Nadia and The Cookie Monster's Thread

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ARGH! I just took Cookie to the PetSmart to gethis nails cut - I would do it myself but I can't get him to sit stillAT ALL and usually he's scared at the pet store so he staysquiet. Anyway, I take him and I ask for someone who knows howto do rabbit nails. I've gotten them done there a ton oftimes and it's great. So they send me to this girl who saysshe has to take him in the back room (the NEVER take him in the back -they just bring a chair out so I can help keep him calm or they let mecome to the back so I can help), so she takes him to the back room andI'm thinking "Wow, she must really be good at handling rabbits if shedoes it all by herself". She comes out 10 mins later and justgives me this look and says "I did my best".

I DID MY BEST?!! What does that mean?! I brought him all theway here and put him through all the stress so you could 'do yourbest'. I told her he is a flincher and a little scardy cat,so he needs someone to calm him and help hold him steady, but she saidshe was fine. Then she comes out and apoligizes and informsme that she's really only done about 3 rabbits - this is her firstweek. ARGH!! If she had listened to me and let me tell her what heneeded I could have told her that she wouldn't have been able to do italone.

In the end she got 4 of the 5 front nails (I don't think she realizedhe had another nail) and she HARDLY touched the back nails.They'rell so long. So now I am going to have to put himthrough the stress of another nail cut really soon. I'm goingto take him to the vet this time though.

Sorry, just had to rant.

have you tryed putting him in a bunny burrito?

I wrap them up with the two front feet out ... it helps Freddy when Ialso have a corner of the towel drapped over his face .. it totallysedates him when his face is covered


FreddysMom wrote:
have you tryed putting him in a bunny burrito?

I wrap them up with the two front feet out ... it helps Freddy when Ialso have a corner of the towel drapped over his face .. it totallysedates him when his face is covered

:) Girl, I have tried EVERYTHING. I've tried burritos -fights and jumps right out of them. I haven't been able totrance him - even the vet has a hard time with him. The onlything that he stays 'remotely' still for is strangers in unknownplaces. lol.
HoneyPot wrote:
:) Girl, I have tried EVERYTHING. I've triedburritos - fights and jumps right out of them. I haven't beenable to trance him - even the vet has a hard time with him.The only thing that he stays 'remotely' still for is strangers inunknown places. lol.
The strangers are not emotional when they're handling him.You'rebably understandably nervous. I know I am whenclipping mine. Animals can sense this and reactaccordingly. If IACT like it's no big deal and I'min control, they usually submit. I have to pretend like I'mnot bothered by it.



I made Cookie a little play house last week andhe can't get enough of it. Here's the pics from today's playdate!!

Went a little mad with the camera - sorry...


"Ok I'm ready"

"Here I come!!"

"Almost there..."

"I'm here - where's the party?!

"Pfft, this party stinks, I'm outta here!"

"But I still love you..."

"I know I'm cute - heretakea picture.. this is my good side"

Cookie and I did some playing in the backyard today!! The weather was gorgeous, so we had some time outdoors.


"Hmm... she said something about craisins...."

His little ears are all oily from the latest dose of Mineral Oil. Poor baby.

"PLEeeease can I run out there with you?!!"

i like your pictures.

wondering which petsmart you went to in TO. that must have been reallyupsetting for you and your bunny. when you have tried cutting the nailsbefore was someone else helping you? i am asking cause ii't a 2 personjob in my house.

Cookies adorable.

You think going to a Pet Smart that can't cut nails is bad, we took ourButtercup to a Vet once here in Ajax, between her andherassistant they stressed BC, myself & myhusband. OMG they didn't even know how to hold the littleguy.

Needless to say we never went back to that vet. We now (well actually Hubby does it) trim all of our bunnies nails.

Nicole: Took him to the Petsmart atKennedy Commons (Kennedy & 401). There's one guythere that's fantastic - just snip snip snip, 5 mins and it's all doneno problems. This one girl in particular was just really newand said she didn't need help. If I have known how new shewas, I would have insisted on helping her or getting someone elsebecause I know how Cookie is.

The first time we cut his nails, he had no idea what was going on so mysister and I were able to do it no problem. Now as soon as wetry to burrito him, it's a huge fight with lots of scratching andbiting.

Soooska: They couldn't do it at the vets?? Yeah that would havestressed me out too. I will keep fighting with Cookie to dohis nails. I try every time and then eventually give up andtake him in. But I am getting more confidence now that I heareveryone just does it themselves!

Since the nail cutting incident he wont let any of us near his backfeet. I wasn'tin the room with the girl cutting hisnails so I have no idea what happened. He's been biting atthe nails on his back feet (don't know if they hurt or something) buthe won't let me really go near them. He hides every time wetouch his feet. Makes me sad to see him scared.
i didn't know they did that at petsmart, ithought it was just grooming for cats and dogs. good to know. mysister-in-law helps me now, and we are getting quite good.:)


If he didn't hate me yet...

Cookie in the dressing room

"Oh crap, I didn't know you had a Camera!"

"Ok, ONE picture..."

"No more, I'm so embaressed!"

Nadia & Cookie the Shirted
hahaha, so cute! I saw animal Halloween costumesat my pet stores and I so wanted to buy a little bumblebee costume, ororiental dress for Jordi ;). I can't see myself ever managing to gether in it though.

It looks like Cookie didn't mind too much!

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