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So, this is before Anakin and Chewy became officially seperated, but enjoy :)






So, the second egg hatched yesterday. Let me tell you, I almost bawled my eyes out. She appeared to have her stomachs outside. I was freaking out, but it seems it was just her egg sack still attached. As long as I keep her warm and humid, it will reasorb or fall off. Thank god!

She is a Super Snow Enigma, the very morph I was hoping for!


This photo is really hard to tell, but she is really beautiful. I am so excited.

Now, I didn't name my other 3 geckos because I usually end up calling them by thier morph, but I really want to name these two babies!

In other news, my sisters Syrian Hamster passed away yesterday. I got him when he was already over 2, and that was in November. She was upset, but she knew it was coming and prepared herself. I wanted her to get a piggy, but it would mean caring for 2, the cage is larger, ect ect and my mother said that maybe later, but not right now. So it seems they will be getting another Syrian.

It seems odd that my gecko collection doulbed in two days :p But I only had 3 to start with. It is actually the least amount of reptiles I have ever owned.
I can't wait until Septemebers reptile show. I have already started saving. I need about $500.

The list is long.

James has finally become ok with me getting snakeS. That capital s is there for a I kinda hinted at getting more than 1, and he didn't react badly.
I would like to possibly get (Mind you, I won't be getting all these, but this is what I am looking for)
Alibno Nelson Milksnake, Ghost Houndouran Milksnake, Apricot Pueblan Milksnake, Albino Striped King snake, White Sided Brooks King Snake...I think that is it. LOL.

I don't know how many snakes I will get. I don't think I will betting the White Sided Brooks as I have only seen them online. But I really want the Albino Nelson and Ghost Milksnake. Those are my "Must haves"

Then, I would LIKE (meaning I doubt they will have them, but I hope so) a trio of Afrian Fat Tails, two females and 1 male. I would like 1 to be albino, but they are expensive. However, I want 2 to be striped because I honestly dislike normal AFT, but love the stripes. So it is a no go if I can't get 2 stripes.

I would also may possibly get another crested..this baby appears to be female, but I am not good with sexing baby cresteds (Although I did it correctly last time!) but maybe by september I will have better luck. I rather not have a male/female and of course I can't have a male/male. I also would rather only have 1 cage.

Then, for my leopards, it is hard to say.
For males, I have it down. I want one Bell albino, one super snow, and possibly another morph if he is cheap.

For females, I am not quite sure besides teh fact I know I want 1 bell albino. I really will have to look and see what is available.

Right now I have 4 females including the hatchlings (I know I shouldn't count my eggs before they hatch, but they both seem really healthy) and I wanted between 7-8. So we will just see.

So, that is a list of 2 snakes, 3 AFTs, 1 Crested, and at least 3 leos. That is alot of reptiles to take home..esp considering that is the lowest numbers I could possibly get.

BUT it will be nice to have a large collection again! It will also mean however I nice hefty cricket/mealworm bill, but since I will prob start ordering in bulk, it won't be so bad (I estimate $40 a month)

Well, I am off to take my drivers license test (The driving part) and my motorcycle permit written test..if I don't pass..I am expecting a heavy fine when I got to court monday...ugh!
I am so happy the eggs are hatching now. Congrats on the snakes in the near future :) How exciting this all is for you!!
Have you ever had a bearded dragon? Me and my husband want to get one after the move and once we are settled.
Everyone go to! All there treats are on sale!
What happend is, my mother took my sister and I to petco to get her another hamster, and she ended up buying me some toys, a grass mat, and a really awesome carpeted "hut" (Think a cat scrather post and it was only $25)

So I went online to get links for you guys and the stuff is cheaper online! Really cheap!

They have a pack of 4 wicker balls with the walnut inside for only $10! They are normall like $5-6 each!

I *might* have the money tomorrow for some of it, but with shipping I have 4 wicker balls, 6 tiny tumblers chews, 2 willow branch balls, 1 plastic ball you put treats inside, and 2 pack of 18 toy block chews (With holes) for $35. It is too bad shipping is so expensive..maybe I can do price match?

They also had (in store) a 36 inche thick wood perch for only $12! The chins would love it but I got to measure the cage to make sure it fits! lol.
lionheadbunny21 wrote:
I am so happy the eggs are hatching now. Congrats on the snakes in the near future :) How exciting this all is for you!!
Have you ever had a bearded dragon? Me and my husband want to get one after the move and once we are settled.

