ugh... rough day.
it started with Gaz seeming a bit more lackluster than usual, even for mid-to-late morning... laying stretched out (but not the normal dead bunny flop) like maybe her tummy was a little upset/gassy. she does that sometimes, so that alone wasn't enough to worry me. I normally give veggies when I eat lunch, but I had to be at the TNR (trap-neuter-return) class for my stray kitties at lunch time so I gave lunchtime greens early today.
Gaz is normally a veggie vacuum cleaner, but she didn't come down to eat the turnip greens... and didn't even eat them when I put them up in the condo with her. it's been probably almost 2 mos since I've bought turnip greens and I couldn't remember if it was that or collard greens they didn't like (though I'm 90% sure it was collard), so I wasn't sure if it was normal or not for her to shun them. worried and on my way out the door, I captured her and dosed her with simethicone... she gobbled the first half the dose, then suddenly didn't want the other half and I had to force it. she nibbled a bit on the veggies but didn't eat much. over-protective mom that I am, I briefly considered asking my neighbor to bunny-sit for two hours but decided it was unnecessary, as 2h isn't all that long and she was at least eating a tiny bit.
I took the gliders to the class in their pouch... and right as it ended, Trouble came down with fairly bad diarrhea

(which I suspected might be stress-related (and confirmed as a possibility online), as I was showing them off/explaining to people what had briefly made a funky electric-pencil-sharpener type noise (crabbing) in the middle of class - the gliders suddenly became VERY agitated/upset about that... and then Trouble pooped a really runny poop.)
when I got home, the turnip greens were still almost all there. I put out some cilantro and still didn't get a response from Gaz so I dosed her with metacam and more simethicone. she fought like hell; I think only half the metacam made it in her mouth but I didn't want to give too much with a dose being so small to begin with. she also wanted nothing to do with the simethicone that time. she struggled a lot and bit me a couple times (would've been more like a dozen if I hadn't thwarted most of the attempts by keeping my thumb under her chin)... not hard enough to even come close to breaking the skin, but definitely hard enough to clearly state "knock it the f--- off, mom!". I was relentless, though, and didn't let her go until I was done forcing meds. she ate some cilantro and hay, which made me happy.
I called the breeder I got my gliders from about what to do with Trouble, as she had bad diarrhea again a couple hours after the first incident and I needed to know whether this was a "put down the phone and get the hell to the emergency vet NOW" thing (like baby bunnies) or if it was somewhat common/easily treatable with home remedies. turned out it wasn't an "emergency vet" situation... though it sure as hell made me antsy to agree to treat at home/wait and see at 4 pm on a saturday. (why do things always love to go wrong on saturday nights??)
I had a bad headache from listening to a million freaking dogs barking for two hours (the class was held at an animal shelter and the walls were thin), so I rested up for a bit. Gaz ate and played enough to make me satisfied that either the metacam/simethicone worked or my imagination stopped over-reacting to nothing - she seems back to her normal self.
I "stimulated" Trouble to poop (brushing a kleenex down her tummy/privates to simulate mom licking) before moving her from pouch to nursery cage and it wasn't totally runny, but still wasn't really formed either so I headed to the store for some kaopectate as per the breeder's recommendations. she gobbled down a full dose of it happily. a couple hours later, I tried to stimulate her again and all she did was pee, which I guess is a good sign... went to give her another dose of kaopectate and suddenly she LOATHED it, like Gaz and the yummy/disgusting simethicone. I had to semi-force it by placing a droplet at a time on her lips so that she'd instinctively lick it off (for half a freaking cc)... with her struggling and wriggling the whole time.
on a side note, forcing a glider through a butt-bath is about as fun as it is with a bunny >.>
I really hope Trouble's back to normal by morning - she's got me really worried! I'm thankful, though, that at least Gaz seems back to normal and there's nothing wrong with the hammy babies aside from eyes starting to open seeming to = them thinking my fingers are possibly food.