Nala and Gaz

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Ever see a camel spider? I at least think that's what they're called... It makes me think of spy kids, that one where that scientist mixed animals and there was that spider human thingy... anyway, my brother had a hard time with then when he was in Iraq you like how your blog turned into bug talk central? Hahahaha
Wish I hadn´t looked at that, I´ll be having nightmares. Glad there´s nothing that big over here.
Yeah, my brother and his fellow Marines had to deal with those. Apparently they went in pairs to the bathrooms because of those things. One of the soldiers got caught off guard by one and shot it several times. I got to say, I don't really blame him...
And Sorry Chris, for bringing it up and inspiring Lisa to google search it :3 And WHY does my computer keep saying google is spelled wrong.
Sweet baby jesus I just looked at the camel spider and screamed! I spilled some coffee on myself and now I'm really uncomfortable in my house. Not that I live in Iraq but still...*looks around* I CAN NOT WAIT TO SHOW MY HUSBAND! hahahahaha.
When I first read "camel spider" I thought you were talking about a camel back cricket or also called a spider cricket, I didn't know there was such a thing as a camel spider. I don't know where I got cricket in my mind, but those are one of my larger bug fears, with the legs and the jumping and the clicking and the ughh.

Well, I knew the middle east was a place I never wanted to go...thats just another con to add to the list.
Thanks for googling that for me Lisa!;)

WAIT! I thought spiders were only supposed to have 8 legs?! Thats WAY more than 8 legs! Its got too many f-ing legs! *runs to throw up*
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Oh my goodness that video cracked me up!! I missed the video link before (thanks Missy for the embedded link) but seriously the one glider looked like he/she was holding on for dear life and the other glider was like...wheeeee! I'm jumpin! I'm getting this thing to spin! Here I go again......wheeeee!
Meanwhile other glider was STILL holding on for dear life.....hahaha.....funny video :)
UGH!! I've been a horrible bunny-momma :tears2:

I starved my poor girls so bad, I think I broke their bond :tears2:

I forgot to feed them before bed... I remembered right before I fell asleep, but Tabby and I were already curled up in the tent and I knew the girls had a third of their hay manger and a big pile of veggies and I figured they'd be ok so I didn't get up. 8-9h later, I went out and their manger was nearly empty (had a little bit at the bottom, but it was below the last of the bigger holes). when I went to fill it, they RAN over like they were starving and started eating, but as I grabbed another big handful to stuff in, they got into a BAD fight, like standing on their hind legs and kinda balled up together fight, it was TERRIFYING! I yelled and rushed into the pen and they scattered but with Nala chasing Gaz... I herded Gaz away from Nala and picked her up and gave her some snuggles and checked for wounds.

they calmed down and I finished filling the hay, then went to give them pellets. Nala came into the condo with Gazzles and they seemed ok... I hand-fed them some pellets together through the wall and they were ripping them out of my hand like they were famished. everything seemed okay, so I left them together and went to get myself some breakfast... but then there was another scuffle. I have them separated now - Nala in the condo with the pellets and some hay and a water bottle; Gazzles out in the pen with the main hay manger and the cat waterer (no pellets, but she's chubby again and a good veggie eater, so I'd prefer she not gorge herself on pellets anyway).

I feel so awful for not getting up and feeding them before I went to sleep :(

I'll take them to neutral territory later, either outside when the sun comes up or if that doesn't do it, to my neighbor's house once she's awake. hopefully I can get them back on track. I can't believe I let my poor babies get so hungry that it made them fight :tears2:
ugh, Nala's going insane over being locked in the condo... but I can't switch them because I don't want Gazzles alone with nearly 1/4c of pellets and moving the pellet bowl is a pain in the butt :(
I figured I'd answer your questions about the gift basket on your blog, not the other thread! haha.

Yes, she LOVES the wiffle balls, I couldn't remember what they were called on the other thread. But she likes to roll them around, its funny because the bigger one is pretty much as big as she is!
Everything I got in my care package was perfect! I don't need any payapa bites or anything, but I know that people like to feel them to their buns, and I know people like to give willow balls. As you know, since you have them to sell! hahaha.
Those were just my suggestions for other things to go into the gift baskets, other things that buns like! haha. I loved my care package. So did Ellie.

I keep her craisins in this little pocket thing in the cubby her stuff is in and she knows where they are. So when I go to that cubby she will stand ALL the way up on her back legs, like on her tippy toes to wait for the craisin. LOL Then when she gets it, she can't even be bothered to put her front her feet on back on the floor, she stays periscoping with this really happy/goofy look on her face while she's eating the craisin. Its pretty funny!
well, I don't actually have the willow balls to sell, I just have a serious personal stash :p I gave one to q-tip's mommy when I sent her some stuff and q-tip demolished it in no time flat!

mine go insane over the craisins, too - they know when I'm reaching for that bag! they like the pomegranate-infused ones way better than the regular ones.
Don't beat yourself up. You didn't starve them ;) and let's face it....they've fought before so it might not have been the food. It may appear that it was but a pair that doesn't have some problems won't fight because of food. So there's probably an underlying issue there and it wasn't your fault at all because of the food....
But what a bummer :( sounds like a bad fight. Rabbit fights freak me out! Obviously you are right to take them to neutral territory later. Let us kmow how it goes.
I know... but I still feel bad because it's obvious they were REALLY hungry. granted, if they were THAT desperate, they could/should have eaten some of the crapton of hay that they've piled up in part of the litter box that they don't pee on (because they drop some pulling it out of the manger) or that they've strewn ALL over the floor (today is/was cleaning day for the bunny pen)... but sometimes I get the feeling they'd sooner starve than stop wasting so much hay.
Rabbits are sometimes so unpredictable. I hope they manage to sort out their differences, I sometimes laugh because I give mine a talking to and hope that one of these days they´ll understand. Sort of "if you´d stop niggling each other, you´d both get to stay out all day instead of taking turns" It is frustrating but it´ll sort itself out, they were out together yesterday and they were Ok for a good few hours but I do separate them if they start to seem as though they´ll niggle. I´m gonna post a video where they were out together and then they had a tiny nip at the end so you´ll see what I mean.

Mine love the willow stuff, balls and tunnels, they demolish them. I´ve been looking for papaya tablets over here as I´m seriously trying to put together a first aid kit.. I´m going to ask my sister if she can get them in the UK.
wtf... did you know you can't mail playing cards to spain??

by the looks of it, though, papaya tablets could get past customs
I can believe anything but I´m intrigued as to why playing card ???? I now know you can´t post a computer battery as I bought one on ebay from the UK and got my sister to send it and it was sent to her with a very snooty letter from customs saying it was a criminal offence to send it....but you can carry it in your hand luggage on the plane with you. In the end, she send it to my friend´s brother´s house and when she came back from Scotland, she brought it with her....weird eh :confused:

I´ll have to think about that Jennifer if my sister can´t get them...she´s coming over in April so I´m hoping she´ll find them.
I really enjoyed the video although for some reason by the end it had made me start to feel motion sick, I guess because of watching it on the computer. They are so interesting and adorable, for now I will have live vicariously through you.