Well-Known Member
:laugh: A lot of help those neighbours are!
have you tryed putting him in a bunny burrito?
I wrap them up with the two front feet out ... it helps Freddy when Ialso have a corner of the towel drapped over his face .. it totallysedates him when his face is covered
The strangers are not emotional when they're handling him.You're probably understandably nervous. I know I am whenclipping mine. Animals can sense this and reactaccordingly. If IACT like it's no big deal and I'min control, they usually submit. I have to pretend like I'mnot bothered by it.Girl, I have tried EVERYTHING. I've triedburritos - fights and jumps right out of them. I haven't beenable to trance him - even the vet has a hard time with him.The only thing that he stays 'remotely' still for is strangers inunknown places. lol.