Need Advice Re Buttercup

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Pet_Bunny wrote:
Give Buttercup up to an inch since she is a bigger bunny.

Stan, we'll try not to let Buttercup know you called him*her* lol.

I thought Id mention that Buttercup is actually a very tiny bunny..Id say 3 lbs at most- he doesnt look it in his photos but he's just a little dude. ;)Just in case we're discussing dosages and such..
Oh Susan, I am keeping everything crossed for Buttercup to get well soon. Perhaps with all the actvity he's gone through the past few days, he just doesn't feel like eating.

C'mon sweetheart, we are all pulling for you. Eat something soon!

Buttercup is about the same. Chris spoke with the Vet yesterday and he told us to give him the Critical Care every couple of hours, so we have been doing that. He is eating a fair amount of dill. He ate a couple of strands of hay yesterday. He's drinking tons of water.

I gave him some of the Pedialyte (sp?) this morning, he hasn't really touched it yet. Does someone know how much and how often he can have this?

He has done some poos very small but at least he's doing some.

He is having a hard time with his back legs.I really think something happened to his backlegs while he was having his procedure last Wednesday.

Please everyone say lots of prayers for my "Little One"


Susan, I wouldnt be too concerned about too much pedialyte. I think you can give up to around 50 mls a day for a bunny his size.

I am concerned about his hind legs.

Did the vet check his spine? How about his kidney and bladder functions?
I took some pictures of Buttercup's legs. Can anyone see what I'm talking about it's his right side( (hip).





And this is just a cute picture of Buttercup


Angieluv I don't know if it's curving or if that is his (yes Buttercup is a boy, long story actually the Gender Fairy struck again LOL) hip bone being displaced. It really sticks out, and of course the vet didn't tell us anything. So hopefully we didn't do more daage when we picked him up.


Poor Buttercup- he looks very uncomfortable how hes laying. Is it bad when he walks as well?

He also looks thin- has he lost weight? I would keep weighing him every so often so you know if you need to get him eating something like nutrical.

Have you told the vet about his legs? Im so worried about our little guy :pray:
SOOOSKA wrote:
Angieluv I don't know if it's curving or if that is his (yes Buttercup is a boy, long story actually the Gender Fairy struck again LOL) hip bone being displaced. It really sticks out, and of course the vet didn't tell us anything. So hopefully we didn't do more daage when we picked him up.


Sorry Susan,,my first bun was named Sheba and was also a boy!

It may look like it's sticking out because he is lying on one side. hard to tell
Thanks for asking about Buttercup. His appetite is getting better, however we are still giving him the Critical Care every 3 hours (which he really doesn't like).

His back right leg is still giving him problems. you can really tell that their is something wrong with it. It really peeves me off that the Vet didn't tell us that something happened to his leg during the procedure he had done. We go back to see him on Monday and believe me I will definitely bring that up with him.



It is possible that something happened to his legduring the procedure but it is also possible that it is a symptom of another problem .:(

I'm glad that he is eating and drinking and doing farily well today

Buttercup has improved quite a bit, he's eating quite good now. We are still giving him the Critical Care but not as often. He actually went on his little sofa looking for treats from Chris and I.

His back leg still seems to bother him somewhat but he is hopping alot better.

He has a follow-up appointment on Monday.

Thank you everyone for all your prayers. i truely believe they helped him get better.

I've just seen this thread Susan and have been reading through it, really hoping to read somewhere along itthat the littlerabbit was improving. Him getting his appetite back seems very positive :)On Monday, perhaps the vet can make somesuggestions about Buttercup's back legs.

:bunnyheartButtercup, hang in there little guy

Susan, you are doing everythiing you can to help Buttercup get well. Don't forget to look after yourself too.

Jo xx