Nala and Gaz

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I hope they didn't eat any plastic, anyway... honestly, I didn't double-check it 'cause it seemed like there was a reasonable volume of loose plastic. still, those are MY crackers, darn it. like I always tell them about my meals, "is not for bunnies! go eat your veggies."

Trouble and Hurricane are at the vet now, so I've gotta sit here and wait for a phone call >< (no appointments available so I had to drop them off to be looked at whenever the vet happened to have a little free time... on the plus side, my vet is great about *planning* for people to need to bring pets in/drop them off on short notice sometimes so if something bad comes up, you can pretty much always get your pet(s) looked at that day if you call in the morning)
Awww. It sucks you had to just drop them there. I would be a ball nerves. I'm glad you have such a good vet though.

I know Nala is picky about greens, but what kind does she eat? Just kale and a bit of cilantro?
yeah, and sometimes the veins in the middle of romaine (but not the good leafy part, the weirdo). she actually ate a decent amount of cilantro last night, I was impressed.
Have you tried red/green leaf lettuce, or butter lettuce? Those are a Foo favorite. Or have you tried a spring mix bag salad? Its got spinach, arugula, frisee lettuce, radicchio, beet tops, romaine, green chard. A lot of those things are high is OA and calcium, so I feed a handful like 3 times a week. But it might have something in it that Nala likes. And if they don't like it, then throw some croutons in there and it makes a great salad!
haven't tried butter lettuce, but I've tried red and green. I've tried spinach as well, but she doesn't eat it and I don't buy it any more because I have to feed kale so regularly and it's high in OA as well.

I've also tried watercress, raddish tops, parsley, curly parsley, swiss chard, mustard greens, turnip greens, collard greens, cucumber leaves and bok choy. she eats carrot tops on occasion, but they've been wilty/ucky at the grocery store lately so I haven't been buying them. sometimes she'll eat a leaf/sprig of basil, mint or fennel from the garden. I'll find out about raddicio in maybe a month or so - I'm growing some in the garden.
vet didn't call me, so I called them... turns out Trouble has a bacterial infection in her gut :(. I'm going to pick them up now, he's putting them both on baytril. poor girl! I feel SO bad about oversleeping and not getting her in yesterday.
Oh no Jennifer, that's not a fun way to start out your glider journey :( don't feel guilty there was no way to know for sure because it most certainly could have been new home jitters.....
Did you tell the breeder? Is it anything that could have happened under her care? (not saying she's to blame or anything but something she should know...?)
Hopefully Trouble will be okay! Definitely tell the breeder, (it wasn't her fault or anything) but she could help you.

Okay, so I read like a page back, and Jennifer, you said you were taking 4 bunnies to the vet???? Did you get more bunnies?!
yeah, I did talk to the breeder about it - she was my first call when Trouble first got diarrhea; I talked to her on saturday and monday, then again last night after I got home from the vet. based on the timeline, I assume it started on my watch... the vet said it could've been caused by stress.

the good news is she's doing MUCH better already!

the bad news is that they LOATHE the baytril and getting .1 mL into each glider always results in the gliders, my hands, and sometimes various other things ending up sticky and stinking of medicinal fake-grape (and I have to dose them twice a day). last night, I tricked Trouble by adding some gliderade to the syringe after I measured out the baytril, but Hurricane wouldn't fall for it and now neither will Trouble.

it's been four months now since I got my bunnies (feels like we've been together SO much longer!) - they've officially spent 2/3+ of their lives with me :D I've gotta go buy them some more kale so we can celebrate.
*sigh* I put the gliders in their big cage instead of the little "nursery" cage for some play time... put Trouble on the wheel to see what she thought of it. I came back 10 mins or so later and she was still sitting on it, so I figured she must not know how to get down. I went to pick her up to take her off the wheel and she was clinging to it for dear life... while I was trying to get her to let go, she suddenly freaked out and started biting the crap out of me! they've never bit me before :(. oh, and she pooped all over me while I was trying to get her to quit biting, too... and her poop is NOT back to normal yet... so I had to dodge bites while scrambling for paper towels to clean up.
well, I'm still VERY worried that forcing down the baytril is going to make the gliders hate me ><

they're closed thurs/fri this week so I might call saturday to see if this is really the only option. failing that, my hammy babies are all going to the vet for "well baby" check-ups on monday morning and because it's free after 2 pets (up to a point, anyway, I was warned I *might* get charged extra for bringing SO many in at once but I imagine it wouldn't be more than the multi-pet exam fee x2), I'm bringing EVERYONE - the bunnies, the gliders, the hammy babies and mom and dad. that way, I'll be covered as far as well-being checks for like six months.

Gazzles is still back to normal, she's been great since shortly after I gave her the probiotic. she and Nala are being little trouble-makers as always and are cute as ever. I gave them another big cardboard box (that the bins to make bin cages for the hammy babies came in) and they're loving it.

oh, and one of my hammy babies will be going to their new forever home early next week, assuming the vet clears 'em to go. the lady wanted to buy ASAP but I insisted that they needed a bit more time with mom (saturday's the absolute earliest I could justify taking them from mom as that's when they hit 3 weeks) and that I wanted to get them all checked out at the vet before selling them. I'll be contacting her after the vet appt. to arrange a pick-up time.

crazy thing is, she lives in san marcos, which is at LEAST half an hour away from me... wants to buy from me because "the pet store ones were stupidly expensive", lol. I wasn't about to point out that the pet store ones are surely cheaper than mine by the time you add gas money to the $10 I'm charging (she already has a cage/supplies so isn't buying one of my starter kits), what with how far away she lives. imo, my babies are better than pet store hammies anyway, though - they've got a 594 square inch cage to run around in, get handled multiple times a day every day, get fed one of the top pellet brands and get a nice fresh food diet on top of that to get them used to variety.
That's what someone said when they wanted one of my bunnies. Turns out, they wanted to put a bowl of water on the porch and let it "roam the yard". I tried to be as nice as possible, but they obviously left my place without a bunny. BTW, that awesome home I had planned bought Adeline and LaRew, and she made an appointment with my vet that I know and trust to get them spayed/neutered. :yahoo::clapping: Anyway, good luck with your sugarbabies and hammies! Post more pics of the babies as they get older. Also, when I bred Winter Whites, I weaned them at 5 weeks. Is it different for Syrians?