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Its okay! I know most people probably read but it is nice to get comments. I try really hard to post in everyone's blog.

He isn't getting nueterd today, but tuesday. It was the only time they were open. :) I begged for it to be earlier, but that was the best they could do.
I am really nervous.

Yeah, I have to admit, I love Kinobes naughty streak. He is now jumping on the couch and it's just too cute. It's like this past week he has transformed, more outgoing, trusting, loving. I am afraid the nueter might change that and he won't trust me again; but I can't risk Chewy getting pregnant.

And Ren I replied to your blog! lol! Yeah, he is really adorable with his smooshy face..I really hope he turns out really cute as well (Lionheads tend to be cute as babies, ugly as I think Chewy is pretty cute but not like when she was a baby! lol!)
Good luck for him! I'm sure it will all go well :)

I love rabbits' naughty streaks- when they are cheeky and they know it lol!!!

I'm sure he won't change that much. Occasionally it happens for the worst, but I am sure he will still trust you and feel just as bonded to you as he did before.

Let us know how it all goes :)

Myia09 wrote:
Already bonded:

That was quick! You're lucky.

I just love Kinobe. Lops are so entertaining.
Thanks everyone!

Yeah, lets hope they stay bonded. I have really good luck with bonding however..But with spaying and nuetring I hope it stays.

Lops are definatly winning my heart over!
Lops are my 'go to' breed. I love them. But all breeds are great really because bunnies are amazing pets.
I agree :)
Can't really go wrong with any bunny!

Looking at Ren's blog, I miss my reptile rehabilitation. But it was just getting too costly. However by the time I rehomed all my rehabs (Some of them were permenent special needs that I thought I would keep, but didn't) all I had were my Leopard geckos. I miss having my snake and the variety of animals.

I also miss my fish!

But alas to be happy with what you have.

I am nervous about the nueter..I hate surgery. PLUS James is the one who has to pick him up and settle him in the house because I will be busy all day. So no offense to my James, but he isn't exactly Mr. Gentle.

I don't even want to think about how I am going to feel with Chewy.
Thank you Mary!

I hate to keep posting the same "topics" but once again, another RO member is at ends with people! Usually I am really really good at ignoring people, but this girl boils my blood!

She is my boyfriends best friend of 7 years...I have to deal with her. She is really, really full of herself. She is a freshman in college (I am technically only a junior, but with senior credits) and is studying Biology so she can go to med school..but all she does is complain how hard calculus and chemistry is (Uh, sweetheart your in Chem only gets harder so buck up). Well, I don't know if you all know, but I was a Biotechnology major for 3 years (I went to college during high school) and I am a certifeid lab technition. I won 3rd in state for my biotech senior project (It is out of high school students as well as college undergrads) Well, she makes comments like "Biotechs are Doctors B****" and other stuff that is just really offensive.

And it is utterly retarted becaue a couple of nights ago, she made the comment 'Well 99.9% of the human genome is figured out" That is completley wrong. Any BIO 100 would know that. If it was known, we could cure cancer (Fix the DNA in the cancerous cells) there would be no argument that being "gay" is a genetic 'disorder' and what not. So this goes to show you how stupid she really is. Yes, we know there is 23 chormosomes, and 4 endings, but we don't know the actual sequence in each human being.

She also crosses the line with my boyfriend (Will sit on his lap, ect ect) but because they have been best friends for so long, I put up with it.

Well, on Facebook I have been getting a LOT of mean rabbit comments..and I mean alot. From about 5-6 different people. Finally, I had enough when I posted new photos and people mad the common "Looks cute enough to eat.." ect ect.

Well I posted a status saying that if one more person made a rabbit joke, I would delete them as a friend. Immature, probably, but deleting comments was just not working.

Well, sure enough she postes "I don't eat meat...but if I did I would eat your rabbits."

Well, I ignored it.

Then her and my Brother in Law were making jokes to each other (totally fine) and then at the end said.."Now back about eating Myia's rabbits"

I really had enough. So I said respetfully, "Kelsey, I asked you nicley to stop making jokes about my rabbits. Please respect my wishes and stop. I ignored the first one, but this is just enough."

But then, wanting to avoid a fight, I delted the whole thing (all the comments, the status)

Well, she still read it, and she replied on my wall (And those who are on my facebook can go see it)

"Myia it was just a joke, grow up"

Grow up? Excuse me? I was nothing but respectful to her. But how "grown up" do you need to be to keep making jokes when a person asks you to stop?

So I said back,

"It's not a joke when I ask you nicely to stop. Hence why I deleted the whole thing. :)
You know me...I am all about joking. But it really gets seriously old when it is all I hear about, especially when it is about something I care for."

And I just HAD it with her. James (My boyfriend) is also angry at her and is going to call her and tell her to stop himself.


Oh that sounds so annoying!!!! I am not surprised you are getting 'fed up' of her (lol can't say what I really wanna say on here :p ).

I too have to take 'jokes' from people, and I often let it go, but when they go on and on, I just want to hit them! Seriously. If your jokes hurt/annoy someone, nomatter what they are about or whether the other person is being sensitive etc. (which is not the case here), then just stop it!

I'm glad James has had enough of her.
It is NOT okay for her to sit on his lap! That is quite an intimate thing, I think, and she is wrong to do that. She needs a good....kick up the backside to really sort her act out.

