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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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Oak Park, Michigan, USA
Hello all,
My name is Dawn and my partner Krista and I have a almost 7 moth old mini lop, her name is Downy.
She is the light of my life, I got her in August as a birthday present.I had bunnies when I was younger in my twenties, but I never realized they could be this much fun. Mine always stayed in their cage and never came up. I did some research this time and Downy is litter trained, forthe most part anyway. Right now she is in heat we plan on getting her fixed next month. But while she is in heat she is VERY loving, I am the only thing that exists in her world which I think is pretty normal. I can not sit or lay down without her jumping on me right away, and the kisses, is ther anything better then a bunny kiss? I think not.
I have already gotten some great things from the site, like pineapple and pumpkin, she stopped eating as much as as usual about two weeks ago, so now we are doing those.
I do still have a few questions. We simply can not get her littler trained 100%. She goes in her boxes all the time, but then while she is on me on the couch it is just like pellets just fall out. I would like her to never miss her box, is this possible? The other thing is will she stop being so loving once she is not in heat?

Well hope to hear great ideas, and thanks for the welcome.

Hello! And welcome to RO.

Rabbits have a different reproductive cycle than many animals, because they don't have one. They become sexually mature, and then at any time can become pregnant. It is the act of mating that triggers a release of eggs.

So that means your bunny has become sexually mature (around six months, right?).

With regards to litter box training, a few random poops out of thelitter box is normal. It may improve a bit with spaying, but it sounds like she's pretty good already.

And she shouldn't stop being lovey dovey after her spay. My girl was very affectionate and good with her litter box habits, and those things only got better after the spay.

Have you found a rabbit savvy vet to preform a spay yet?

Thank you so much. No we have not found a good vet, well we talked to our dog vet, which is a great place and they have a doctor names Bismack who has done many "fixes", but Krista read that the surgery can be hard with the anesthesia being dangerous so now she is looking for a bun EXPERT. We live near royal oak michigan if anyone knows a good vet for bunnies in the area.

She was really really good about her box, never missed at all now she is missing ALL the time, she still goes in her box but everywhere else too, I hope it does get better.

I am so thrilled with how close she has become to me, when we first got her I was working full time so she was much closer to Krista who works from home but around Thanksgiving I started working from home too andnow she follows me everywhere, even in the bathroom, and I can not sit or lay on the couch wothout her jumping on me, I love it. I thought my dogs were loving, a bunny kiss is THE best.

Anyway thanks for taking the time to say I.
Thanks again
Have you had the chance to poke around in our resource center? Lots of good information there.

We have a vet listing here:
And here is the MI listing:

It is important to have someone who specializes in bunnies as the anesthesia requirements are much different from dogs or cats.

Her litter box habits should improve again once her hormones start to dissipate after spaying. She won't have the urge to mark as much anymore. Leaving poops everywhere is a way of marking her territory. Is she always peeing in the litter box?

I've got one bunny who won't stop licking me, one who will sit with me as long as I pet her, and one who just loves people and demands petting all the time.


Unless that vet really considers themself a rabbit vet, sometimes it's helpful to ask for a referral. That's how I found my vet and he's great. That or if there is a rescue or a shelter near you, ask who they use, because they will be experienced.
Wow...I get sick for a coupla days, and come back to find Aurora giving AWESOME advice...couldn't have said any ofthat better myself! :D Thanks for helping me out, Aurora! :)

All that aside, welcome to the forum, Dawn, Krista, and sweet Downy!! We look forward to hearing all about Downy.And what Dawn said was true...the poops are just her spreading her scent around, and is a territorial thing (and will more than likely correct once she's spayed and the hormones are out of her system).

And, yes, finding a rabbit savvy vet is a must...and our section on such is wonderful and should help a lot. :) You can also check out the "Spaying and Neutering" section of the Rabbit Health References section of the forum for additional tips and things to ask and be aware of. Here's a link:

So...a warm welcome to you, Krista, and your baby! :)


Thanks so much to all of you for the warm welcome. I have had dogs my entire life, and for a short time buns in my twenties, but I never knew hey could be this loving. I knew right off the bat I wanted Downy to have the run of our area and to be litter trained, and this is so much different then her only being in a cage. I love to look over my desk and catch her doing a flop, or have her follow me everywhere. She gives so much love, and I am at a time in my life right now where I really need and maybe she knows this somehow.She makes my heart rise when she gives me kisses on my eyelids, she loves kissing me. Krista and I both had dogs when we met but they areall gone now, old age for all, but this is our first "baby" together,and we just fawn all over her.
I do have a question though in the past three days or so her pills have gotten smaller, they are the same consistency just smaller, should I be worried?

Any way thanks again for the welcomes and I look forward to being apart of this little internet "town"

Oh, you're so welcome, Sweetie...we're so happy to have you!! :)

As far as her poo' she eating and drinking regularly? Has anything changed in her diet?

You might want to ask this in the main Rabbits Only section of the forum, so more people see it and can respond. :)
Smaller poops is something to worry about. It could be an early indication of stasis.

Does she eat hay? Encouraging her to eat more hay could help.

Here's some information from our resource center:
And one on poop:

Monitor her food intake, and make sure she's still eating her normal amount. Some members have also found that getting more fluids into bunny will help as well. Watered down carrot/apple juice if she likes it will help.

She is eating really well, just like normal and her activity level is high, and she is going the same amount, and they are not even that much smaller, just a bit smaller. Should I take her to the vet tomorrow or watch her. I am giving her the watered down apple juice and giving her more hay.
If they are just a tiny bit smaller, and she's still eating/drinking like normal I wouldn't worry too much.

If the poops where getting to about half the size, less frequent, and accompanied by a loss in appetite, then I would be worried.

But she should be okay.

welcome! another member in michigan! cool!

just wanted to put in that i am a little far away from you to refer youto my vet (i am up near traverse city), but another member, haley,lives closer to you and might know of someone. . .

you could also ask someone from midwest rabbit rescue for a vet idea:

your downy looks just like my old rabbit trixie. . .that is her in your icon right? i would love to see more photos of her!


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