I have had 2 that were and the boy were best friends, but both him and the female had severe impaction issues. The female died within a year of my care due to her massive intestine problems, and the male died a little while after that (they were lifelong partners, I think he got depressed)

I then bought myself a baby from a breeder, had him for 4 months, then he also had impaction issues even though I kept him on tile. I am assuming it came from the breeder who kept him on sand (He was already grown when I got him, retired breeder)

I had to put him to sleep becuase his pain was so bad :(

I woud love to get another one, but I am not sure. I would have to think about it. :)
We're doing all our research right now. We have sand too but I've heard that sand is not good for them, specially when they are babies. Soo we are going to get some tile as well.
I can't wait. We have almost everything we need for one, so with alittle more research, we'll have one soon. :)
Aww that's too bad about the lifelong partners. I am a softy, I've never had a pet that we've had to the end. The one dog I had as a child, I was out on my own when she pased, so it didn't impact me as much as it would have. I do miss her though.
Bearded Dragons seem like a lot of work. Well only because it is so new to me I guess, once we get going, it'll be second nature :) I get my bunnies and my husband has yet to get his one bearded dragon (or two).
lionheadbunny21 wrote:
We're doing all our research right now. We have sand too but I've heard that sand is not good for them, specially when they are babies. Soo we are going to get some tile as well.
I can't wait. We have almost everything we need for one, so with alittle more research, we'll have one soon. :)
Aww that's too bad about the lifelong partners. I am a softy, I've never had a pet that we've had to the end. The one dog I had as a child, I was out on my own when she pased, so it didn't impact me as much as it would have. I do miss her though.
Bearded Dragons seem like a lot of work. Well only because it is so new to me I guess, once we get going, it'll be second nature :) I get my bunnies and my husband has yet to get his one bearded dragon (or two).

Sand is horrible, for any reptile..except maybe for a sand fish :p

Please use tile! All my reptiles love it! Or paper towls is a good option. But for beardies and there nails, its great. Plus so cheap! It cost me I believe $6 to tile my 20 gallon and it is forever flooring!

They are pretty hard work..uvb and heat lamp..make sure you have to change the bulbs every 6 months.

They need fresh greens everyday, crickets, roaches, earth/silk worms.

Baths (if your water bowl is not big enough) and I have to change thier water everyday because they play in it lol.

But I reconmend just getting one. If you do get two, get two females. A male/female pair..a male will dominant, eating more food and causing her stress and overbreeding :)
So I can't afford to buy toys from petco..I mean I did get 3 toys! But I am going to go get at least 1 branch from petco. The chins really have not recieved anything new latley and they deserve it. I also need to put money away for the nueters/spays and for the reptiles that is litearlly all my money :(

I am trying to sell things for the nueters/spay but so far I only sold (pending pickup) some fish decor for $10. It is such a bummer!

James and I talked and hopefully in the next couple weeks were going to make a pit stop at the Bunny Basics to purchase a Mini Maze for both Kinobe (in the living room...where I don't know) and Anakin/Chewy (In the bedroom) which is unfortunatly $40. Plus I want to buy some of their XL grass mats if Chewy likes the grass mat I bought today..since they are waaaay cheaper. So it will be a $55 expense. Ugh! I really want to buy the wicker "Tents" too but at $20 each, I just don't have the money.

I know when we get the bunny room (UGH ONLY THREE MORE MONTHS!) I am going to buy the large maze for the bunny room. So maybe by then I can also buy a tent. Kinobe will still be free roam, so he will have his mini maze in the new living room anyways.
I didn't realize Bunny Basic was an actual store in Arizona. Oh you're so lucky! Hmmm..... where's he closest airport? I should check the shipping charge as oppose to taking a trip to the actual store. Is it big? I can just imagine telling hubby I'm going to Arizona to go shopping for the "kids" 2,000 miles away!:p
Myia09 wrote:
lionheadbunny21 wrote:
We're doing all our research right now. We have sand too but I've heard that sand is not good for them, specially when they are babies. Soo we are going to get some tile as well.
I can't wait. We have almost everything we need for one, so with alittle more research, we'll have one soon. :)
Aww that's too bad about the lifelong partners. I am a softy, I've never had a pet that we've had to the end. The one dog I had as a child, I was out on my own when she pased, so it didn't impact me as much as it would have. I do miss her though.
Bearded Dragons seem like a lot of work. Well only because it is so new to me I guess, once we get going, it'll be second nature :) I get my bunnies and my husband has yet to get his one bearded dragon (or two).

Sand is horrible, for any reptile..except maybe for a sand fish :p

Please use tile! All my reptiles love it! Or paper towls is a good option. But for beardies and there nails, its great. Plus so cheap! It cost me I believe $6 to tile my 20 gallon and it is forever flooring!

They are pretty hard work..uvb and heat lamp..make sure you have to change the bulbs every 6 months.

They need fresh greens everyday, crickets, roaches, earth/silk worms.

Baths (if your water bowl is not big enough) and I have to change thier water everyday because they play in it lol.

But I reconmend just getting one. If you do get two, get two females. A male/female pair..a male will dominant, eating more food and causing her stress and overbreeding :)

OMG:thanks:I am one of those people that read and read and read and it doesn't sink in unless I get a demonstration of some sort! So thank you.

