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Hey laura, what a sweetie you have there, amazing how animals justappear in our lives huh, happy to hear the vet visit and op went well,and I love the name Napoleon!!;);)

I look forward to seeing more pics and hearing stories of the Napoleon adventures!!
We got Napoleon from the vets yesterday and he'sdoing great. The pain medication doesn't slow him downmuch! He's still jumping up on things. I've triedto move everythingso he won't hurt himself. I lethim run around the kitchen and he stays in the laundry room at nightand when we're not there. I took the WoodyPet out of thelitter box and just put newspaper in it and he's using italready! He's such a smart boy! He hasn't done anycircling or grunting since we brought him home, which is arelief. He did that non-stop before the neuter.He's so sweet. I can't wait to get off work so I can go hangout with him.


Yes, I will have the whole weekend!

My boss offered us overtime this weekend and most are taking advantageof it, but not me! I'll be hanging with Napoleon, plus myhusband is leaving Wednesday for 10 days, so I want to spend time withhim too!



This post got right past me and I had no idea that Napoleon was goingin to get neutered on Wednesday. I'm so sorry that I wasn't there foryou checking on both of you. I know how worrisome that is.

So relieved to hear that everything went well and he's bouncing backquickly. It melted my heart when I read that you weren't takingadvantage of overtime because you wanted to be with your husband andNapoleon. (By the way, I love the name Napoleon for him.)

He hit the jackpot when you entered his life. It's been a beautiful,sunny weekend here in Tucker Town. Hope it's the same for you andyours. Give "Po Po" a kiss for me. :)

Thanks, Carolyn.

I decided to go ahead with the neuter so I can introduce him to thegirls sooner. They've only seen each other through bars, butseem interested and friendly. Once he's healed up, we'll tryintroductions and see what happens. Wish me luck.

Napoleon is super sweet. He loves to have his face strokedand will lay still and soak it up until you stop. He remindsme of a cat. He leans into your hand.

He's doing great with his litter box. I have newspaper in itnow. How long should I wait beforeswitchingtoWoodypet? It's only been four days since theneuter.

He was a little naughty last night and chewed through the baby gatethat separates him from the living room (where the girlslive). He did it so quickly, I didn't have time to stophim! I had some NIC cubes leftover so I zip tied them to thegate and he gave up.

I'm not sure how far Napoleon has healed but I might have a suggestion about the Woody Pet.....

Put Woody Pet on the bottom of the litter box and cover it withnewspaper. You could put slits in the paper so thepee would drain faster and you have the absorbencyof the WoodPet below. :D

Rainbows! :)
Here are some pics I took of Napoleon yesterday.



He looks so small in the second one, but he's really not.

We let him meet Snuggy for a minute tonight and he tried to mount her. I guess I'll give it a little more time!


Wow, he looks so much like Apollo! Ears a bit smaller, but that face! :)

He sounds like such a sweetheart. I'm still convinced that rescuerabbits know they've been saved and it really comes out in thelove they give us in return.
You guys and your large breeds, you just tempt me so much! :p

He's beautiful, Laura. I can tell you're so excited too.

Have you introduced him to the girls yet? If so, how'd it go? Also, myValuran managed to pull down our baby gate three times, until wefinally rigged it up with cardboard so he couldn't get his teeth intothe grates.
My husband decided last night was a good time tointroduce Napoleon and Snuggy. He tried to mount her, so weput her back and then he thought my leg looked good, so he startedcircling me and grunting. I had to run! I guess itwill take a while for the hormones to settle down. It's onlybeen six days since the neuter.


AnnaS wrote:
Stephanie wrote:
It's already agood sign that they're investigating. If you need any tips, let meknow. Even after all these months, when I see Valuran and Chomps allcuddled up, or all three in a happy bunny pile, it still warms myheart.
Any more pictures of the bunny pile?


Show us The Pile!

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