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He is home! <3

Couple videos:






I can't get over how small he is! Sooo tiny and docile. Chewy groomed him and now is ignoring him. Good sign! I think maybe her maternal skills are kicking in since he is young and smaller?

From a distance, he looks like a magpie.

So, James made me angry, but it probably would be for the best. She had a very very tangled and matted English Angora…she had rescued her but didn’t have the time to groom her daily. Offered her for free, I said yes, but James said no. Maybe it was for the best, as of right now I don’t know if I would want to devote the time into an angora, and she looked to have an eye infection too, but at the same time I am kicking myself in the butt!

She has an amazing bunch of rabbits..she had French lops who were huge and adorable little guys, but my hear was set on her 3 mini a black otter, another harlequin, and a third tri colored. I was in love. Those are the three colors I would be willing to get.

Well, I woke up this morning and my left conch plug was gone. I got to see the large hole in my ear! lol! It was interesting. I had to downsize to a 2g because thats all the jewlrey they had.

Then I went to petsmart and got some toys. I got a wicker ball for the buns along with a carrot toss toy (It is made out of rope with a bell in it)

They had a huge clearance of bird toys, so I also picked up a “Birdie necklace” for 1.75..its a long string with some wood, beads, hanging chains and a bell. It’s a huge hit with chewy and the new lionhead.

Then I also got a pack of 3 plastic toys for 0.75 for the is a round mirror, then a plastic bird that bobs, and then a little ferris wheel. They don’t play with toys much, but I keep buying them, lol.

The chins I only got some birdie shredders. They really didn’t have anything that caught my eye.

It only cost me about $10 (I get a discount..petsmart has yet to cancel my employee discount number)

The hammie got a little teenie wicker ball..its adorable, along with some “Sushi chews” made out of corn husks and some loofah.

So, Kinobe is getting nueterd this Thursday or Friday. My mother in law gave me the money..Its too hard to separate them, and he is going gaga over He will bend the cage and do all sorts of crazy things to get to her. When my mother in law came over and she saw, she was asked how long and I told her the first week of may, and she said my house couldn’t wait that long, lol. It really is a blessing, to get it done two weeks earlier than planned.

It also ensures I will have money for Chewys spay at the end of May.

I really hope this means him and I can bond more.

Well, that’s all for now!

Congrats on the new baby! He's adorable. I'd love to see a baby lionhead in person, I bet they are the cutest! Barnaby was already full grown when I adopted him.

That's great that Kinobe is getting neutered. Good luck with the surgery, I'm sure he'll do fine. :)
What a beautiful little baby!

And so glad to hear things are turning out well with your spay/neuter plans.
Thanks! I have the camera for one more day, so I am probably going to end up taking more photos.

Kinobe's nueter is tuesday..they said it was the only time open. I wish they could have done it today. His behaviour is so silly!

I am pretty nervous..but not as nervous as I will be with Chewy. Surgery is just so scary.

The eggs are doing great...I can't believe I still have like 6 more weeks, lol. All my excitement is gone almost! But I keep having dreams at night about them hatching, lol!
It should be 2 weeks until the other female lays..she looks like she has two eggs also.

Myia09 wrote:
I am dying for a mini rex..I saw one at a store and I sat there and petted it for about an hour. It was a red doe..I was so in love. But I really want a harlequin mini I decided to wait. They are so sweet and soft.

Mini-rex rock! I have a castor and a red.

Here are Sparky and Scooter:


Sparkey and scooter are tooooo cute!

More pics!

Already bonded:

Kinobe has been so naughty latley!

Gladly will tip over his food bowl

Jumping on top of the hay box to steal hay


And even Credit card theft!


And relaxes afterwards:

Hehe... now I see what you mean about him being a bit cheeky! My Cinnamon is like that, she dragged the bag of hay into her cage today after I left it sitting on the top. (Really should know better by now!) No credit card hijinks though, methinks I won't inform her of Kinobe's activities! ;)
Pffft. I often post 2-3 entries at a time before anyone replies. Close to 20 pics of Alabama only garnered two responses! So don't worry about it; I think readership picks up more on the weekend anyways when everyone isn't busy with work/school/etc.

Anyways, I LOVE the little new guy. I will be honest, I'm not a huge fan of the lionheads generally, but that's one heck of a cute baby, holy smokes! And ahh, the credit card theft pic. Win.
I love Kinobe! His colors are beautiful and trouble making bunnies are the best!

Is he getting neutered today? Good luck if he is.
finally got time to follow up your FB pics:) - very cute - even a helicopter ear shot! if kinobe is being neutered today i hope it goes well - although how he will manage without his credit card beats me:D