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Yes I have. I don't know Alicia...I wouldn't want to take the risk if the vet told me there was something wrong with doing it. I don't mind paying the money, I just have to save it up.
So today I sold some stuff on craigslist to finally be able to buy the parakeets some new perches. they are given toys, but they don't play with them, besides the mirrors.

Right now they have 2 "Plain" wood perches, a natural wood perch, and a "nail trimmer" perch (That is need to be replaced)

I plan on getting a rope perch and new plain wood perches (they are dirty) and maybe a perch that has a toy connected on it. I am going to Cage World, a bird only store. They are more expensive, but they have a lot of things, and it's a local store and I like supporting local stores.

I am upgrading thier cage when we move, so I will have to buy more, but that is okay.
Aw I miss having parakeets. Someday when we move into a place where we don't have to worry as much about how loud we are, I think I'll get birds again.

That bunny bath mat is so cute!
I love having them. I love to hear them..although since my keets are so special (they don't play with toys, untame) it is kinda hard. After they pass, I am going to get lovebirds.

Cage! What is in it:

1 regular wooden perch
1 rope perch (Shaped differently)
1 swing
1 "Grooming" perch
2 Natural Perches
1 Mirror Perch

1 Hanging Mirror
1 toy with a ball inside they can move around
1 large hanging toy rope with chains, wood blocks, bells
1 plastic toy with bells




So, two weeks ago I lost my betta Rhino due to seemigly natural causes. About three weeks ago, Elephant developed a bad case of fin rot out of nowhere, and I don't know how. Despite treatment, he was getting worse so I had to euthenize him :(

I only have Hippo now..It is so sad. I only had Rhino for 2 years also.

But at the same time, I am happy to be down to one betta..three was a lot of work. But I wish Elephant died of natural causes
So, I can't do this seperation anymore! It has been five days..I am throwing in the towel. He doesn't come home until Sunday night and it just seems too long.

Plus, all of my friends are busy/out of town, so I have no one to hang out with, which I know would help me feel better. But right now I just feel really lonely.

I am so frustrated with sewing..I can't seem to thread my machine. The thread from the bobbin doesn't come up. I am so frustrated with it. And I have 2 really cute fabrics to make pillows so it seems like such a waste.

I don't know if i posted this, but I bought Kinobe and then Chewy/Anakin one of those cardboard concrete tubes at home depot. Kinobe sometime runs through his, and Anakin pays attention to it, but it really isn't a big hit. I only paid $3, so it isn't so bad.

Sigh. I just feel so depressed :(
Fancy seeing another AZ goer here! :D HOWDY!!!!! You've got some really cute buns. <3
if it makes you feel better i dont hang out with "friends" but once every couple weeks...cause i cant ever do anything between working two jobs and having a kid. i used to get super depressed not having friends. but now i just dont care.
Love the bunny mat and shoes. Bummer, my niece used to work at an Urban Outfitter, the discount would havecome inhandy! How do you find these things?

Sorry that Kinobe bit you. I can understand the deja vu feeling of Sheriff all over again. Think positive, hopefully itwill be the onlyincident with him.

I bought the tunnel for my buns a month ago. (thanks to Kirby's Helen) I bought the 10 in opening thinking the other was too small and left the length so it's taking up most of the living area. The buns uses it every so often, Cappy loves rolling it especially when Shades is inside of it.:biggrin2:

Hehe Helen we must not be friends on Facebook. I have certian sites I belong to that I check every week when they get new shipments..I am always on the look out for indie/retro/cool stuff. I often get told that I am an excellent shopper/finder. lol!

I am feeling better today. Although the total hour drive I drove in the heat has me gone, completley! Ugh!
So, Tranquility Trail was awesome! I had such a blast! They treat their rabbits so well. Everyone lives in xpens, with some type of cottontail cottage, wicker tent, ect. Then they come out for play time in a large run with a bunch of toys!

Some of the rescue bunnies where there..So I have delayed posting this because of reasons.

There is a bunny who has three legs. One of his legs was taken off by other rabbits. He also has half a nose. If he passes his overall health check, I am adopting him. He is a small (The size of kinobe..3lbs) himi, and he captured my heart the minute I saw his photo. I met him yesterday, and it basically sealed the deal. I just now have to wait on his check. If he doesn't pass, I will still be fostering an emergency rescue bun, but I am hoping to god he wil. James actually fell in love as well!

Here is a photo:

The rescue is so amazing. I am tackleing a couple projects right now, but it is so rewarding. Next Sunday I will be doing a Adoption Day at Petco, and getting ready for some long term deals.

I sold some aquaria items and was going to buy 2 mini mazes, or one and a cottontail cottage. I saw how small the mini mazes where though! So I just invested in a regular sized is going to take up a crap ton of room (Lol) and they all have to share, but I am excited!

Then I need to buget some money in for 3 litter boxes..thankfully they are only $4 each. And a bag of litter! It is so tempting ot buy a bunch of toys and such, but I simply don't have the money since I just bought them a bunch! I did though buy a large grass mat for Anakin. Chewy doesn't really like hers, but he might.

James got back yesterday and everything is going so swimmigly! :D
What a sweet looking bunny! He's so dirty, poor guy. I hope he passes his health check so you can adopt him. Is he going to be neutered before you get him?
It depends..I think so. I am either paying for the nueter, or the adoption fee that covers the nueter.

Unfortunatly, about 4 other people have express interest in him, so I am nervous. His health check was either today or Wendsday.

If we don't get him, I just plan on taking Kinobe on dates to find another free roam bunny. I have my eye on two other bunnies; but I really wanted a special needs rabbit. There is the rabbit Amy wanted to adopt (Radar) and if Nubby isn't available, I might take him. I asked about the single-rabbit home, and they said that wouldn't be a problem. He is really sweet. I spent a lot of time with him, but he is reserved.

I keep reminding myself, if he is taken, it is fate. He wasn't meant for our family. But it is so hard also!
Aw at least if he's taken you know he'll be going to a home. I'm sure things will work out. If you don't get him, maybe it just wasn't meant to be, and the perfect rabbit for you will turn up!
Oh... My... Goodness! :inlove:

I can see how you fell in love with that little guy, especially since I know how you feel about Himi's. Poor guy could use a bath, I know it's not recommend with bunnies but he is filthy. At the rescue I volunteer with they had a bunny with three legs as well. She was kept in a cage with a very soft padded bottom with an easy to access water bowl and litter box with a low rise opening.
He actually did get a bath! That was a photo when he just came in. The other rabbit I may adopt is actually a giant himi! lol! I would like Nubby to be free roam; but if he doesn't get along with Kinobe he may have to be in a cage.

So, I took a ton of photos but I will slowly leak them out ;)

First up..Maze Haven Photos!

The Mini Maze is a total RIP OFF. It is so small! For $10 you can get teh Maze Haven which is basically 4 mini mazes. I was able to make it 2 stories so it didn't take as much space.


And the buns enjoying it:





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