New Boy

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Snuggys Mom

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, Tennessee, USA

He's getting neutered today. My husband just dropped him off.

I'll be going nuts until they call me to say everything is okay.

I think his name is going to be Napoleon.



He'sbeautiful! Ilove his name too. It fits him perfectly.

Bless your heart for rescuing the Beauty.

Will say a prayer that all goes well. He looks strong andhealthy. Please let us know when you hear from thevet.

Thanks, Carolyn. I appreciate it. :)

Amy, Nimue is beautiful! I've admired him since you startedposting his pics. New Boy is probably a New Zealand ormix. I'm interested to see what the vet has to say.I have no idea how old he is. He probably weighs 10 pounds ormore. He is already "in love" with me, circling non-stop andhe sprayed me last night through the cage. I've never had amale before. They are definitely more affectionatethanfemales.


I'm sure you were thrilled to be sprayed. :p

I'm so happy you are taking him home, and obviously he is too. I swearthey know it, when they're being rescued. Chompers was much the sameway with me when I rescued him. :)
Thanks, Erin.

Stephanie, I'm hoping to create a threesome as successful asyours. I already have two bonded girls. They comein the kitchen and sniff New Boy through his cage and seem friendlyenough, but they haven't been together yet. I'm going to waita couple of weeks at least to give New Boy's hormones time to settledown. Wish me luck!


It's already a good sign that they'reinvestigating. If you need any tips, let me know. Even after all thesemonths, when I see Valuran and Chomps all cuddled up, or all three in ahappy bunny pile, it still warms my heart.
Stephanie wrote:
It's already a good sign that they're investigating. If youneed any tips, let me know. Even after all these months, when I seeValuran and Chomps all cuddled up, or all three in a happy bunny pile,it still warms my heart.
Any more pictures of the bunny pile?
bi1526 wrote:
Thanks, Jim.

How'sRosie fitting in? Is she being nicer to your other buns now?

We've had Rosie for 3 weeks and she still getting accustomed to her newsurroundings. I wanted to keep her apart from the others for a while tomake sure that she's healthy. She's had a couple of sneezing fits andher eyes were a bit runny (clear), but I think it may just be asensitivity to all of the dust and stuff where we made room for hercage. Her cage is on the floor under the table that the other buns areon. All of the hay and pellet dust must fall down on her. Plans are tomove her cage by the end of this month.

She only loves her little girl, Jessica. Everybody else she can dowithout for the most part. She tolerates me for a few minutes at a timewhen I feed her, then she nudges my hand away and nips if I don't movequick enough.

I'm so relieved!

The vet justcalled to say he is all done and doingfine. They want to keep him overnight, which isodd. I had Baby spayed there two months ago and they let metake her home the same day. Hmmm.....

I'm going to visit him after work. Maybe they'll let me take him home if I beg.

His name is definitely Napoleon. My husband said he had togive them a name when hetook him this morning, so he said itwasNapoleon. I guess I'll call him "Po-Po" forshort.


I am so glad all is going well. I wasthrilled when I read that the neuter went great and he is restingcomfortably.

I am so happy for him. He is so handsome. When you visit himtwll him we all said way to go.Kiss him for me the the littlelove.

Thanks everyone.

We went to visit Napoleon and took him some munchies. He toreinto the veggies. And I was worried he might not beeating!They had pellets and hay in the cage withhim, so he'll have plenty to munch on tonight. He seemedhappy to see us and pretty alert. They wouldn't let me takehim home, something about their new policy or something. I'llget him tomorrow at 4:00.

The cage I have forhimhere has a front door thatdrops down, so he has to jump in and out. I don't want him tohurt himself, so I think I'll just keep him in the laundry room for acouple of days. It's inside and there's a vent in there, sohe should be fine.

I can't wait to bring him home!



He is such a beautiful boy! I'm so glad his neuter wentwell. That's a great name! I'm awful at names, I'mimpressed you came up with a great one so quickly! LOL


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