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You know guys, I totally forgot to post Chewys gotcha day...It was June 12th...

Oh I feel awful! :shock:

Well, she got a oat treat and lots of snuggles!
Sorry for all the seperate replies; I wish we could go back and edit our posts.

So, I decided to keep track of all my monthly spending on the animals.

I was astonished, to say lightly. For June by itself, I have already spent close to $70. And I have to buy crickets and hay still.

I spent $19.70 on a new 50lb bag of pellets; which last a couple months
16.56 on crickets, worms ,and a kaytee bag of hay since I ran out
19.60 on bedding for the mice/hams, and then I bought a some toy parts for the cinchillas (which are now gone)
$5 on some dollar store toys for mice/hamsters
and another $7.62 on some more crickets.

Crickets should cost another $5-7 today. And LITERALLY that is all my money (I have $10 in my bank account)


So in retrospect, I spent $120 already on the animals.
And the month isn't over.

I really need to curb this. This second job gives me an extra $65 a week, but I really need it to go into savings/paying of credit cards. I of course will still have more money in general, but still.

Then I also need to remind myself, that I bought 2 "long lasting" items..pellets and beddig..which I don't buy on a monthly basis. is just really crazy when you add it all up.

In retrospect, however, i only spent $19.56 last month in total, all on crickets. lol. I should add there is more "cricket" expenses this month because of hte babies; and I need to fatten up my females so they are getting roaches and worms which are pretty expensive. I have to feed the babies a lot as well.

And, of course, my crested gecko, which eats about 25 crickets a week, so that is an extra $2.50 a week as well. Which also, the cost of buying him (Charged on a credit card that is maxed out..) wasn't included in the $ add $38 to that...)

And the $20 I donated to the rescues (I got a necklace in return) and the 3.50 I spent on willow toys from the rescue..

I am going to stop adding up. No wonder why I am broke


And the worst part is; I know I am not done. I am still paying for the nueters, but then I want to buy the cottontail cottage, ect ect ect...

I use to keep track of my pet expenses. I don't anymore. I don't want to know anymore. I spent $70 today on dog food alone.

During Kit's (my dogs) first year, I kept track of everything I spent on him. His first year of life, I spent $3,435.98 on him. And that was just him.

I don't even want to think about what I had to spend on Berry this year so far because of her stroke. It's enough to say that I maxed out my fare share of credit cards paying her vet bills.

Congrats on the new job and the volunteering! That's awesome. And happy (late) gotcha day to Chewy!
Wow that is insane!
I have to keep track..I have tight finances and I been asking James for more money, and I hate that!

Tonight he has to buy me zip ties, a planner, and some money in electricity! And I feel so bad! I know he doesn't mind (And he uses electricity himself of course) but still.

Plus, I have to. I want to foster in the new apartment, and get a cat, so I have to keep my expenses under $100..which is A LOT to spend!

Not to mention I never buy anything for myself :(
Happy Belated Gotcha Day to Chewy! And congrats on the new job and volunteering. I don't think I can ever foster even if we had more room in the house. Reason being ~ I know I wouldn't be able to give them up. Perhaps if I hit the lottery one day so I know I can afford any health issue that may arise. That's my only concern with taking in more buns. We have a TV commercial here in the NY area for the lottery which features all rabbits. I told hubby I want them all if we ever win.

Have fun on your trip to Colorado!
Under $100 for pet expenses? I don't think I could do that lol. Well, maybe some months, but most of them I couldn't. Especially if someone needs to go to the vet that month. Vets here are expensive. I have to take the dog next month to get his heartworm test and this years heartworm pills, so just that will probably be around $200.

I know how you feel. I don't buy myself anything either - all my money goes towards my pets and to paying off the bills. Once we get some of our credit cards paid off, I'll probably be able to spend a little more on stuff for myself. Although, knowing me, I'll just use it to spoil the pets more.

Pets are expensive. That cost for the dog was just normal stuff too - food, toys, vet bills - no emergency vet bills or anything extra like that.
Vets here are really cheap, and I don't have any dogs/cats so I don't really have to worry about that..
But I am starting a small pool for emergency vet bills. I used to have a large sum in August, but through Chewys health problems (Head tilt, pregnancy) and Pinballs passing I am out now.

Right now, the pool has to go to the nueters, as they are in severe need to be done. I am lucky in the sense that my Mother in Law will pay for anything if it is an emergency and I can pay her back.

When I had Furrari (The Sphynx cat) it wasn't that expensive..I had her on Royal Canine however (At that time) and wet food...and I dont know. I can't imagine it costing near $3000. I spent a total of $50 for all her supplies.

I think it is good that I can be frugal when it comes to a lot of my personal things; and the animals. Besides some toys, a lot of the things I buy are in itself; not expensive. It just adds up.

Helen, I hear you. But I have to do it...Kinobe is a "failed foster" but I didn't have someone saying "Bring him to an adoption event" ect ect. And I really know they need fosters. James holds a pretty tight gun when it comes to keeping/buying rabbits, which is proably why I only have 3 instead of 7, lol.

But James right now lives on 5 acres of property and has horses; so my dream of a "mini farm" doesn't seem to odd to him I think. I just want chickens, sheep, he wants horses, and of course by that time I am hoping to have a small breeding herd for show (AND I mean small..1-2 does) but I want them in a "guest house" not a barn..I hate barns for rabbits ,lol.

So James bought some zip ties for Anakins new was suppossed to be 3x2, but two of my cubes broke. So it will only be a 2x2. Which yes, I know is small; but it is actually wider than his current cage (A pet store cage)
I will of course be upgrading him as soon as I can afford another box of NIC grids (Which sucks because I will only use 2, lol)

Now on to Destructo bun aka Kinobe.

