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bunnee mom wrote:
Hi, I'm new here. I used to be a member at Rabbit Village, until it disappeared a few weeks ago.
Hi Bunnee Mom,

We had our bunny Pebbles since November too. She is an agouti Netherland Dwarf. She is spayed and litter box trained too ( 5 days before I declared it a complete success). :D

Your Ellie looks so cute and snuggly. Thanks for the pictures.

Rainbows! :)
Hallo everyone

My name is Marianne and I love rabbits and the most other animals(without spiders;))

i am German and my English isn't not good.

I life now 2 years in New Jersey and i have rabbits, guinepigs, rats and dogs.

Hello everyone ! I've just found this forum and wanted to say hello! I'm from Leipzig, Germany (Hi Marianne, by the way. You're from kaninchen, aren't you? )and I have two rabbits.

This is Susi. She's almost 7 years old.


And this is Chico. He is 8-9 yrs old and I adopted him as a companion for Susi about 1 year ago.


They make a sweet couple ;)


Hi Astrid and all the other new members. Is Susi a Thrianta? I think they are so beautiful and hope they will be accepted by ARBA soon.
WelcomeAll new members where to start:::: hmmmmmmm

oh oh i know SO MANY newbeautiful Bunnies so littlehugging time lol they are allgeorgeous !!!!

Astrid what breed isSuzie she is a beautiful color !!! a Very striking bunny to say the least .
No, she's not a Thrianta. I admit, a few minutes ago I didn't even know, that the breed Thrianta exists ;) I don't really know much about breeds in America or how they are called there.In Germany there are big, middle, small and dwarf breeds. The dwarfs weigh not more than 1,5 kg. The color is just called red. So she is a red dwarf rabbit which sounds a little strange in English ;) Thrianta's weigh 2-3 kg, is what I just read.

I just spent some time reading in the forum and I must say, it feels like home here ;) The same problems with rather unprofessional breeders, the same love for the giants... :D I like it here !
Astrid wrote:
No,she's not a Thrianta. I admit, a few minutes ago I didn't even know,that the breed Thrianta exists ;) I don't really know much about breeds in America or how they are called there. In Germany there are big,middle, small and dwarf breeds. The dwarfs weigh not more than 1,5 kg.The color is just called red. So she is a red dwarf rabbit which sounds a little strange in English ;) Thriantas weigh 2-3 kg, is what I just read.

I just spent some time reading in the forum and I must say, it feels like home here ;) The same problems with rather unprofessional breeders, the same love for the giants... :D I like it here !
Thanks! :)

hi everyone,

i'm easters momma and also new to the forum. (but i have posted a couple of topics already) love the site it has been very helpful to me. im new at being mommy to a rabbit, my 10 month old son got her as an easter present, hes still kinda small to worry about cleaning up after her so its left up to me. ha ha but after spending a couple of weeks with her i just thinks shes great:Di cant believe how fast i fell for her she is 7 weeks old now still litter training her cause i want her to be able to stayin the house with us, she getting better. and shes warming up to us,she will now let me pick her up without trying to get away and will also go up to my son when hes playing in the floor, even though she doesnt stay close to him for long cause he doesn't understand being gentle yet, but i think they are gonna get along just fine. easter and my husband still have not become friends yet but its just a matter of time. he thinks shes the cutest little thing to. this is also his first rabbit.

we have 3 cats and 1 dog, the cats come insides to visit occasionally and to my surprise didn't really seem to mind easter they haven't bothered her at all but still to nervous to leave them alone together.

anyway just wanted to let you know a little bit aboutus and our new little bunny. thanks again for the very helpful topics.

i do have a question i heard today that bunny's don't usually live very long, i hope this is true! cause in just a few short weeks we have become very attached to our little easter.

thanks again,

easters momma:D

Well, my female turns 7 this June and my buck is 8-9 yrs old ;)I also know a rabbit that is 15 yrs old.
Hi everyone,

I decided to do a search for bunny forums and found this place so I thought I'd join b/c it looks like a great forum!!

Here's a little info about me......I grew up with lots of animals and I lovethem which is obvious by what all lives in my house. My hubby and I can't have any human kids so we have the other kind of kids.

Right now,we have 5 dogs....Baby(13yr beagle/dob mix),Butch(12yr amer. bull), Trash(5yr lab mix-found in dumpster around 2wks old), Fez(2yr bearded collie mix) and Jada (9 month old Great Dane-rescued when she was 3 wks old) She's now 110lbs. We also have 4 cats, 4 parakeets(rescues), 2 cockatiels, 7 guineapigs(mostwere rescues, one that had been dropped and shattered his front legs). We've got 5 corn snakes, 1 ball python, 1 box turtle, 1 russain tortoise baby, 2 false map turtles, some firebelly toads, hermit crabs,3 freshwater tanks and a 60 gallon reef tank. Last but not least 2 bunnies. Benny's a neutered lop mix. He's about 3yrs old and weighs 12 lbs. I think he's a big boy and so pretty!!