I have a bowl big enough, ubv, heat lamp, the dome, sand (damn petstore, I read after that it wasn't good for them, so I'll birng it back)

I never knew how cheap it was for the flooring-that's awesome!

We will be getting one in a few weeks. Thanks again!
I have actually never been there! It is kinda out of the way for me, but if James and I take a different freeway from his parents house to ours, it is kinda on the way down.

Haha it is actaully RIGHT by scottsdale airport! lol. I could always see how much it is to ship to you! Sometimes places have to charge more. :)

By the way, I should add, since Anakin has also matured, I am waiting until I have the money for both rabbits since the nueter clinic is so far away and it is hard for me to arrange transport (Since we have to drop them off between 7:30am-8:30 and it is an hour drive and then we have to go back to pick them up. So it is a total $140. I have $40 :p
Your welcome Jenesta :)
What size tank is it? For a 20 gallon it is 2 12x12 tiles and 2 6x6 tiles...

Also make sure to NOT get smooth tiles..get something rough. No shiny stuff ;)
The stuff I have is a really pretty orange color. It looks great!

If you have a larger tank (or when you upgrade) I would just try to google to find what sizes you need :)
This is what my mom got Kinobe:

But at the store it was labled "Rabbit Condo"
Kinobe has been tearing at the carpet in 3 places..and he started to chew on the condo then lost interest. Ugh! I hope he uses it.

Then there is this:

And it is a HUGE hit! Kinobe loves it! I may have to buy one for Chewy/Anakin.

I bought this for Chewy/Anakin:

But niether seeem interested. I think that is because chewy doesn't play with toys very often and I don't know about Anakin.

She also is uninterested in her grass mat :p

Ungratful buns!

So, my sisters new hamster is a delight! She is so active and sweet! I am actually jealous, LOL. We got Fat Hammie (Our current syrian) as a petco "rescue" since he was so old..and he is active, but not like her! I miss having an active bun! And she is so cute!

Right now I am on the phone with the 36 inch wood perches are only $7.46 "internet sale" but the lady said if we print it they will match it. Now I am calling around trying to find people who have them :p There was only one at the petco I went to, but it was in East Mesa (I live in tempe) and would be out of the way to go back, esp for just one. And they hopefully will match it.
Sooo much to read and comment on, but I don't have time right I will add this....

Definitely shop at The Bunny Basics! Kelly is sooo nice :biggrin:. I was leary of spending $18 on the Cottontail Cottage and $20 on the wicker tent, but Molly & Morgan LOVE the cottage and it has made Molly only be destructive to that and not the carpet. Brody loooves his wicker tent and it was totally worth the $20. Actually, I bought a wicker tent from TBB 2 years ago and while its been chewed, I still have it and M&M chew it/lounge in it every day.
I wanted to buy one of those carpeted cat thingers for Barnaby for awhile. He loves things he can hide in. I wonder if the carpet would be a problem with him. And Barnaby says, if Chewy and Anakin don't want their grass ball, they can send it to him! I bought Barnaby one of those once and he loved it, but it didn't last very long.
So far, Kinobe likes to hop on top of it, but have not seen him go into it very much. But he is a very relaxed bun and likes to lay down in the open (and mainly the couch)

Hehe, if Anakin/Chewy don't use it, and Kinobe doesnt, it is going to the chins, and sorry Barnaby I know they will use it! lol!

Petco is doing the price match for me, but I have to make a pit stop at two stores. Which is fine, because it is super cheap and I am SO excited to see how much the chins will love a new huge wood branch. They really love the "skin" on the wood to chew on.

So, I went to the dollar store today and they had a bunch of things! They actually had plastic balls with the ringing bells inside just like the one my mom bought for $4 :p
They also had bright pink placemats with white polka dots (Also in green and blue) and I wanted to get some for chewys cage but decided against it. She doesn't seem too impresed with the grass mat, so I am going to put it in Anakins cage

I did buy Anakin a small blue pillow for him to lay on :)

I would like to post photos of you of Kinboe with his toys, or the chins new branches but I swear I always have camera problems! ugh!

The baby geckos are doing well :)

I feed everyone on Monday so I am excited to see them have their first meal!

The crested is also settling in. He is quite an active bugger! The poor thing, I bought "Small" crickets but they were more like pin head size! I forgot to check..I jsut asked and went on my way. It is okay, I will def buy him bigger ones on Monday.

So I am very close to askign James to pay for the boys nueters as my anniversary present instead of fixing my tattoo. It is a real bummer, but it kinda makes sense. I am still figuring it out :/

The mice are well, Olive really has not tamed down a whole much however.
Been in your place a time or two. I passed up a gift or two to help pay for spays and neuters. Long term worth it short term... Well that was debatable.
