Hiya! This is the new bunny here. My humanMichelle has decided to call me Sooty. I kinda like my new name but itwill take me a while to learn it.
Anyway I wanted to tell you my story.
I started life living out in a beautiful house in the country. My mumand dad are mini lops, which is kinda the equivalent of holland lopshere in NZ. My dad roams free around the lady breeders yard and my mumis in the garage with me. My mum is black like I am and dad is acalifornian coloured guy.
Nobody seemed to want to adopt me when I got old enough to leave home,so the nice breeder lady advertised me on a NZ website that had aclassified section for bunnies. Still, nobody seemed keen and the nicebreeder, called Jaime, got no enquiries on her advert. I was gettinglonely because I was in a cage all by myself, so Jaime put anotheryoung rabbit in with me. He was a seal point and I really liked him. Ididn't like people much so he kept me company. But then I heard that onFriday he was going to his new home! I was so sad. I was 12/13 weeksold and nobody wanted me. I grew withdrawn and just sat in a covered uppart of my cage and sulked.
Then last Sunday something unusual happened. Jaime yanked me outta mycage and I was put into this other strange ladies arms! Hey! This wasweird so I kicked a bit and tried to jump down, but she petted me onthe head and I guessed that she wasn't gonna be mean to me or anything.she said hello and that her name was Michelle. She walked me out tothis big grey thing, I think she called it a car, and put me in alittle cage. The car started up and it was really noisy and I waspretty frightened. After what seemed like an eternity in this noisything we stopped and Michelle took me out. I was glad to get outtathere!
She took me out into a yard and put me in this really big hutch. I wasstill pretty scared because of the car so I just hunkerd down in thecorner and didn't want to do anything.
Suddenly I noticed something in the hutch next to me....a huge scaryrabbit looking right at me! I ran as fast as I could into myshelter and hid from the big scary rabbit.
Later that night Michelle came out to my hutch and yanked me out. Ihate being picked up so I was pretty cross with her and kicked her inthe neck. Hah! That'll teach her a lesson. I had no idea where I wasgoing but I ended up insidea house in this nice cosy room with a bigbox thing that had lights and sound....a Tv I think it is called? I saton the couch and felt frightened of all the noises but I soon got usedit it. I started to sniff and walk around the couch and even came up toMichelle and gave her a sniff or two. Not that she deserved it oranything but I even let her pat my head once or twice. Lucky girl!
*Part two coming later, with more pictures*