He recently lost his mate Joon, a (spayed) dwarf lop. He quickly got depressed and stopped eating along with everything else. After lots of thinking, we decided to get another girl bunny. The day after we got her, I took her to work with me for a check up and she's got coccidia. I'm not suprised from where she came from. She's doing really good and taking her meds like a good bun bun! We know about keeping her seperate but decided to go ahead and set her up a spot in Benny's room hoping he'd cheer up. He's a very laid back bunny but I was still shocked to see what happened. He right away hopped over to where she was and laid down looking at her. He's perked up already and has started eating again. I was told this was unusual behavior and that I was very lucky.I was also told getting them to bond probably won't be a problem. He's hopping all over the room and hops back to where she is and lays back down. We don't know how old she is but she's so tiny compared to him. I'm not letting them together until the coccidia is cleared up and I'm really thinking of waiting longer before I try them together....she's only a pound. I'm afraid he might accidentally hurt her.

We don't know what breed she is either. They had dwarf lops, and others that looked like her except for color. She is the prettiest white with pink eyes, pinkish ears, a kind of pinkish nose. I think she's kind of fuzzy looking and her hair isa tad bit longer than Benny's and not as thick. She's the cutest little bunny!! Even the vet I worked for said he hadn't seen a bunny that cute in a long time.

Geez, think I babbled on enough....hehehe. Anyway, here's a pic of my new baby. Her name is Blossom.

Well, I'm new so I'm posting here.

My name is Elli, I live in the UK and I adore my babies. I have 8rabbits. I also have a cat, 2 Guinea Pigs and a russian hampster! ;)

Ash was my first rabbit and he's 3 now. He is a lop and a complete idiot! ;) Remy is a Netherland Dwarf, Horatio a huge Orange Rex, Fox an albino lop, Niles a Lionhead lop, Freya is Niles sister and also a Lionhead with a serious hairdo, Evie is a lop and a tad overweight and my newest rabbit Bekker, who is just 6 months old. He's a classic bunny with dalmation markings. I am very proud of all mylovelys.I'm also looking after my friends rabbit Bela while she is moving house. Bela is a lionhead.

I have a question about getting Evie's weight down. She eats very little as Freya eats everything in sight but she doesn't exercise! She will just sit in her run and will not move. If she runs round the garden, she hops very SLOWLY and makes no effort to run. Try to chase her, she just sits down! Any ideas?
Welcome to theForum Easters Mom , BunbunsMom and Gibboelli , yourgoing to love it here , So glad you allfound us ,

Bun bunsMom: your house sounds like mine , have you run acrossed the 7 ladies dancing yet ?, i caught a glimps of the 8 lord leapin i think but itcould have been my hubby lol .

Again Welcome All !
BunBun Mom wrote:
I decided to do a search for bunny forums and found thisplace so I thought I'd join b/c it looks like a great forum!!
Welcome BunBun Mom,

Glad you joined..........Having all those pets sure beats havingkids. My wife and I have two boys, and only 1 petbunny Pebbles. My boys complain that wespend more time with Pebbles than with them.:p

I liked the movie Benny and Joon. Sorryabout Joon, and I hope Blossom will beO.K. She looks so cuddly.

What kind of work do you do at the Vet's office? Hope to see pictures of Benny too.

Rainbows! :)
Hi Gibboelli, welcome to the forum!

You have so many different types. Where do you keep them?

What kind of food do you feed Evie? Is she a pickyeater? Does she have any favoritetreats? My bunny Pebbles likes to chaseus.:shock: She runs so fastthat she runs into the back of our feet, because we can'tstay ahead of her.Inour hallway, we keep her food at one end and her litter boxat the other, so she has to run back and forth if she wantsto eat or wants to poop. :p

Rainbows! :)
Thanks everyone!

gypsy, hahaha

Pet_bunny, I posted pics of my Benny under the picture section. Heseems to like her ok. I'm just happy he's eating again!! I haven't letthem together b/c there's a huge size difference.

I'm a vet tech and have been in a clinic for 10yrs now....the 1st twoyears, I did school and work. I really love it. I switched to a new jobin Jan. The last one was too stressful due to other employees and theowner(not a good person to work for).

Is that Pebbles in your avitar? Cute!!

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