Oh Jen, this is such a relief - what a brave little bunny Chalk is. I know you will be spending lots of time snuggling her when she gets home
. I bet Steve will too - I think it's wonderful that he cares so much for Chalk too!
It's 7pm here! Took aaaages to get home, and then I was so dizzy from the stress I guess was made to lie down for a while...:waiting:What time is it there?
If she got the infection with the abscesses on the baytril, what makes the vet think that will be enough to keep the infection from coming back?
PLEASE give her a nose rub and cheek rub and ear rub and kisses from me!
Gosh, I'm confused now!Chalk is so beautiful! She looks so alert for just having surgery. I hope that means shes recovering well.
As for the Metacam, I give the dog bottle that is 1.5 mg/ml and I give .2 mL (which is the same as cc). Once when the vet gave me the .5 mg/ml bottle, they instructed me to give .6 ml a day, which makes sense since its three times less strong.
Now, whats weird to me is this, you live in the UK and the website says they dont sell the oral .5 in the UK. It says the .5 one sold in the UK is injectible only:
Are you sure the stuff they gave you last time was oral? Did it smell like honey?
What is the actual dose your vet prescribed for this new bottle thats 1.5 mg/ml? It cant be kg since thats not a liquid measurement its a weight measurement, right? Does your syringe have mLs or ccs on it?