I left out 2 phone books for him to dig/chew/play and instead this morning all my magazines where pulled from my shelf chewed on, LOL. Including my new Redbook I jsut got yesterday!

But the good news is, I traded Chewys XL grass ball for Kinobes XL plastic ball with the bell inside, and Kinobe loves the grass ball, and Anakin loves the plastic ball. SO yeah for working out! lol.

But Kinobe had to scent mark it for 30 minutes befor playing with it :p

Tonight I have a lot of cleaning to do; Tomorrow I *might* see James so I will be busy and I *might* go back to peoria early. So I have to do all my cleaning tonight.

The girl geckos have been pooping like crazy (lol) so it needs to be sanatized, I cleaned the mouse cage yesterday, but today I need to do the hamsters, chinchillas cage, the rabbits cage, and Kinobes "pee spot"

Then there is in general dusting, ect ect.

So, one of the leopard geckos eggs deflated. 2 of them look like they are not going to make it; but I am semi hopeful for the last one; lol.
Ugh rabbit vets here are worse (more expensive) than my dog vet - and my dog vet charges over $500 for a basic neuter :shock: Luckily I used one of those Friends of Animals certificates, and only had to pay $65 for the certificate plus a bit extra for blood work and pain meds. I save money where I can, but even the little things, like vaccines and check ups, are over priced around here, and it all adds up.

Your lucky if the vets are cheap there. I cringe every time I have to take one of my pets to the vet, but of course I always take them when they need it.

The "mini farm" sounds awesome! Chris and I want to get a ton of property when we can afford to own. I want a lot of animals too.

Sorry about the geckos eggs!
So, I am now working almost full time.
After some happenings I have seen; I decided to get my second job and expand it. I was originall was only going to work 6 hours (Tues-Thurs) but now I am working all week.

I really just want to make sure I can support myself (and my animals) without james and without help.

It will take a lot of time away from James; but we will work that out.

Honestly, I feel reallyg ood at this moment.

I get my first paycheck on the 8th, so I scheduled an appointment in advanced for the nueters!!! I really can't wait.

Instead of the measly $65 a week, I will be earning an extra $134 a weeek! Whoot! Which means I can start saving, paying off bills..ect ect. And if James and I ever split; I can def support myself.

I get aid to help with rent; so if I get a place that is around $ 600 (2bdm) I only pay $200 out of pocket!
Wow that's great Myia. I am really happy for you. It must be nice to be totally secure in yourself financially, just in case anything did go wrong etc.


Yeah. I mean, if we ever split, it would still hard finacially (Considering he does pay for half of the "basics")

But I feel a lot better now; plus I can start paying off my debt! lol.

I just hate working full time, esp with school, but I only have 1 class on campus (And the rest online) so it might workout better than I think.

Well right now I am crippled on the couch..wanting to go to bed, but it is so early!

After work, I spend 4 hours cleaning.

BUT the good news is, Anaking has his new NIC cage..3 grids by 2! I found the ONE extra cube I needed! lol!

He is really enjoying the space, and condsidering Chewy and him and chewy won't be getting much playtime while I am gone, I feel really great.
So Chewy is going to the vet today; no worries nothing important just a check up from when she had her head tilt.

Plus, its been over 30 days for her pregnancy, so that too.

I am grateful I got the extra money to pay for xrays and such to make sure the head tilt is healed, which have to be done before she gets spayed.

But I always get neverous..what will they find next? lol..
So, Chewys head tilt is almost completley cleared up, although on the xray it seems she has limited motion with her neck..which I never noticed before. Basically she can't "turn" all the a small fraction. So basically okay.

We also set her up for a spay..which I have to save for, because of her previous head tilt they want to take extra percautions.

Other than that, she is perfect :)
wow i thought mine were expensive...once more i will remind myself how expensive more pets would be :) thankfully my monthly expenses for buns are around 17$ and the cat is 10$ if that. i cant imagine spending a 100$ a month on pets...i dont spend that on my daughter

glad her head tilts clearing up, thats great news
Yeah, it was actually a "injury caused" neck problem, so I feel awful because I am sure it is becaue one day I picked her up and she freaked out to get out of my arms. But the doctor said it may of not been that; it def was not a ear infection but yes.
I am glad it is pretty much healed. He said she will most likley clear up completley; but she might not be able to fully "turn" her head, which is barley noticable (I didn't notice at all)

They want $175 for a spay, and I honestly don't think I can trust anybody else because of her problems. So I got to just save up.

So, I officially worked for Tranquilty Trail yesterday, and finishing today. Just some "office work" of compialing a list of numbers, names, emails, address of all the rescues for a upcoming holiday event. I got about 95 but it tooke me freaking 3 1/2 hours!

But the good news is, everyone told me the tranquilty trail center was too far away to drive to..but looking at it; it is only a 50 min scooter drive. Which may seem liek a lot; but right now I drive 40 mins to work, so really it isn't anything.

So I am going to start every monday, hopefully starting the 5th :)

I am really excited. I also might do friday as well (Probably esp the 9th since James will be out of town so I will have nothing to do) but I want to see.

I am really excited :)
i guess as long as your making enough money to pay for gas on top of expenses then no biggie :)
Glad to hear Chewy is getting better. I'm with you, I'll pay the vet cost as long as I know they are in good hands. When I first r/c'd the quote for Shades' incisor removal, I was shocked but knowing she was going to a rabbit savvyvet outweighs having the procedure done by an inexperience one just to save money.

My commute to work is 1 1/2 each way and that's mainly hiway driving!

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