Need Advice Re Buttercup

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Im glad to hear he's eating a little better. I keep praying for him and for you and Chris to be strong for him. You are the best bunny mommy and daddy in the whole world- hes such a lucky boy.

Im sure the vet will examine his legs and his spine area. I would also ask about his kidney function (which would also be good to check due to all the extra fluid he had accumulated).

Did you guys weigh him once the fluid was drained? Id be weighing him weekly to be sure you can tell if its coming back.

Sending lots of love, virtual hugs, and prayers to the little man

We went to the vet last evening, he is very happy with Buttercup's recovery. He doesn't know what happened to his back legs. He checked them said their was no broken bones and said it felt normal.

He also said that the fluid may come back but we are going to keep a close eye on his tummy so if it start to come back we will deal with it right away.

Buttercup is eating much better, drinking tons of water which he never really did before. He's not eating as much hay at the moment though.

Both Chris and I are very happy with his recovery. We really thought we we going to loose him a couple of days last week. He's such a strong little guy.

Thanks again for all your prayers for him.


Susan, Chris and Buttercup:)
I'm really glad that Buttercup is better ,Susan, however, I would still continie to monitor his legs and possibly ask the vet to do spinal x-rays if the problem continues.

Also the suggetion to weigh him yourself once a week is a great one.
Hope that he continues to improve..;)
Im so glad to hear his appt went well and that his eating/drinking has improved.

So are his legs still bad at all? Did all the tests come back normal?

Maybe Randy would have some other ideas- this hind limb thing does make me nervous and it seems like something else might be going on.

But Im so glad hes doing well right now! Give him kisses from me :)
Hi Jan,

Buttercup seems to have improved almost to 95% (touch wood, I touch my head LOL). His back leg seems to be ok now, maybe just a slight difference from before.

He is eating really good, drinking TONS, peeing lots and pooing good. He runs to us now, haven't really seen him jump yet. He use to jump up on the sofa which he hasn't done yet.

Were really keeping an eye on his tummy to see if he develops that fluid again, Actually Chris is going to weigh him in a bit to see if he gained any weight.

Thanks for asking about him.

