Need to go to vets, but now, or can it wait?

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It does look like the little places are smaller doesn't it?

How's my girl doing? :cry4:I've been worried.
Poor lil muffin!!! Did you call the Vet perchance to see what they thought? As chalk seems to be handling it (playing, eating - pooing)I myself, would probably wait and see.. Good luck and update often!
Hi guys,

Chalk is still doing great in herself- she's been doing crazy binkies all day and taking naps here and there. Still eating and pooping ok.... The abscesses don't seem to look much better though, in fact it looks a lot 'angrier' and more inflamed to me? When I cleaned them earlier a lot more pus came out, and a few more are open now...

We're going back to the vets tomorrow morning, and I'm so glad! It'll be a relief to get a professional opinion, and see what they say...

Here's what it looks like today:


I think that Dawn may be right about the injectable antibiotics over the Baytril, although it doesn't seem to be upsetting her at all at the moment, I'll ask the vet tomorrow! I've been soaking cotton wool pads in the warm hibiscrub solution and holding it on the abscesses for a few mins, which is helping draw out the pus...

My poor baby Chalk! :tears2:
Chalk's really mad at me! :( I guess it must be the turning her upside down 2 or 3 times a day lol...

I was sat on the sofa just now, on RO with all the bunnies playing about. She jumped up, sniffed and chinned Steve, hopped over to me, so I duly out my laptop aside, hoping for a cuddle.. Noooo, she hopped on my chest, DUG me, and bit my hand REALLY hard! :( She jumped down, then a few minutes later jumped up and did it again! :cry1:

I probably didn't help matters though, right after that I had to clean and soak her abscesses again...

I wish Chalkie would understand that I'm 'mean' to her because I care about her so much and want her to be well again! Steve gets off ok because he just passes me the cotton wool and hibiscrub and takes the pictures! I have the hard job and get all the blame! :( :cry1::cry1::cry1:

Anyway, it's looking much the same this evening... SO glad to go to the vets tomorrow, it'll be either James or Liz and they're both fantastic. I know that there are no members here from my area but I'll put my vets on the list anyway, in case people search and come across this place, and I think they deserve to be on there!
Awww...I'm so sorry she is mad at hurts so much more than just physically when they react that're just trying to make her all better, but she just knows that you're messing around, and it isn't any fun. {{{HUGS}}} to you for loving her through all of this.
They look bad but ya know I think they are coming to a head and that's a good thing.

I hope you get good news.. poor thing.

I know it's hard to have them so angry. She's not stupid tho... she is letting you know how upset she is with you!
Aww poor Chalk, that looks so painful!

You are such a good bunny mom though :biggrin2:.

And don't worry, she'll get over being mad at you. It will just take some time and a whole lot of treats ;).
Oh you poor thing! Your hubby is getting off easy on this one, but Chalk knows who mom is and its only with moms that you can act out like that, knowing they will still love you - so perhaps you should feel good that she does this with you and not hubby!

Poor Chalk - such a fighter and at least it sounds like it should be coming to end soon for her problems!
Aww sorry you guys! I've been meaning to update... it always seems like its gonna be more complicated than any other post, which is why I often leave my own threads til last, no excuse I know!

We went to the vet today, and she wants us to carry on with the antibiotics and regular cleaning for a few days and see how it goes. She said that if she doesn't get any better or we have any concerns to bring her straight back in but if she improves, to leave it until Monday, where then we'd make a decision as to whether surgery is necessary for it or not...:? I'm soo hoping that she improves and we don't have to go down that road, I'm a bit worried that 2 general aneasthetics for a bunny so close together isn't a great idea!:? The vet also said to press gently on the abscesses to try and draw some of the pus, which she did as much as she could in the consultation, which Chalk was NOT happy about!

Chalk's still doing fine though, she's been binkying about the place all day like nothing's wrong. Not the look of a bunny with multiple abscesses! She's still eating plenty, exploring everywhere and generally looking the picture of health until you look at her belly.

I've been in floods of tears just now, Chalk really didn't like being turned upside down this evening, we have to wrap her in a towel to do so, and she just hates it. You could tell that she was in pain when I was squeezing the abscesses too, even though she was deadly still. Afterwards I held her, and she wriggled out of the towel and bit me SO hard on my neck and shoulder. It sounds silly, but I just burst into tears and cried all over her. Her ears and fur were all wet with my tears, poor baby. :( I just felt so bad that I was hurting her, even though I knew it was for the best. I wish she understood that!

Bless Steve though, he let Chalk go back into her cage, (she was ANGRY) and picked up Barney (a far more sympathetic bunny lol), and told him I needed cuddles and reassurance. Apparently Barney replied that was ridiculous, and of course I was a great bunny mum, his favourite by far, and he loved me very much! Barney then proceeded to lie on me for cuddles.... bless!

I can really feel for you...I had a bunny with multiple abscesses in his belly in the past, and I've been through this whole awful situation. It was a nightmare. And I can certainly recollect my guilt for causing him discomfort and even pain in squeezing out the pus and giving him shots of Bicillin every day. I hope everything turns out in the best way for Chalk.

Oh man! I hope she does better ..... is the pus as thick as they say most abcesses get on bunnies? I imagine it's painful.
Aww Jen, I know how stressful it is when we are trying to help our babies and they think we are causing them pain for no reason. At least Barney understands, Bless his heart :).

Hopefully, Chalk won't need another surgery, and the abcesses will clear on their own.

Thinking of you

Oh you poor thing!! Chalk not understanding why mom is pinching him so hard!! Especially as he is running and binkying about.. I hope he heals quickly so that the two of you can get back to your old relationship! Its hard being a mom!
Awww I'm sorry to hear Jen. That looks awful painful.My cat is angry with me for the same reason since she had an abscess. Sucks to be thought of as a meannie huh? Biggest hugs to you for everything you are dealing with. Give Chalk some nose rubs for me, but don't lose a finger while you do. :rose: