Myia's Bunny Blog

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"I'll come and save you!"
So, I was thinking what an awful start to a day with Kelsey.

Then I thought of my busy week;

Monday I work,
Tuesday I get up extra early to take Kinobe to be nuetered..then its school from 10am-4pm..then right after that it's the long process of dealing with my insurance and trying to get my birth control shot.
Wendsday I work,
Thursday I have school and a presentation,
Friday I work,
Saturday is my only "Free" day, but on Sunday I have roller derby try outs.
So I have to practice all day saturday and throughout the week.

Then it gets better, my mother is in the hospital. Last week she went because she had a heart problem, and she is back again. They thought it was a heart attack (I haven't heard anything since) but idk. So now I am spending the night at my mothers (Which all I have is my laptop to keep me busy) and I am super stressed and upset.

And I am nervous about the nueter along with everything else.

I just want to rip my hair apart!

And I have to convince James to bring either Kinobe or Chewy/Anakin so I have some bunny company to cheer me up.
He can't bring all 3 because we only have 1 carrier. It will be hard to convince him, but lets hope.

Oh, did I also mention my 10 year old brother isn't fully potty trained and has diahhera? Yup.
Oh Myia you need a big hug!!! :hug2:

Don't worry about the neuter (or at least try not to)- he is a healthy bun and should be absolutely fine :).

I am so sorry about your Mum- I hope she is okay.

You have such a busy week ahead of you- make sure you get some 'me' time, okay? You don't wanna get stressed and tired out. Make sure you put an hour a day aside to have a long relaxing bath/watch a nice movie with the bunnies etc., even if it means ordering a takeout instead of cooking ;)

Thanks Jen, I really do!

I also need someone to bring me some ice

And James isn't helping..instead of doing homework like he said he was, he went to his mom's open house. No big deal. but now its 4pm and he is driving about 40+ mins to go hang out with his friend. He said he could come over after. Uh..its have a 40 minute drive THERE..and so when are you coming over? Oh its no big deal to you that MY mother is in the hospital now is it? I expected him to be here at like 5:30 or so. But I guess not.

So now I feel even worse.
They just choose the worst times don't they? When you really want them to just leave you alone for an hour, they don't (trying to help, bless them), and when you really need them, they aint there :/

Yep- Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough ice-cream is a cure-all
You got a 24-hour supermarket near u? :p
I wish I could leave, but I can't. First off, I don't have a car. I could walk to the store, but my brother, being special needs, doesn't handle social situations well.
If I ever needed someone, it would be right now. I am two seconds away from leaving James and I honestly can't see straight.
My mom is even more serious...

I hate to post this here but I just don't have anyone. Of course my best friend isn't answering her phone.

Your situation sounds really tough. I think anyone would be super stressed as well. I wished I saw this earlier so I could have responded sooner.

Is your little brother still not feeling well? And have you heard anything about your mom?

Oh Myia, that sounds so hard... do you guys get any sort of assistance with respite care or outside assitents/carers for your brother? For right now just do the minimum of what you have to, consider maybe asking for extensions at school if it's too hard to get everything taken care of while you're taking care of your brother and worried about your mum and for this week just do what you need to get you through. Hold off on making any real big decisions until things have calmed down a bit and you can figure out what it is you really want, it's so hard when emotions are running high I know. I hope you were able to get through to your best friend or James was able to get home earlier and bring you a bun to snuggle. :group:
I'm so sorry for everything that's going on in your life right now. Just remember to breathe and before you know it the week will be over.

I hope everything turns out okay with your mom!
What a night..and it continues. They think my mom has a tumor. She had one before, but it was benine. However when she was younger she had cancer cells, so it is a big risk.

She came home this afternoon because there wasn't much they could do, so she is on bedrest.

Amanda, I am my brothers respite caregiver. It helps the both of us. He is severley behavioral; but isn't nearly as bad with me because of course I am his sister and have been around him. He has gone through over 40 caregiver in 3 years. Our last caregiver stayed for 2 years, but she graduated Nursing school and found another job. It's a pretty easy job for me since I just hang out at my mothers house.

James and I are better; he is going through a lot of things himself and is at risk to lose his scholorship, and I have been dealing with my stress. We pretty much are at our breaking ends, and instead of helping each other were (Well..mostly him..which was the cause of the fight) were concentrating on ourselves. He didn't come over to my mothers house for me until about 10:30. But things from there only got better.

Were both exhausted today; last night with my brother didn't go well.

But he has class until 8:15pm..I am going to make a huggge dinner. I should be able to leave at 5pm today, depending if she feels okay.

I drove home while the kids where in school to spend time with the buns, and Chewy was mad lol. No kisses for me today.
I am really sorry to hear about your mum. I hope it is benign. Is there any way they can operate?

I am glad things with James are better- sometimes stress can put awful strains on a relationship, but hopefully you guys can work through it.

Maybe bribe Chewy with some oats or banana? :p

We honestly have been through worse, lol. Well right now they are trying to figure out if she has it..last time she had a grapefruit sized tumor but it was deep inside her stomach and hard to find with regular scans, believe it or not. She already had a ultra sound, but we will see.

The problem is, she has had 4 c-sections and then to remove the tumor the had to cut from her pelvis to her breast line..which means she is cut up really bad already. She was told if she ever got pregnant again, she would die from surgery because of the amount of times.

I still at my moms, but when I get home I might giver her some oats. ;)

I took Anakin on the couch and he stayed on my stomach/chest. He was so cute. I know he is still a little scared though! But he is becoming more outgoing.

His face is SO smooshy! It is like he ran into a door! lol!

I love his color sooo much.
Hi! :) I've been reading your blog and have enjoyed learning about all your animals. They are all beautiful and your passion for living things is really inspiring.

Sounds like you're dealing with a lot of stressful stuff right now, i'm sorry.. I hope things get better for you soon! Sending many well wishes to your mother!
Thank you so much Alex :)

Well tomorrow is nueter day..I am pretty nervous! But I think I have everything figured out and planned out.

Also...I have two pregnant geckos! The blazing blizzard def has 2..looks like she will be due in a week or less

And my super snow is gravid again, in the beginning stages with two eggs! :)

That is a total of six! I really hope all of them make it!

Fingers crossed :)

I told myself to only keep so it looks like some will be up for sale :)
Bonding session of the Chinchillas..

So..if you don't know the full story..
Valentine is my original chinchilla. Three months after I got him, I got Casanova and the bonding went hassel at all.

Then I got Romeo a couple of months ago, and tried bonding all three. It worked for awhile, however, Valentine and Romeo started to fight.

Romeo got along with either chinchilla..but I decided to keep Casanova alone since he had some chewed fur from Valentine.

Romeo passed away...I don't talk about it much because I try not to think about things like that. I am still really sad, but I just find distraction and ignoring it..

But that left Valentine and Casanova. I was hoping to rebond them.

I took them out today in the living room (With the A/C blaring) and it was better than it was a week ago (I had test bonded to see if I could get a trio again)

But after 10 min they were fighting, not just chasing.

I am really upset that they won't rebond. Chinchillas are pretty hard to bond I guess I was lucky at first.

Sigh :/
Ooohh no!! Perhaps more time? I don't know a thing about chinchilla behaviour etc. so i can't be of much help :(.

Are chinchillas very social? Or more solitary?

Oh my gosh RO..

Jen I went to reply to you, but I was me a couple more minutes. Then I fell asleep at 10:15pm! So early! And I didn't wake up until 8am...but cat napped until 9:30ish!

Chinchillas are herd creatures..however in captivity it can be hard, and it also depends on the chinchilla. Just like rabbits I would say!

But I have more chinchilla news...
I am taking in a female standard from a friend. I don't consider it a "Rescue" of course, but let's just say she hasn't been taken great care of. Plastic in her cage..all chewed up..she looks like in some serious need of a good dust bath (With quality dust)
My friend is moving and can't take the chinchilla with her, so she came to me. Her and her fatehr are coming over tommorrow to "Check her new surroundings" which I am sure they will approve.

I guess I am 50/50 on it..I didn't want her to go on craigslist, but at the same time I just lost Romeo, and I actually didn't plan on anymore after I didn't get the last female due to shipping problems.

If you also didn't hear, James couldnt' drive me to Kinobes nueter because he had physical therepy. I was angry. Now I am trying to figure out how to get there (Its a 37 min drive)

And the worst part is, he is still all goo goo for Chewy! *Sigh*

And I am having problems with Hamster food...
He won't eat any of the rice and some smaller seeds. So I am goign to go out and buy some oxbow pellets just to ensure he gets what he all needs. Silly hammie.