Need Advice Re Buttercup

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So now Buttercup is looking very uncomfortable, his little ears are shaking he is a little wobbly when he walks. He did eat a little around 5:30 and has drank alot of water.

Chris is on the phone with the Vets but of course they close at 7:00 and they are a good 45 minutes away from us.

Gosh I really don't know what to do now. Chris has to go to work soon for a few hours.

I'm not sure if he's gone pee or poo yet either.


Please say a prayer for my boy.
More advice needed. If it's gas which it could be because he looks like he does when he has had tummy problems in the past, do you think giving him the Ovol will hurt him? Please Advise ASAP.

Also Chris just spoke with another vet who saw him today too and he said that he has never seen a rabbit with fluid like Buttercup had. He also said that Buttercup had some real health issues but didn't say what they were.

As of right now we are not going to take him to the emergency vet, we are going to wait, half the time those places know less than we do.

I cannot advise on the ovol...but i just wanted to say that i'm sorry you are going through all this with Buttercup....poor little boy...i really hope he's going to be ok.

I really do understand how stressful and worrying thing's can be


Thinking of you

SOOOSKA wrote:
More advice needed. If it's gas which it could be because he looks like he does when he has had tummy problems in the past, do you think giving him the Ovol will hurt him? Please Advise ASAP.

I'm almost positive that Ovol's main ingrediant is simethicone.

I'll see iif I can find more on the web.
The dosage on my simethicone calls for .5 cc, and we usually double that to 1 cc for the buns.

It should works within 20 - 30 minutes and should workfor a few hours.



It won't harm him in any way if you give it in the proper dosages.

I'm so sorry to hear of your day Susan.

Simethicone will not hurt him so don't worry about that.
I know that you will keep us posted.

sorry that things are not going well.
I'd be more concerned with giving him pain medication than gas meds. If you don't have Metacam, than maybe Motrin or another forum of Ibuprofenwill help. Just make sure he takes it with food and water as with Metacam.

If you are giving him gas meds, it may be too late now, but I find the Ovol tablets for adults to be stronger and easier to administer. My guys actually like the berry-flavoured ones.

I emailed a MediRabbit vet who is overseas and luckily was still up (at 3 AM!). I don't have permission to post it here, so I PM'd his response to Susan, but I will say he asked about the colour of the fluid.

Apparently normal is slightly yellow and translucent. A milky colour is related to lymphoma, brownish can be a biliary problem. Whitish and cloudy can indicate aninfection. Reddish may mean the presence of blood, and thus a wound of some kind.

He asked if the liver could have had a mass.

Sincerely hope Buttercup is okay.

sas :pray:
Oh no! I read the update real quick earlier and thought he was doing well :(

I agree with sas in that Id be more worried about pain meds if hes shaking like that. Thats a lot of fluid for for a tiny little bunny. Im just worried sick about him.

I'll be praying that if you go tonight you get an e-vet who knows about bunnies. Otherwiseyou might wait until morning if hedoesnt look too bad. Although at least an evet can get you some pain meds and subQ fluids if he needs them.

I wish I could offer more advice right now (if youre even still home and reading this). Id keep him warm and hyrdrated and get some pain meds in him asap (do you still have theMetacam I gave you when I was there?).

Praying for our little boy. Im just sick thinking of him in pain. :(

Chris just brought him to vet, they actually thought he looked pretty good. The Vet said he was probably in shock from having all that fluid removed. He did eat a small carrot, some dill, a little parsley during the evening and this am.

He's done a few poos very small though.

The vet said his blood work came back and it wasall normal, whichhe was quite surprised. He told Chris that they really thought all his blood work would be "out of wack".

They are keeping him for the day so they can monitor him. The will give him fluids, some Critical Care, geez I forget what else Chris said.

Im glad to hear he's doing ok this morning. Keep us updated if you hear anything.

Praying for little Buttercup. :pray:
Pleased to hear that he is eating and pooping a little. It is kind of suprising that his bloodwork was OK - makes it more confusing, but a good thing nevertheless.

At least if there are any changes, he is in the right place. Doesn't stop you worrying though :?

Keeping the good thoughts coming

Susan, I'm so sorry to hear Buttercup isn't doing well. I, too, am surprised the bloodwork came back fine. Hmm.

How is he doing tonight?

Thinking of you guys.:pray: