Nala and Gaz

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people suck.

first of all, f*ck the construction jerks in my area... not the actual workers, the idiots who tell them what to do. they had a couple miles of a MAJOR highway through a very busy part of town closed for like a week and forced three lanes of highway traffic onto the access road. ok, fine, they need to re-pave the highway. I can understand that. that's not what really pissed me off about it - what pissed me off is when the morons f-ing closed a lane of the access road for repaving at the SAME DAMN TIME. do ONE project at a time, god damn it! forcing 6 lanes of traffic down to 2 AND having a ton of stoplights in the path of said traffic is just plain asinine.

complaint #2 about the construction jerks. after they FINALLY re-opened the highway, the b*stards closed the exit I need to take to get to my house. again, I get that they needed to do work there. what pissed me off was that they didn't PUT UP A FREAKING WARNING SIGN. the kind that they put up 99% of the time to warn you when an exit is going to be closed. you know, so I could get off one exit before my normal one instead of one exit after, which would've been significantly faster.

then when I got off the later exit, some ****** decided that the sign telling him to yield to me actually meant "completely fail to yield, then top it off by blatantly cutting off the very traffic you were supposed to yield to. when said traffic lays on the horn to tell you that you're being a *********, ignore it and keep on hijacking their lane anyway."

on a non "I hate people" note... why is it that humans pay good money to get brushed, styled and given a mani/pedi but if you give bunnies that sort of spa treatment for free, they express their "gratitude" by gnawing on your shoulder and giving you a swift kick in the ****?

grumbles over their grooming session aside, Nala and Gaz are doing well. after their bond broke last Friday, they spent the day apart. late that night/early Saturday morning, we had an extensive re-bonding session and they've been back to their normal, noisy destructive selves ever since.
Jennifer, so I understand you, they do that all the time here and I hate it when they don´t warn that you can´t exit where you usually do and then you end up having to go miles round and waste time and petrol. They did works on my friend´s street and it was closed for over three months. After the opened it again, a month later they started digging it up again and there are still holes all over it although you can now access it again. Whey the hell don´t they do all the work at once, they couldn´t organise a piss up in a brewery over here.

Haha, it is true that buns just don´t appreciate all these expensive treatments they get for free.

Glad to hear that the two of them are getting on again and that their little difference didn´t last for long. I had my three out last night and they did exceptionally well. I´ve just got them all out tonight but I´ve put Snowy away. I think they´ve just got too much energy tonight as they´ve been cooped up all day as I´ve been out so I´ll wait until tomorrow so I can get them out earlier.
Thats good that they like each other again! haha.

I am SO glad I don't have to deal with road construction or anything like that. The only thing I have a problem with is when they fill in the giant pot hole in front of my house. It brings me this wonderful gratitude when I hear people who are speeding slam into that 15 inch deep hole. I love it. It warms my heart every single time. THEN the jerks come and fill it up and I want to go dig it back out. But I don't, because it only takes a few days of driving on it for it to become a hole again. I love that pothole, as much as one can love a hole in the road I guess. But it does bring me some sick joy.

I hope your terrible traffic ends soon. I hate that stuff.
the sugar glider forum's profanity filter just reached a whole new level of stupidity and jackassery. I got "[censored]" for using the acronym "FTW"


there is NO phrase that I have EVER heard that starts with the word "f*ck" and is followed by two words starting with "t" and "w". I could come up with one, I suppose, but there's no mainstream saying that fits that acronym and involves the F word.

f-ing filter. man, I hate that filter. even more, I hate how serious they get about the rules over there that you're not even allowed to push the envelope a little by self-censoring instead of typing out the swear and letting the forum censor it. when I edited my post to ask what the heck was up with the filter bleeping WTF, I was scared to type that "it censored W-T-F" because if I had, I bet you ANYTHING I would've gotten scolded by a mod for "circumventing the filter" even though IT'S NOT AN F-ING SWEAR TO BEGIN WITH.

Yay glad Nala and Gaz are getting along again! That's some positivity that I love reading about :)
I can think of other positive things I'd rather be able to report about.

oh, how I'd love to be able to say something like...
Nala and Gaz finally stopped getting more hay on the floor than they do into their tummies and then pooping on it and making a huge mess!
Nala and Gaz no longer have to be given at least one $5, unhealthy snack log a week in order to stop them from eating coroplast!
Nala and Gaz suddenly decided they're willing to eat dirt cheap feed store hay after all!
Holy crap, the housekeeping fairy deep-cleaned the bunny pen while I was sleeping!
Gaz FINALLY stopped molting explosively!

but sadly, those are all pipe-dreams >.>
I have just been cleaning up this morning and I am sick of hay and hair. However much I clean the floors, there´s always strands of hay still down there and why do they feel they have to throw it on the floor to be able to eat it. And the hair is doing my head in at the moment. I am sorely tempted to shave Bandy just to have a rest from it. His hair gets everywhere, I was still spitting it out of my mouth two hours after grooming him.

Do I wish I had a magic wand :whistling errrrr yes please.
oh, and apparently FTW can also mean "f- the world" so even though it only gets used that way like 1% of the time and the other 99% of the time it means "for the win", the f*ckers feel the need to censor it. censoring acronyms is pure jackassery. it's just random letters, it could mean anything. you don't know for sure if I was swearing or not and even if I was, for you to know that I was, you'd obviously be old enough to know all about swear words. I f-ing hate that oversensitive filter. PG rating, my ass. I can't say "pissed" or "FUBAR" or "FTW". my MOM used to say "fubar" now and then and she never, EVER used the f-word itself in my entire life. I would say "pissed" or "fubar" in front of a 10 year old without thinking twice, and if they asked me what "fubar" meant, I would tell them "screwed up" and no one would be offended. PG ratings on online forums are pure jackassery, too - if you're under 13, you probably shouldn't be talking to random strangers on the internet without parental supervision anyway and if you're mature enough that your parents let you do that, then you're mature enough to know not to repeat any swear words you read in front of your parents.

also, censoring all the stuff that they censor, yet still allowing some of the compound nouns that involve the word "ass" is fubar. I'll never understand that.

I swear they let the far right wing wack-jobs tune the profanity filter over there.
Well at least they don't leave you rabbit sized piles of poop by the back door. Elli pooped her body weight in poop last night by the door. I was shocked.
ohhhh, who´s being a naughty little madam again. Do you think she watches you come in and sees your face and is secretly laughing at you :whistling
I'm sure she is. You should have seen my face this morning. My jaw hit the floor, I just stared at it for like 2 minutes and then had to sweep it all up. I should have taken a picture, you guys would have cried!
OMG, I bet you were gobsmacked. She is such a naughty little girl but I bet you´re not mad at her for long...she looks at you with that innocent face like "mom did I do something wrong" lmao.
I got a pile of 'care packages' on the couch a few days ago. I was surprised but thankful that all it was was poop. Problem is my couch is dark brown and those pills sure do camouflage well. Heh, well don't get too angry and like Chris said you look at their lil faces and it all becomes worthwhile again.
I had to laugh at the image...Ellie´s poop pile and Conan or Xena´ there´s a big difference lol.
ugh. I just got totally blind-sided by the "D" word via text message :(.

Jay, my best friend, is apparently getting divorced. he's pretty much the last person I EVER imagined would get divorced, too - he's always been so insanely head-over-heels in love with Debbie, so I figured it would last for sure. hell, last time I was in Houston, he was telling me how they were planning to move out of their apartment and get a house. the gist of it is that she's NEVER around; always picking her family over him... and he finally got fed up with having a wife who was never there... called her out on it and tried to work things out, but I guess it didn't happen :(

I told him I was here if he ever needed to talk... or that I could take a little trip to Houston if he just needed a friend to get sh*t-faced with and/or hit up some strip clubs when he got to that point in the recovery process, lol. you know, the basic "best friend" jobs when a guy goes through a really horrible break-up :p.

man, though, I'm still totally in shock.
That is so sad for him and he must be gutted. He´s lucky to have a friend like you and yes, having a shoulder to cry on between drinks is always a good solution.

Hope the bunnies and the sugar gliders are all doing well :nod
That sucks. Although I do like that your immediate reaction was drink and go to strip clubs. This is why I like you. :D

lol... I was totally thinking earlier that it's a pity you're almost certainly too busy for a trip to Houston 'cause the three of us would probably have a ton of fun with a "guys' night out" and it's not like you're all that far away :p

and hell, if we're plotting the *ultimate* "guys' night out" for Jay, we'll totally need to bring Morgan along. I can't even begin to imagine the insanity of their combined ranting/scene-making powers. first stop the four of us would make would definitely be that god-awful pet store in Katy. you and I could sit there watching it unfold, video-taping it for posterity and keeping an eye out for the cops getting close and the two of them would rip the entire store a new one :D. he's lonely and wants attention right now (more than usual, I mean - he always likes attention) and doesn't give a damn if it's good or bad... he nearly made a scene on the bus on the way home tonight just for the hell of it... and you KNOW a dual rant would garner massive amounts of attention for him!

it didn't take very long at all of texting back and forth last night (which started like 11 hours ago and is STILL going on, lol (though not so much right now as he's busy walking through the taco bell drive thru), since I'm nocturnal and he's just bat-sh*t crazy and almost never sleeps at all) to realize that he definitely really needs me to come out there. after being married for god knows how many years (I've honestly never asked, but I've been friends with him for probably around 5 years now and the marriage was well established before I ever met him), he's suddenly all by himself in what used to be their apartment and has been for at least a couple weeks. personally, I'm quite happy living alone... but it's a *massive* adjustment for him and he does not like it at ALL. it's really driving him crazy (well, crazier). like me, he has very few close friends - to the point that, despite living 3h apart and us not playing online games together all night for quite some time now, we're still each others' best friend... so once I get my sh*t together around here over the next few days, off I'll go to Houston to hang out with and "babysit" him for 2-3 days, lol.

it's going to be interesting, as he wants "snuggles" and I'm going to be bringing them... times 5. in theory, I could ask my neighbor to pet-sit, as I feed and water their cat for them whenever they go out of town and will be asking her to feed the damn stray cat that refuses to GTFO and lately has taken to sitting on the outer sill of an open window and "talking" to me all night... but I really can't even imagine not having my gliders within arm's reach more often than not let alone at all for DAYS and I've never left the bunnies alone for more than a day-trip before and would worry myself sick with "what ifs" if they were home alone with only a twice-daily check-in while I was gone. the hamsters can stay here without even being looked after, as all I have to do is leave a huge pile of food in every cage and make sure the water bottles are 100% full before I go... but I'll be taking Nala, Gaz, Hurricane, Lemmy and Tabby with me. Jay LOVES the gliders as much as I do (they'll definitely go a LONG way towards cheering him up) and while he's never met the bunnies, his response the first time I sent him pictures was that he wanted bunnies too :p. it'll be interesting, as he got Debby a kitten not long before things went to hell and she left it behind when she moved out so he's claiming it as his now... I suspect the kitten is going to turn out to be smaller than the bunnies; if it is, that's going to amuse the hell out of me, lol. especially since I'd bet anything that Nala will boss it around.

the only things I'm dreading about going to see him is having to a) clean my car out (which I've been heavily relying on for "overflow" from the pseudo-warehouse I've collected for the online store) and b) pack for the trip. if I were going alone, I could fit 2-3 days worth of necessities in the front seat with tons of room to spare... but with the menagerie along, I'm not even entirely sure I can get everything I need to take into my little car (especially with how sh*tty the size of the trunk opening is - I dunno that I can get an x-pen into it, which means it would have to somehow go in the back seat with the animals). it's going to look like I'm moving in with all the crap I'll be showing up with - cages, wheels, toys, chews, noms, a tent, a tarp to go under the x-pen to protect his carpet, litter boxes and litter, a huge-ass box of hay and anything and everything else my babies will need while we're away from home.