She sounds very insecure, so it's no wonder she comes out with these statements about Chem degrees etc. because she obviously feels threatened by you, and needs to try and 'exert her dominance' in bunny terms lol over you.

Just try and ignore her. I know it is hard, but hopefully if James tells her to....kindly just leave you alone, hopefully she will respect her friend's request.

:hug1 You're being the better person here, so keep your head high and try to ignore her.

I hate girls like that loL!!

Ohhh yeah. Once she just sat on his lap and I was pissed. James justified it as she was only on his knee, but ugh. He knew it was wrong though and got up. Then during spring break she went to sit on his lap again, and I just was frank and told her I will sit in my boyfriends lap and you can sit here.

But James and her just got into an literally just now. He just called. She is so stupid..she said "Well I was just trying to defend myself from being called disrespectful" I didn't call her disrespectful..I asked her to respectful..but I don't see how that is offensive. So how to your retailate that with an insult like "Grow up?" I didn't call her a name. Then she started attacking HIM!

I am so tired of her.

I have dealt with it for a year now..I can't do it any longer. I wish she was gone. She disrespects me all the time.

And when James and I took a small break she gave his mother "relationship advice" about us. OMG. She has been with her boyfriend the same amount of time as James and I..the differnce is, he is her B****. And I am not joking. He does whatever she wants, and one night at a party when she was gone, he CRIED to me about it. So I don't need to take her advice when her own relationship is messed up.

UGH and she is still arguing with me on FB! So lame!
The convo on FB:

Oh, it's just a joke Myia. Grow up.

It's not a joke when I ask you nicely to stop. Hence why I deleted the whole thing. :)
You know me...I am all about joking. But it really gets seriously old when it is all I hear about, especially when it is about something I care for.

"Can I make in any more clear to you Kelsey that I don't appreciate jokes about my rabbits? Can you grant me that respect? I ignored the first one because I knew you were joking, but really. Really, please stop." I could've thought of a hundred different ways to say that more politely. And I get made fun of for being short all the time. You, yourself have made comments like everyone else. Where was my respect Myia?

I can't remember the last time I "made fun of you" but you have also never asked me to stop, or anyone else.
I am sorry, but I didn't think my post was offensive, I didn't call you any names or what not. When the original topic is to stop joking about the rabbits, and you continue to do so, I felt I was granted the response I gave to you.
This really isn't worth a fight.
God that's getting me all fired up just reading it!!!

I am glad you took no nonsense from her when she tried to sit on his lap again. She can't disrespect (yes...disrespect :) ) you like that. Cos she is! And it's rude.

She sounds like she just wants a fight. She doesn't sound like she can hold her hands up and apologise for being in the wrong.

Anyone can be out of line. Sometimes jokes can easily cross the line without you realising you've hurt someone. So....apologise when you realise, and don't ever do it again. It's not hard.....

Just really try and take the high road. Don't let her get to you. She is quite pathetic, to put it nicely, and you don't need this.

Well, the long story is Jen, her and James also have another best friend of 7 years named Emily..but Kelsey and Emily are no longer getting along.

Kelsey called her some mean names, said some pretty harsh things, but refuses to apologize. It just goes to show you.

And when James and I got back together, I apologized to her for being standoffish, but she never apologized to me about being rude, out casting me, ect ect. Never.

I feel bad for wishing her gone because they are best friends and James feels like he is losing them (Which is hard on him) but seriously..its hard on me too!
TBH, I would have nothing to do with her unless you're in a situation where you absolutely have to interact - and when in those situations, I would be polite, but distant. Don't be her "facebook friend" - she is clearly not a friend based on her conduct, so there is no point in pretending she is one on some silly website. If matters on facebook concern her so, she needs to go back to highschool where she belongs. If you need to spend time with her because of James, so be it, but I would absolutely not tolerate any of her wayward comments and rude remarks. While I realize she is a long-time friend of his, I would hope that he wouldn't mind you standing up for yourself when the situation warrants it.
It must be so hard when you are in the middle. I can't even imagine :(

She really needs to know her place.

Ren, your absolutly right. But now I am angrier than ever.
James called and he told me their discussion..

She called me crazy...which really makes me mad. James defended me, but it just boils my blood to know she is so ignorant. If I am so crazy, then so is this entire fourm. I am sorry there are people out there who enjoy animal companionship and are serious about it.

She also said it was stupid along with other choice words.

The orignal post on my part was stupid. I was so fed up with people making fun of my rabbits, I posted the status telling people I would delete them. Yes, immature. But I had posted a status about nuetering Kinobe, and two people joked about him.. the "If he doesn't make it through, you can have some nice soup" and the other person said "MMM sounds good, lets hope!"

That isnt just joking, it's hurtful!

But that doesn't grant her to be disrespectful and continue to make fun of my rabbits.

Basically, FB is evil anyways, lol. Sometimes I wish I didn't have one at all.

And it also doesn't grant her the right to be angry at James, when he was simply asking her not to say mean things to me.

I honestly don't know how I can hang out with her was hard before, then we resolved things and thing were ok..but now its right back to where it was.

The worst part is, I am really upset but so is this is like my only outlet! Ugh!