last August (2005) we decided to get a third bunny, so we visiteda local rabbit rescue centre and fell in love with our buck Herbie.Herbie had been recently neutered and then dumped by his owners in acardboard box outside the rescue centre. They didn't know anythingabout him - his age, his name, his medical history. All they knew wasthat he had just been neutered and he was a fiesty little chap!!!

We love them all so much, and it's so great to see so many others out there with a passion for bunnies!!!
Tracyplayle wrote:
Incidentally, Harvey belongs to my partner's parents - I shall have to tell them about this site!
Oh what cute bunnies! What breed is Harvey? He looks like a lionhead lop mix, I didnt know they existed?!

Oh,& Welcome to all the new members who just joined!
Is your bunny sticking his tongueout????LOL!!Because I have a picture of my bunny Simon doing that!Hepassed away last yr.(heart) But i'm going to (right now) take hispicture out of my frame and scan it so I can show you!

Thanks for the kind welcome, naturesree :)

From what I've been told, megacolon is something of a"controversial" diagnosis - meaning that the veterinary community as awhole doesn't agree on its etiology, or existence.Part of thereason for this is that it doesn't mimic the same symptoms as it doesin dogs and cats,and sadly, rabbits simply don't getthesame amount of well-deserved attention as theirmoreconventional counterparts.

I 'm glad to see that you consult with Dana Krempels at the Universityof Miami. I like her a lot. On the topic of megacolon, were you awareto her link at

She believes that megacolon is a genetic disorder related topigmentation; sadly, from her research, there really aren't anymeasures you can take to remedy this medically, at least not at themoment.

On the link, you'll find an email address where you can send a request for more info on megacolon.

Good luck
Thanks! I knew she answered questionson About, but I tend to forget to search there. I've heard ofit being linked to color before, and my Dwarf Hotots do fit theprofile. Sometimes I wonder if vets think it's just a breedermyth, because people who breed English Spots and Dwarf Hotots usuallydo know about it but don't always know how to treat it.

I should contact her, or maybe Susan Smith if she's been collectinginfo. I'm curious if megacolon is linked to sensitivity tomedicines, as I know at least one of my girls is. Metacamputs her in stasis, Baytril for more than a few days gives herdiarrhea. So I'm hoping that she doesn't get sick or hurtagain, otherwise she's a bit out of luck.:?
Yes we think Harvey is a lionhead lop mix. Gorgeous isn't she (incidentally Harvey was a he when we first got her!).
Hi guys!

My welcome to all the new members!

So, welcome to:

Rosco and Duncan

Lisa and Mike, and their buns Jasper and Toby, as well as their prairie dogs, Ceasar and Rainy

Tracyplayle, Scotch, Macy, and Herbie

So, welcome to the RO Family, guys!!


Look forward to seeing you around!!

Hello there,

This is Bugsy our barmy bunny - he's almost 10 weeks old.He's our first rabbit so we've been browsing the web looking for infoso we can be sure we're doing the right thing.

Welcome to RO nangobi!:wave:

You've come to the right place to get all the help and information youneed. There is loads in the resorcecentreandeveryone will be more than willing to help with any questions you have.

BTW Bugsy is very cute!:hearts
Hi! I'm Danielle,I'm newof course, Ihave 1 rabbit she's a Tortoise.She's 4 months,She has personality to boot. We got her yesterday afternoon along with2 other bunnies(Blue & aBlue Otter) but here sheis..

I don't have a name for her yet but when isuggested Cookie she did a dead bunny flop i don't know if she wastrying to tell me something.So any suggestions would beGREAT!!

Hi! My name is also Danielle and I have justadopted my first bunny ever. Her name is Lily and she is approximately3 months old. She is a lop, but I am not sure what type of lop she is.The lady we adopted her from didn't know enough about rabbits to knowwhat type she was. She did know how to sex them though thank goodness.Not that it would have mattered other than her name that is. We thinkwe are just going to keep one bunny for now at least. I may or may notintroduce her to a friend eventually. We are going to get her spayedwhen she is between 4 and 6 months of age depending on her size. Ourvet said she would let us know when she was large enough to do itsafely. Anyway we have her in a good sized cage with a playpen attachedthat she can play in except at bedtime. We have dogs so she has to besupervised right now. Our dogs are getting rather old and we are notsure how much longer they will be with us and once they pass she willhave run of the house (supervised of course). We were stupid and didn'tdo much research before we got her, but we are trying to make up forthat now. We are always very dedicated to our pets so I am sure shewill be with us for the rest of her life. We love her to death alreadyand we have only had her a week so far. None of the research haschanged our minds in the least. Anway I will post a pic as soon assomeone will fill me in as to how I do that. :) This way maybe someonecan tell me what type of lop she is. This site is great and reminds mea lot of a site I used to help moderate and that is sugar glidercentral. We used to have sugar gliders as pets, but they have sincepassed so I no longer go to the board much, but I still talk to many ofthe people I met there as we made some pretty close friends there. Ihope we will here too. :) Please let me know how to post a pic of Lilyso you all can see how cute she is. :bunnydance:

Danielle & Lily

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