new member, but no rabbit yet!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2006
Reaction score
Quad Cities Area, Illinois, USA
Hello Everyone!! I have actually been onthis forum for awhile, when i began doing research on rabbits, howeveri got busy and stopped for awhile. So i thought i'd do a properintroduction!!!

I have wanted to get a rabbit for sometime, however due to my livingarrangements i am unable to until this coming summer may/june time. soi have begun doing research to make sure this is the right kind of petfor me. one thing i do know for sure is that i'm going to be adoptingfrom my local humane society.

so i will be lurking around the boards reading through posts and oldtopics just to get a feel for what it is like to own a rabbit. if ihave any questions i know you guys will be able to help me right away!

first question...male or female bun?? haha!! talk to you all soon :bunnydance:

Hello and welcome to RO!! :hello

I'm glad to see you're researching before getting your bunny:D, so many people just go into a pet shop and buy one on impulse:(

Do you have any kind of idea which type of rabbit you would like? (personally I recommend a mini rex!;))

When it comes to male or female a lot of people will say males arefriendlier and better pets, although that is a generalisation, it isimpossible to classify all males as friendly and all females cross, Iam the proud owner of 3 females and they are all sooo sweet andfriendly!!!:bunnydance:

Basically, I don't think there is a huge amount of difference intemperament between a neutered male and a spayed female, though Icouldn't say that for sure as I've never had a male myself.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy posting here!:elephant:
Hi amberelizabeth! :D Well, you're joining theforum the same way I did a couple of years ago...bunnyless! LOL...I wasconsidering getting a rabbit, as I had missed owning one for so long,and in doing research on the 'net found this forum. You've probablyfound that once you began frequenting here, you now can't wait to ownone, I'll bet! ;)

Congrats to you in being a future bunny mom, and I know that a littleone will soon be so grateful you came into his/her life...:) Oh, as formale or female...I suspect that when you go looking, the gender won'tmatter will see him or her and just know that they're 'theone'.

Welcome to the forum, btw!

Welcome! It's really great that youare doing research. I did the same thing, but, sorry, thisforum can teach and tell you things you'd have no other way really ofknowing.

You must be soooo excited planning this out. Keep us posted!:bunnydance:
Hi! Welcome to the forum!!

That's great that you're doing all that research. This site's GREAT for that, isn't it? :D

Have you checked in the Rescue Me section of the forum, to see if thereare any buns in your area that either need rescuing, or possiblyrehoming? Just an idea. :)

Anyway, we're happy to have ya!

See ya around!

thank you for the replies!!! i didn't think there really was a difference in the temperment between m/f but i thought i'd ask :)

i'm not sure what type of breed i'd like...really it doesn't matter tome, like previously said when i see him/her i know i'll want her!

this forum seems great to get loads of info about taking care of arabbit, and you are all right I CAN'T WAIT TO GET ONE! butunfortunately i MUST wait until June. but at least by then i'll becompletely ready.

look forward to talking to you all soon :)
Hey...ya never know...the timing might just wind up being perfect for a bun that'll need a new home around then! :)

I'm excited for you! It's always fun planning for a new furbaby! :D

And, like you said, you'll know your new friend when you see him or her. It'll feel like fate. :)
Oh, I know I do, too...hehe...I LOVE their coloring...they just look so darn sweet!! :D
Dutch are uber sweet. I've had a bajillion different breeds of bunnies....

Eng. angora
French Lop
Mini Lop
N. Dwarf
Flemish Giant
Mini rex
Jersey Wooly
various Grades

That all I can think of at the moment... But I've always liked dutch best. They're very smart, and learned a few tricks.
I just heart them a lot.

No I think you want a dutch. haha.

I found onlien some guy who has bred French Lops with Dutch markings. They're pretty neat.
I just tried to find the website again but I could only find one picture...<WBR>/images/forside/hollaender-han<WBR>.jpg

This particular site is all in dutch, I believe. But the original site I found was in english.... I dunno I couldn&#39;t find it, how depressing.
Hi there and welcome to RO!

Is there any way I can interest you in a female checkered giant? We have a little girl in our rescue section who is in foster care right now but really needs a home. Shes in NW Indiana, but Im sure we could get her to you if youre interested. She was given away as a prize at a fair and one of our members saved her.


Her name is Girly. She could sure use someone to love her and give her a forever home.

Let me know if youre interested! And again welcome, hope I dont scare you away! ;)

Aww...she&#39;s beautiful!! :)
THANK YOU for all the replies!! i&#39;m still not really sure which breed to get, i was at my local humane society this weekend, and i saw a lot of Rex&#39;s i LOVE the way their fur is so smooth looking. however i fell in love w/ a couple holland lops. ohh i just don&#39;t know! but i do have quite a bit of time to decide on what i want :) i&#39;m enjoying finding out so much about rabbits!!

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