Thank you Mary!
I hate to keep posting the same "topics" but once again, another RO member is at ends with people! Usually I am really really good at ignoring people, but this girl boils my blood!
She is my boyfriends best friend of 7 years...I have to deal with her. She is really, really full of herself. She is a freshman in college (I am technically only a junior, but with senior credits) and is studying Biology so she can go to med school..but all she does is complain how hard calculus and chemistry is (Uh, sweetheart your in Chem only gets harder so buck up). Well, I don't know if you all know, but I was a Biotechnology major for 3 years (I went to college during high school) and I am a certifeid lab technition. I won 3rd in state for my biotech senior project (It is out of high school students as well as college undergrads) Well, she makes comments like "Biotechs are Doctors B****" and other stuff that is just really offensive.
And it is utterly retarted becaue a couple of nights ago, she made the comment 'Well 99.9% of the human genome is figured out" That is completley wrong. Any BIO 100 would know that. If it was known, we could cure cancer (Fix the DNA in the cancerous cells) there would be no argument that being "gay" is a genetic 'disorder' and what not. So this goes to show you how stupid she really is. Yes, we know there is 23 chormosomes, and 4 endings, but we don't know the actual sequence in each human being.
She also crosses the line with my boyfriend (Will sit on his lap, ect ect) but because they have been best friends for so long, I put up with it.
Well, on Facebook I have been getting a LOT of mean rabbit comments..and I mean alot. From about 5-6 different people. Finally, I had enough when I posted new photos and people mad the common "Looks cute enough to eat.." ect ect.
Well I posted a status saying that if one more person made a rabbit joke, I would delete them as a friend. Immature, probably, but deleting comments was just not working.
Well, sure enough she postes "I don't eat meat...but if I did I would eat your rabbits."
Well, I ignored it.
Then her and my Brother in Law were making jokes to each other (totally fine) and then at the end said.."Now back about eating Myia's rabbits"
I really had enough. So I said respetfully, "Kelsey, I asked you nicley to stop making jokes about my rabbits. Please respect my wishes and stop. I ignored the first one, but this is just enough."
But then, wanting to avoid a fight, I delted the whole thing (all the comments, the status)
Well, she still read it, and she replied on my wall (And those who are on my facebook can go see it)
"Myia it was just a joke, grow up"
Grow up? Excuse me? I was nothing but respectful to her. But how "grown up" do you need to be to keep making jokes when a person asks you to stop?
So I said back,
"It's not a joke when I ask you nicely to stop. Hence why I deleted the whole thing.

You know me...I am all about joking. But it really gets seriously old when it is all I hear about, especially when it is about something I care for."
And I just HAD it with her. James (My boyfriend) is also angry at her and is going to call her and tell her to stop himself.