New member intor, as well as comments on Woody Pet litter and when to introduce veggies?.....

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Feb 18, 2005
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Barrington, NH, ,
Hi! I just joined the forum over the weekend. Irescued two Angora rabbits last week who are about 11 weeks old; bothmales. I already have a vet appointment scheduled for them to beneutered once they are old enough; the already mount each otherconstantly so it'll be a welcome change once they are both neutered.Their names are "Broccoli" and "Cherry"; named by my 5 year old :D

On to my next topic, lol. I recently read that "Woody Pet" is a reallygood litter to use for buns, so I went out and bought some yesterday.Well, imgaine my surprise when I opened the bag and discovered thatthey are wood stove pellets!!!! Exactly the same! I pay $4.99 for a 50pound bag of wood stove pellets at Home Depot and the same price foronly a 30 pound bag of Woody Pet at Agway. Thought this might behelpful information for those who were not already aware that woody petand wood stove pellets are one in the same. The only difference Inoticed is that the Woody Pet pellets are a bit ground up whereas thewood stove pellets are whole; but they absorb exactly the same way!

Finally; I am wondering when to introduce veggies to these little guys.I have read that I should start introducing veggies at about 12 weeks,but I want to be sure. Also, what is the best veggie to start with? Ihave an aunt who has rabbits, but they are older and she doesn'tremember when she intro'd veggies or which ones she did first.

Thanks for reading and for any help anyone can give! :)
hello and welcome!

i first atrted my bun Austin on veggies at 12 weeks i gave him a smallpice of a cabbage leaf and he loved it but they can be very fussy thenover the next few weeks i just tried him on ther things youjust have find what they like they may not like the same things so justtry them on a few things

hope this helps

Em x
Hi! Welcome aboard!!

Maggie doesn't like veggies...

Peppy likes celery, I give him a big piece probably once a month as atreat, Samson likes lettuce, so he also gets a big piece as a treat.

They won't eat anything else and since no one in the house likes thatstuff, it would be pointless to buy a whole thing of celery just forPeppy or Samson, as it would rot before they'd eat it all.

Peppy was 4 months when I got him and Samson was 6 months when I got him.
Hi! Glad you joined!

Congratulations on your latest addition. My vet has alwaysgiven me good advise, in fact she is encouraging me to get a secondbunny.

In Edmonton;

WoodyPet30lbs/bag$4.95or75 bags for $2.96 each ask Dave Jr.

Firemaster Pine Pellets40lbs/bag$3.98at Revy Stores

Wood StovePellets40lbs/bag$8.00 local fireplace stores

Pine Pellets have a very strong pine smell and I only use them in openspaces and mixed with other litter. They become heavy andquite saturated and remain wet.

Woody Pet has a nice woody smell and seems to fluff up and dry out when wet.

I got Pebbles at 5 months old and she was aready eating vegs.Her favorite is suey choy cores that has her sitting there nibbling forquite awhile.

As for younger rabbits I would just keep them on unlimited alfalfa hay and pellets, and take my time introducing greens.

Good luck and Rainbows!
I let Cosmo experiment with romaine, dandelionleaves, cilantro, parsley, and dill...too much spinach is not good..andlettuce provides little nutrition.
The wood stove pellets I bought smell identicalto the Woody Pet pellets and they have no pine smell at all. I actuallyhad to do a "double take", lol, to make sure I had opened a "Woody Pet"bag instead of a wood stove pellet bag. The brand of wood stove pelletsI buy are called "Eureka Premium" and they were $4.99 for a 40 pound (Ithought it was 50 lbs) at Home Depot. So, it's 10 lbs. more pellets forthe same price and they really are identical. The only problem is, HomeDepot only carries the wood stove pellets in the winter, so I'm goingto have to stock up now ;)
Thanks for the advice about the veggies; I will take my time introducing them :)
monarchcmj wrote:
...I recently read that "Woody Pet" is a really good litter to use forbuns, so I went out and bought some yesterday. Well, imagine mysurprise when I opened the bag and discovered that they are wood stovepellets!!!! Exactly the same! I pay $4.99 for a 50 pound bag of woodstove pellets at Home Depot and the same price for only a 30 pound bagof Woody Pet at Agway. Thought this might be helpful information forthose who were not already aware that woody pet and wood stove pelletsare one in the same. The only difference I noticed is that the WoodyPet pellets are a bit ground up whereas the wood stove pellets arewhole; but they absorb exactly the same way!
I would be very interested in learning what the brand name of thosewood stove pellets are that you bought at Home Depot anditssku number, if you can get it. I concur that wood stovepellets are much less expensive, but the ones I have used sponge up themoisture and retain it indefinitely.Each pellettends toremain a large blob of material in the litter box.

WoodyPet Professional Animal Bedding, on the other hand (I cannot speakfor their "specified" litter, never having used it), sponges up themoisture, dries, and reduces into a soft yellow-like powdered substancethat is easier to deal with than that created by wood stove pelletsI've used.

If you have,in fact, located a better litter, I am extremely interestedin it. My local Home Depot doesn't carry wood stovepellets. I know because I have asked. We do travelsome though and I have a van, so if I could locate a better,less expensive litter, I would stock up on it.

Kindly post particulars if you are able.

Somehow I missed the fact you said they wereEureka Premium. I guess I did not scroll far downenough. Are the Eureka Premiums pellets or granules, likeWoodyPet? If they are virtually identical, they could be thesame product sold and packaged for a different purpose at a lowerprice.

Who appears to be the manufacturer and where is it manufactured? Answers to either or both may offer some clues.

The Eureka pellets are pellets, not granules.They break down into a brownish "powder" as do the Woody Pet pellets.They are manufactured in Missoula, Montana if that helps at all. Hopethis helps!
I dont think when u introduce them to veggiesmatters its the how. You are meant to introduce them to themslowly. Start off with a leaf one day ... a couple of leavesthe next and so on and so on until you have a nice plate ofveg. if your bunny is over weight you may not want to givehim too much carrott or banana as these have high sugar content.

Jack is a lover of water cress :)at the moment he is eating afew of these and some spinach leaves and kale... spinach and kalearen't recommended as a regular thing though.. only giving it to him asit is in a mix bag.

Hetti who I bought on Friday is eating the same but just a sprinkle as I am building up her stomache tolerance.

If you change a rabbits food drastically over a short period of time itcan upset his bowl movement causing constipation or diahrea so it isalways best to bring new foods in gradually.

presumably you know the difference between ceacetrophs (sp) anddiahorea. if you have too many of the caectrophs things beingleft around then the compound foods may be too rich so introducing darkgreen veg will help this. Diahorea can kill a rabbit so ifthis happens take your rabbit to the vet.

Hope I have helped and not scared.
also you are meant to introduce veggies one at a time..this will also help you decide which ones he likes and doesnt.

jack likes water cress, tolerates mange tout, and will eat a babycorn when he's in the mood..he loves carrot but turns his nose up atmint and apple even though rabbits are meant to like these lol.


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